Happy Holidays, Squids and Squidettes:
We at SCL are proud to announce our eighth Splatoon Community League tournament-
SCL Holiday Special: Grandma got Run Over by a Roller (Bi-weekly #8)
Wednesday December 30th Starting at 1:00 PM EST
We're back to bring you one more installment in our biweekly tournament series: SCL Holiday Special- Grandma got Run Over by a Roller! Put your skills to the test once again in this Single elimination tournament on Sunday, December 30th at 1:00 PM EST!
How to Sign up
Sign up with Challonge Teams Here: Link
Then, just leave a post in this thread telling us that your team has signed up, as well as the discord username of the representative who will be present on the discord channel during the tournament. This is mostly just to be able to doublecheck who's signed up or not in case something goes awry.
If you are unable to sign up through challonge for some reason just tell us here and we'll put you in. Also include your Discord Username in that post. But doing it the above way better ensures I don't make mistakes.
And if for whatever reason the links do not work, let me know. I doubt that will be the case.
Rules for signups.
Team members may only be on one team per tournament. Teams found to be running the same player will be approached and questioned. If the problem persists, then disciplinary action will be taken, possibly resulting in disqualification and/or in bans from future competitions. This will usually not be resorted to unless teams are found to be non-compliant.
every team may only have up to 8 team members, and must have at least 4 team members, including the team captain. Squads with more than 8 players must split these players into different teams. EX: Splatoon community league has 16 people, so we would make two teams: SCL1 and SCL2, for example. These teams would be ranked separately.
every team may only have up to 8 team members, and must have at least 4 team members, including the team captain. Squads with more than 8 players must split these players into different teams. EX: Splatoon community league has 16 people, so we would make two teams: SCL1 and SCL2, for example. These teams would be ranked separately.
How the Tournament will be Run
On Wednesday the 30th at 1 PM EST, teams are expected to be prepared to play. Discord representatives will need to be online in the Discord chat. where the TOs will be communicating with them. You can find a link to the Discord server at the bottom of this post.
Teams will be asked to play against each other as laid out in the Challonge bracket which will be provided slightly ahead of time. This tournament is not taking place over an extended period of time. As such, teams are expected to remain active until they are knocked out of the tournament. If a team is not responsive when their match is set to be played, they will be disqualified from the tournament.
if your opponent is unresponsive, then do not delay and let the TO's know about the situation. Do not leave the tournament for extended periods of time unless necessary or unless you have a long break, and please let us know if you have to leave.
Games are played as a best of 5 set, until the top 4, which will be played as best of 7 sets.
We will be using Halo-Style Map Rotations in this tournament. In short, maps and modes are predetermined ahead of time. For more information on Halo Map Rotations rules, check out this thread. The list of maps to be used in this tournament can be found below.
You may also sub up to 2 players from your roster in between games, every time. You may of course sub in less than that or no one at all.
We do have a Bronze Match for this tournament.
Gametypes For This Tournament:
Round 1
TC Flounder Heights
SZ Mahi-Mahi Resort
RM Urchin Underpass
TC Arowana Mall
SZ Saltspray Rig
Round 2
SZ Hammerhead Bridge
RM Walleye Warehouse
SZ Port Mackerel
TC Moray Towers
TC Bluefin Depot
Round 3
SZ Saltspray Rig
TC Hammerhead Bridge
TC Urchin Underpass
RM Museum D'Alfonsino
SZ Blackbelly Skatepark
Round 4
RM Moray Towers
SZ Kelp Dome
TC Blackbelly Skatepark
TC Urchin Underpass
SZ Mahi-Mahi Resort
TC Arowana Mall
SZ Port Mackerel
Round 5
SZ Kelp Dome
SZ Mahi-Mahi Resort
TC Walleye Warehouse
SZ Camp Triggerfish
TC Bluefin Depot
RM Flounder Heights
TC Saltspray Rig
TC Flounder Heights
SZ Mahi-Mahi Resort
RM Urchin Underpass
TC Arowana Mall
SZ Saltspray Rig
Round 2
SZ Hammerhead Bridge
RM Walleye Warehouse
SZ Port Mackerel
TC Moray Towers
TC Bluefin Depot
Round 3
SZ Saltspray Rig
TC Hammerhead Bridge
TC Urchin Underpass
RM Museum D'Alfonsino
SZ Blackbelly Skatepark
Round 4
RM Moray Towers
SZ Kelp Dome
TC Blackbelly Skatepark
TC Urchin Underpass
SZ Mahi-Mahi Resort
TC Arowana Mall
SZ Port Mackerel
Round 5
SZ Kelp Dome
SZ Mahi-Mahi Resort
TC Walleye Warehouse
SZ Camp Triggerfish
TC Bluefin Depot
RM Flounder Heights
TC Saltspray Rig
Disconnect Rules
>If a team has at least one person drop in the course of the match, then that team may stop playing immediately and call for a replay. The same setup and player list must be used for the replay, except in the case where a person cannot reconnect for whatever reason, then that person may be swapped out. Matches can only be replayed in this manner once by each team, so any D/Cs in matches after that one must be played out. If the match ends very quickly afterwards so that it is very clear it wouldn't have made a difference in the results, then this rule cannot be invoked. If a team continues to play after a D/C it will be presumed they did not intend to call for a replay.
Also, if a large amount of people randomly D/C from both teams, both teams must stop playing and a replay will be played. This replay does not count as either team's replay.
We don't expect too many D/Cs in the tournament, and will be watching for teams that alledgedly D/C an overly large amount. If possible also get what proof you can in case a dispute is had
Also, if a large amount of people randomly D/C from both teams, both teams must stop playing and a replay will be played. This replay does not count as either team's replay.
We don't expect too many D/Cs in the tournament, and will be watching for teams that alledgedly D/C an overly large amount. If possible also get what proof you can in case a dispute is had
Reporting Problems
Players will be expected to provide evidence of any bad sportsmanship, rule breaking, or otherwise, preferably through screenshots taken with a phone or from a livestream or something. Depending on the infraction, punishments will be given out as needed.
If you are caught lying or faking evidence, you will be disqualified, your team will be disbanded, and the team captain will be banned indefinitely from SCL and all our future tournaments, unless another player is proven to be the one behind it, in which case he/she will be banned instead. Everyone else on the team will receive a warning for a certain period of time. Methods will be used to check accounts we expect to be alts of banned players. Bans will extent to NNIDs and IGNs as well, and a banlist will be made as soon as the first person is banned. Infraction history will also be kept, and worse sentences may be given out in the future if the player has been found to be a repeat offender.
List of TOs for this tournament:
Go to Me or Fightersword first. We tend to be the most available.
If you are caught lying or faking evidence, you will be disqualified, your team will be disbanded, and the team captain will be banned indefinitely from SCL and all our future tournaments, unless another player is proven to be the one behind it, in which case he/she will be banned instead. Everyone else on the team will receive a warning for a certain period of time. Methods will be used to check accounts we expect to be alts of banned players. Bans will extent to NNIDs and IGNs as well, and a banlist will be made as soon as the first person is banned. Infraction history will also be kept, and worse sentences may be given out in the future if the player has been found to be a repeat offender.
List of TOs for this tournament:
Go to Me or Fightersword first. We tend to be the most available.
Important Links:
Discord Server
Discord Server
Remember that this is a bi-weekly tournament series, so expect our next tournament to be about two weeks after this one, and keep an eye out for that sign-up thread.
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