One thing that I've had trouble adjusting to in this game (coming from a PC FPS background using mouse + keyboard) is that using the left stick to sidestep or strafe results in your taking a circular path rather than a straight one. This makes circle strafing tricky for me, and - since my reflexes have not really adjusted to it - it leaves me moving suboptimally in firefights. Anyway, I've found that if Y is permanently held down then you'll sidestep properly in a straight line - I've put a blob of blu-tack over the Y button and then a rubber band around the gamepad and over the blob to apply a little pressure, and this works perfectly. I'm not sure if this confers any intrinsic advantage/disadvantage, but either way movement is much more natural for me now (just make sure you have the gamepad in the right position whenever you spawn, or the camera will be out of whack).