Remix vs. Deco: The Decision


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
In my time of playing Splatoon, I've only switched my main twice. Originally I used the Custom Blaster, then I went to the HS Deco and currently I have the Remix. But after reading some analyses by others on the Deco, I'm having second thoughts about my second change.

My personal experience with the Deco was fun like no other. It truly is one for those who like to be on the offense, like me. The rapid fire kept my enemies on their toes and made them keep their distance. Point Sensors snuffed out ink lurkers and allowed either me or my team to destroy them, while the Kraken ensured that the enemy didn't escape death--or just held the tower for a few seconds longer. I'm an "assassin" squid, I like to find ways to get around the map and take out the competition while my team takes care of the objective (but I'll snag the Rainmaker if it's close by). My Deco and I were a force to be reckoned with.

I haven't been using the Remix long, and only decided to try it 'cause an enemy Inkling had it and the Killer Wail was killer annoying. But it's been just as reliable as the Deco, and Sprinklers are excellent for tossing onto the tower pole or onto a wall for an easy distraction in the heat of battle. The Wail paves an aerial path for my team and blasts the ears of anyone unfortunate enough to get caught in it. The Remix is also pretty with its colors, and seems to make a few references to rock music--from the ABXY sticker to the Killer Wail. And I really like music--especially rock!

I want to main one of them, but I can't decide. Which do you think I should choose? Which would you choose?
I would personally say the Deco, since the Kraken is really good for up close situations, and the Point sensor helps with aiming for opponents and just knowing where they are. Have you tried the regular Heavy Splatling as well?


Pro Squid
Sep 16, 2015
Uh, first of all, I'm not a guy. Second of all, I'm aware that they're all pretty much the same weapon. So it really came down to how the subs and specials were utilized with the Splatling. I've already decided to hold onto the Remix as I honestly think I can do well at offensive play with it (and I have).
Woops, sorry. I tend to assume everyone is a guy, my bad.

While I was trying the Remix, the rotation went on Camp SZ. I honestly think the remix is pretty good on this map, but I felt bad trying to contest our zone several times. I'm aware I should go on the right side to take their zone or use my killer wail on our zone, but there were already my three mates there so I kinda had to and wanted to take back our zone. And that's where I felt limited: no bomb, no wall, no kraken or bubble, it doesn't feel great being on the wall (especially against some weapons)... I found it very hard to take it back. I would have prefered the vanilla version for this - simply going wall-type - or the Deco - I would have felt much confident waiting for my kraken while detecting my opponents.

About going agressively with a "non-power" weapon, it's always possible, and to some extent you should be able to if you're confident (and you should be) with your weapon - it's just that the power version will succeed more often or more easily in these situations.

But it seems you have chosen, so have fun as a remix player. It certainly is a nice weapon :)


Inkster Jr.
Oct 20, 2016
The Void
Woops, sorry. I tend to assume everyone is a guy, my bad.

While I was trying the Remix, the rotation went on Camp SZ. I honestly think the remix is pretty good on this map, but I felt bad trying to contest our zone several times. I'm aware I should go on the right side to take their zone or use my killer wail on our zone, but there were already my three mates there so I kinda had to and wanted to take back our zone. And that's where I felt limited: no bomb, no wall, no kraken or bubble, it doesn't feel great being on the wall (especially against some weapons)... I found it very hard to take it back. I would have prefered the vanilla version for this - simply going wall-type - or the Deco - I would have felt much confident waiting for my kraken while detecting my opponents.

About going agressively with a "non-power" weapon, it's always possible, and to some extent you should be able to if you're confident (and you should be) with your weapon - it's just that the power version will succeed more often or more easily in these situations.

But it seems you have chosen, so have fun as a remix player. It certainly is a nice weapon :)
You do make some good points there. Believe me, I understand. I maimed the Deco for quite a while before I switched to the Remix--and not only for it's kit, but also aesthetically it superseded the vanilla and the Deco, but that's just a bonus with no real value. Only matters to be the beholder.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
Woops, sorry. I tend to assume everyone is a guy, my bad.

While I was trying the Remix, the rotation went on Camp SZ. I honestly think the remix is pretty good on this map, but I felt bad trying to contest our zone several times. I'm aware I should go on the right side to take their zone or use my killer wail on our zone, but there were already my three mates there so I kinda had to and wanted to take back our zone. And that's where I felt limited: no bomb, no wall, no kraken or bubble, it doesn't feel great being on the wall (especially against some weapons)... I found it very hard to take it back. I would have prefered the vanilla version for this - simply going wall-type - or the Deco - I would have felt much confident waiting for my kraken while detecting my opponents.
Thing is that the Heavy Splatling Remix is geared towards "general support" while the standard Heavy Splatling is for "defensive support" and the Deco is better at "offensive support". Basically, the Remix is good at both keeping your team alive and keeping the enemy at bay, but doesn't excel at defending a specific area for extended perionds of time or splatting

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