Rainmaker Overtime Madness?


Sep 10, 2017
Any mad last minute turnarounds just lost a match after dominating for 4:45 and getting down to 1 on the board, somehow they broke through and slammed the rainmaker down for the W1

Serious frustration and the first time I have been on the losing end of an overtime rally that extreme.

Any other mad comebacks out there?

Any Positive opinions of OT out there?


Sep 5, 2017
Sure. My past 5 rainmaker games had 4 comebacks, 3 with me on the winning side. Coming back from a disadvantage feels extremely satisfying and having the other team come back is extremely frustrating, and that's how it's supposed to be.

Also from a mechanism point, it discourages the leading team from trying to run out the timer - if they mess up, overtime's gonna get them. only a knockout is the guaranteed win.

This also teaches the leading team not to get arrogant and start charging at the objective in overtime. Just guard chokepoints and the losing team has no chance.

worst loss to a rainmaker comeback: I went head-on with the enemy rainmaker holder on moray, and instead of charging straight, my 1v1 instincts kicked in. I strafed over the edge and fell into oblivion. And I was the only person between him and the goal...


Full Squid
Jun 12, 2017
Overtime is definitely a blood pumping madness, after all anything can happen. Also for some annoying reason, it seems that the opposing side is suddenly a try hard team as soon as overtime hits. I've had some interesting overtime matches though, where my team got the lead at the last moment and some where I've gotten a knockout. I generally like overtime though, if you're on the losing team, it at least gives you a chance to redeem yourself. Because we all know some teams just don't work, overtime just shows your team was able to begin with honestly. If you have a bad team, then overtime is just a mess, your team gets desperate and there's no teamwork.

So my point is depending on your team, overtime can give your team a fighting chance, or it can all end in a frustrating mess.

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