Re-Organizing the Fresh Season 2024 Kits


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Why, you ask? Because I'm procrastinating!

I will be taking all of the subs and specials being added in the coming season and putting them on the new kits in a way I deem optimal.


First order of business, noting our supplies; the next season is adding the following subs and specials:
Curling Bomb, Suction Bomb x2, Autobomb, Squid Beakon x2, Splash Wall, Point Sensor, Ink Mine, and Angle Shooter.
Splattercolor Screen x2, Zipcaster, Kraken Royale, Triple Splashdown x2, Wave Breaker, Tri-Zooka, Killer Wail 5.1, and Big Bubbler.

Now, onto the kits, by weapon class order:

.52 Gal Deco - Squid Beakon & Triple Splashdown
.52 Gal is a perfect candidate to receive Triple Splashdown due to comboing with the special's outside splash damage. Also because Triple Splashdown isn't on any shooter weapons. The Beakon allows for Splashdown-Beakon Bait Combos™. Both of its returning subs are already on kits with Triple Splashdown, coincidentally.

Foil Flingza Roller - Suction Bomb & Splattercolor Screen
Foil Flingza's kit is the only one remaining unchanged. The sub is good, and the special would have good synergy if it were worthy.

New Squiffer - Suction Bomb & Zipcaster
I've replaced Squiffer's Autobomb with a Suction Bomb to free up the former's use for a different kit. It's practically unchanged.

Custom E-liter 4K (Scope) - Squid Beakon & Tri-Zooka
I've given E-liter Tri-Zooka because it can be used both as a panic button and to hit enemies behind low cover. Would be fun, trust.

Custom Explosher - Ink Mine & Wave Breaker
A kit with a strong focus on locating, trapping, and comboing enemies. The 45 + 55 damage combo is a true chef's kiss.

Dread Wringer D - Autobomb & Killer Wail 5.1
The Dread Wringer kit we truly deserved, Autobomb as a multi-purpose tool and Wail for damage combos, it just makes me sad...

Nautilus 79 - Angle Shooter & Big Bubbler
Not every kit is going to be great when you're using Nintendo's ingredients. Angle Shooter has damage combos, and Bubble works.

Glooga Dualies Deco - Point Sensor & Kraken Royale
Yes, it traded specials with E-liter. Yes, that is the only change to both kits. Kraken would be a good aggressive tool and reference the highly effective Baller it had in Splatoon 2. The sub can't be improved upon with the current selection.

Douser Dualies FF - Curling Bomb & Splattercolor Screen
Okay, hear me out, this weapon is known to be a 5-shot, meaning it most likely does 24 damage per shot. Three 24 damage shots combo with Screen's 30 damage. The Curling Bomb didn't fit on any of the other kits; since it only has one dodge roll, the extra movement tool would probably be useful.

Recycled Brella 24 mk I - Splash Wall & Triple Splashdown
Okay, HEAR ME OUT, Nintendo has described this thing as doing good damage at its maximum range, and if it's a consistent 2-shot then Wall would fit well on it the same way it does on the Gals, and it would make up for its low shield durability. Triple Splashdown would combo with it and be more survivable since the user could launch their shield first. IT WOULD WORK.


And that is the complete list.
Thank you for taking the time to read it.
What exactly does this post accomplish?
It proves that I'm better at designing weapon kits than the Splatoon devs. I think. Feel free to tell me.

I should probably get back to work.

Have a good morning/evening.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
I really like your choices for the kits, they seem to potentially work a lot better than what the devs have made even with the limited subs and specials to work with.
It does feel like dooming a weapon kit by giving it TSD or Angle Shooter but something has to get it of course.
The only thing I'd really want is for Explo to get Big Bubbler instead but that's it.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I have a few tweaks for your consideration:

Dread Wringer D: Angle Shooter/Killer Wail
The Dread Wringer can deal 90 damage in one slosh, which means marker creates a really fast combo that can't be broken by ink resist up. It paints well enough that I think it can get away without having a bomb.

Nautilus 79: Autobomb/Big Bubbler

Autobomb offers the ability to track enemies while you charge and the potential to combo, or even outright kill.

I don't really play either of these weapons that much, so I might be completely misunderstanding their needs, but this still seems a bit better overall. I considered giving both of these weapons screen, but none of the possible swaps really felt right to me. I may come back with a more elaborate special shuffle, but not now.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I have a few tweaks for your consideration:

Dread Wringer D: Angle Shooter/Killer Wail
The Dread Wringer can deal 90 damage in one slosh, which means marker creates a really fast combo that can't be broken by ink resist up. It paints well enough that I think it can get away without having a bomb.

Nautilus 79: Autobomb/Big Bubbler
Autobomb offers the ability to track enemies while you charge and the potential to combo, or even outright kill.

I don't really play either of these weapons that much, so I might be completely misunderstanding their needs, but this still seems a bit better overall. I considered giving both of these weapons screen, but none of the possible swaps really felt right to me. I may come back with a more elaborate special shuffle, but not now.
To be fair, I am biased in Dread's favor. Autobomb is good on nearly anything, and Dart is mid on nearly anything.
Both kits would work fine, however I should note that two sloshers already have Angle Shooter.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 30, 2024
eastern time
Switch Friend Code
I think one of the main problems is that the subs aren't balanced. Like 90% of kits with a bomb are going to be pretty good, and 90% of kits with something like dart are going to wish they had something else. despite the bomb nerf between games, bombs are still way better than most other subs.
I haven't actually gone and looked this up but it feels like 2-3 players out of most teams in a tournament have a lethal bomb despite that only being 2 or 3 subs out of like 11.

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