S rank 96 Deco/Tentatek looking for team


Full Squid
Apr 25, 2015
  • Contact details: Skype-Drybones54321 Discord-Shalnark
  • Time zone - est time
  • Operating times - Monday, Wednesday, Saturday night, Sunday (I'm a college student)
  • Region/Language - North East USA
  • Preferred role - I'm best with Tentatek and 96 Deco but I'm gradually improving with E Liter Scope, CDS and CJS. My best mode is TC. I'm interested in using quick superjump/respawn gimmicks in competitive play.
  • Skill bracket - My highest rank was S 62 (I didn't use squads to get to S). I only play solo ranked when I'm trying to stream snipe good players because I hate it otherwise. I have an alt S account.
  • Communication - I don't own a mic but when I play I frequently check my gamepad map and the death/alive indicator so I have a good sense of the game's state. I can listen to calls and do what my teammates tell me.
  • Extra info - I prefer to join a high level team that's at least somewhat active. I used to be on a team called Squidtastic Melody, but they disbanded.
Please message me privately if you have questions or want me to join your team.

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