Remember all the Splatoon theories about inklings being oppressive? What if its the exact opposite?


Inkster Jr.
Jun 13, 2015
In Splatoon, what if the inklings arent a ruling master race and instead a race forced to be sports players and military soldiers. Some say that jellies aren't allowed to play turf war, but the fact is they can't, they don't have the biology to allow it, but on the flip side, why don't we see inklings doing anything other than playing a sport purely for other species entertainment, we never see inklings watching, in fact we never see inklings with any job outside of entertainment and military. Callie and Marrie once tried to work at walleye warehouse as most fans have noted, yet they had terrible conditions and poor pay, and that's not the only time they get clearly underpayed, infact the 2nd time is right now. Callie and Marrie should be the richest inklings aside from maybe the most dedicated sportists, and they have stated clearly that they can not afford to live at flounder heights, and the place isn't even very nice, in fact you have to deal with turf wars almost constantly, and during splatfest you would even have night quiet! So who affords this place? other species such as jellies. So what if inklings are clearly under payed and can't even find a job most of the time outside of entertainment, we only see jellies and the shop owners doing real jobs, probably getting real pay, affording places like flounder. And this may be the reason we never see our inklings parents, they can't afford to buy food and simply starve, and what happens with the orphaned teens, the get kindly handed a splatershot jr. And basic clothing by charities, all they need to start there carrer in sports and military, and even perhaps that is where the parents are, in barracks if they are alive still. Even as inklings the only place we can go is in a very, very tightly enclosed plaza or in closed arenas, never outside those, exept in cases of bands for other species' entertainment. And some may argue that jellies are un educated, yes they are, in the language of inkling, probably educated in everything else, clearly they communicate with eachother, the only reason Jellozo learned it was to sell us gear for the sport. While we are onthe topic of shop owners, the people running these stores BLANTANTLY discriminate against us until we have proven that we have some skill playing the sport. And on to the history of the turf war, and how it further supports this theory. The octarians were closely linked to inklings before, living side by side, perhaps that means, both were treated as badly as we see inklings are now, but octarians rebeled (for clear reason), and the inklings stood by the current society and the higher races instructed the inklings to banish them for such an offence, and put them in the octarians in the conditions they are today. And as for octolings, they are perhaps the children of any inklings that rebeled with the octarians, and went on to interbreed with the octarians, after 100 years we'd see the original generation die out and only see the half inkling half octarian offsprings. And some may point out that sheldon's grandfather served in the war, however that doesn't mean combat, as we see he designed many of Splatoon's most powerful weapons, with the time it would take to design such devices it is very likely he served as a tactician and inventor. And if you want a tad bit more proof, take Captain Cutlefish, literally homless in the sewer after his time of service, and this is probably the fate of many inklings too old to fight, poverty and death because they no longer serve a purpose to the higher species. So i hope this theory sheds a new view on on of Splatoon's first theories, a year later, and as allways, this is a mere theory so i'll look forward to any rebuttals you guys have or further evidence to add to my idea, thanks for reading.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Sans is Ness and Mario's the bad guy and something something communist menace.


Senior Squid
Apr 7, 2016
1. The reason you don't see anyone doing a job outside of the military or the ink battling industry is because of the narrow perspective of the game. You play as an early teenager who's really into ink battling, and presumably you don't give one damn about politics, and what profession you're going into when you graduate from high school.
2. The gear isn't handed out by charities, most likely, Booyah Base is affiliated with whatever higher powers run ink battling, and therefore is the only supplier of clothes with abilities. The starter clothes are just given to every noob so that they can have some kind of advantage when they first start turf wars, and the Splattershot Jr. serves as a good starter weapon for learning the fundamentals.
3. Let's talk taxonomy, bro. Realistically speaking, Octolings can't be the offspring of Octarians and Inklings. Squids and Octopuses are members of the class Cephalopoda and the subclass Coleoidea. From there they start to differ, and become vastly different species and genuses. Sure Ligers and Mules exist, but the two animals required to produce both only differ at the species level of classification, and both cannot produce fertile offspring. From what I've heard the Splatoon Ikasu Artbook said in the small manga section, Octolings engineered the other Octarians in some way, supposedly from cutting off the tentacles of bigger mutant octopuses.


Inkster Jr.
Jun 13, 2015
1. The reason you don't see anyone doing a job outside of the military or the ink battling industry is because of the narrow perspective of the game. You play as an early teenager who's really into ink battling, and presumably you don't give one damn about politics, and what profession you're going into when you graduate from high school.
2. The gear isn't handed out by charities, most likely, Booyah Base is affiliated with whatever higher powers run ink battling, and therefore is the only supplier of clothes with abilities. The starter clothes are just given to every noob so that they can have some kind of advantage when they first start turf wars, and the Splattershot Jr. serves as a good starter weapon for learning the fundamentals.
3. Let's talk taxonomy, bro. Realistically speaking, Octolings can't be the offspring of Octarians and Inklings. Squids and Octopuses are members of the class Cephalopoda and the subclass Coleoidea. From there they start to differ, and become vastly different species and genuses. Sure Ligers and Mules exist, but the two animals required to produce both only differ at the species level of classification, and both cannot produce fertile offspring. From what I've heard the Splatoon Ikasu Artbook said in the small manga section, Octolings engineered the other Octarians in some way, supposedly from cutting off the tentacles of bigger mutant octopuses.
Well squids dont turn into humanoids either, so we can throw biology logic out the window at this point id assume, the world more likely would follow this simple logic path of inkling + octarian = octoling. And just because we dont see the jobs sure its a possibility, but as i said this is a theory, and as a theory unless its proven that there are or arent working inklings, either answer could be true as far as we know, hence a theory. Same goes for the starter gear, its an unknown so as it remains, both views are equally valid at this time.


Senior Squid
Apr 7, 2016
Well squids dont turn into humanoids either, so we can throw biology logic out the window at this point id assume the world more likely would follow this simple logic path of inkling + octarian = octoling
Inklings and Octarians most likely share a common ancestor with the squids and octopuses respectively, and evolved from there, hence why I made the comparison.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Nov 3, 2015
In the Paradox of Spring
So the Inklings are molluskan Uncle Toms who just accept their enslavement to the evil capitalist Jellies?
...suddenly I like @BlackZero's theory a whole lot better.

From what I've heard the Splatoon Ikasu Artbook said in the small manga section, Octolings engineered the other Octarians in some way, supposedly from cutting off the tentacles of bigger mutant octopuses.
Huh, that's the first I've heard of anything like that. That would explain why the Octolings are the only enemies to give up a mini octopus ghost when splatted.

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