Should I get Overwatch?

Neon the squid

Inkster Jr.
Sep 3, 2016
So I've been thinking of getting the game Overwatch since a lot of people have been reccomending this game to me. Is it any good? Also I'm wondering if it will run well on a HP X360 Pavillion. I don't really care too much about graphics I just don't want to spend money and then find out it lags every second or constantly crashes,


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
You can safely ignore Chaos, half the time when he posts these days it's needlessly salty. I looked up your computer on google, and it would only barely meet the recommended system requirements if you had picked the high-end hardware options in each category. It would probably run, though I wouldn't know how reliably.


Apr 13, 2017
Have you ever been able to play a demo? Or does anyone you know have it that could let you try it out?
It honestly wasn't really my thing, and I tried my brothers copy out for a while.
It could be because I wasn't using a character well suited to my playstyle, it could be that I just don't really like many other online type shooters other than splatoon, it could be that I just wasn't that great at it. x3

If you like those types of games though, I don't see why not. :) If you had some way of trying it first, then you could be sure before buying it.

Also the person above let you know about your computer specs so I don't need to comment on that part lol.


Jun 17, 2017
Overwatch does free weekends every once in a while, kind of like the post-release test fires for Splatoon. There isn't a demo, as far as I'm aware.

Overwatch is a great game if you're a team player. Basically, if you're willing to fill necessary roles (tanks and healers especially) and swap during a match to counter pick the enemy team, you'll do well. The community has become increasingly toxic over the past year towards those who main off meta heroes and won't swap off if they are not countering anything.

There are a lot of similarities to Splatoon, but it is a very different game in that way. With Splatoon, I could main a weapon simply because the system doesn't allow swapping off of it mid-game. You're forced to work with what you have, so everyone makes the best of a poor team comp. With Overwatch, if you do not swap, people become toxic and throw the game and you might lose anyway because multiple people will swap to hard counter your main.


Pro Squid
Jun 18, 2017
Normally, I would say yes. Overwatch has been about the only game I have played in the last year aside from Zelda and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, as I felt nothing else was really worth my time. I am a big time Nintendo fan personally with some PC play, and with Splatoon 2, Zelda DLC, Axiom Verge, Bloodstained, Kirby, Yoshi, Mario Odyssey, Anthem, Metroid, and pokemon for switch, etc all coming out within the next year, OW is going to gather a LOT of dust for me personally.

If you are on here, I assume you are a Nintendo player and have a switch I feel my situation may be identical to yours =P You are gonna be pretty busy over the next year, even if you do not care for some of the aforementioned titles.


Inkster Jr.
May 28, 2015
If you enjoy playing Splatoon, I would recommend it. Playing with friends is also a nice motivation boost to play. The only downfall is, if you're not easily motivated for collecting skins/collectible items/etc, then you might not play it for long.

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