Should I save scum?

Should I save scum?

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Full Squid
Sep 14, 2016
It seems like everyone I get splatted by has perfect abilities. Should I save scum and be one with the fresh, or should I get gud without save scumming?


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
That depends. Do you value your time? If so, just go ahead and save scum, save yourself many hours of dull grinding.

Captain Woomy

Woomy Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2016
I don't think you should. While I do have perfect abilities on the main gear I wear, I got the abilities using cash and sea snails without save scumming. Not only is it a lot more rewarding getting your abilities the legit way, but some people do look down on the whole save scumming process. (With both Splathax and save scumming you can't really tell which rolls are legit anymore, but knowing at least your rolls are were obtained without cheating can be a nice feeling.) You don't need abilities or triple rolls to be good at Splatoon and I have no idea why one would care about abilities enough to feel the need to save scum for them. I feel like you'd be better off doing what you've been doing instead of turning to save scumming, but this is all just my opinion.

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
I'd use splat-hax if I really wanted premium gear. Assuming it still works in the current verrsion(I don't follow news on it xP)

Save scum is definitely faster than regular earning the cash by winning matches and then blowing it all in Vegas Spyke's alley. However, you're still grinding, just without playing more matches.

My prefeerence? I've only watched someone save scum, but man does it look boring to me.

PS: Not voting, as I'm pretty dang impartial.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I don't think you should. While I do have perfect abilities on the main gear I wear, I got the abilities using cash and sea snails without save scumming. Not only is it a lot more rewarding getting your abilities the legit way, but some people do look down on the whole save scumming process. (With both Splathax and save scumming you can't really tell which rolls are legit anymore, but knowing at least your rolls are were obtained without cheating can be a nice feeling.) You don't need abilities or triple rolls to be good at Splatoon and I have no idea why one would care about abilities enough to feel the need to save scum for them. I feel like you'd be better off doing what you've been doing instead of turning to save scumming, but this is all just my opinion.
To provide a counterargument... if your opponents are using these tricks to their benefit, not having quality gear of your own IS a disadvantage, especially in a game where every second matters. Also, how is it rewarding getting abilities? It is gambling in it's purest form, total RNG. There is no element of player input involved, just luck.

Captain Woomy

Woomy Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2016
To provide a counterargument... if your opponents are using these tricks to their benefit, not having quality gear of your own IS a disadvantage, especially in a game where every second matters. Also, how is it rewarding getting abilities? It is gambling in it's purest form, total RNG. There is no element of player input involved, just luck.
Sorry, but I've never had a problem going up against someone using Splathax with all their slots filled with the same ability or save scummers. There's little to no disadvantage when going up against someone like that. I reread your comment and it sort of sounds like you're saying one should save scum or use Splathax because everyone else is apparently doing it. That's all the more reason to not do it. And this what I'm talking about when I say getting legit rolls is a more rewarding feeling than cheating could ever be. It's not so much so roll itself, but the fact that you chose to get that roll from the one and only way you're supposed to get it in the game rather than resort to some form of cheating. While I agree Spyke's system is absolutely horrid, that's still no excuse to hack or save scum in my opinion.


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
I'm under the assumption that save scumming is rather antiquated nowadays. Ever since splathax became popular/the norm.

I've yet to use either myself, despite the constant temptation that tugs at me. *shrug*


Inkling Cadet
Mar 12, 2016
Are there ways to add abilities independent of gear? there are people out there moving around like crazy but I look at their abilities and they dont have any run speed rolls or even ink resistance.....

Also, would damage up translate to sprinklers. I ran by one the other day, go hit with a drop and it killed me. No other enemy ink around. Weird....


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Are there ways to add abilities independent of gear? there are people out there moving around like crazy but I look at their abilities and they dont have any run speed rolls or even ink resistance.....

Also, would damage up translate to sprinklers. I ran by one the other day, go hit with a drop and it killed me. No other enemy ink around. Weird....
Yep, but that's pretty much just outright hacking/cheating. Needs to reported whenever possible. BUT, just because someone is moving around like crazy, that does not mean they are cheating. They could be lagging, picked up a useful technique, or have a bit of skill.

And yes, damage up will effect sprinklers, but only barely. Heck, even damage stacking I severely doubt you can even reach -40hp with a sprinkler. Either way, a sprinkler can splat you on its own or if you're already damaged. You just got unlucky.


...........Oops! I fell asleep!
Jun 25, 2015
Octo Valley
having done both, i would say if you wanna go to the trouble of manipulating your gear in some way, just save yourself all the time and use Splathax.

but do remember that abilities =/= player. there are some incredible players who have imperfect gear (DUDE is a pretty big example), and there's plenty of not-so-good players with full hacked pure gear. it's more of a bonus, and you won't find that you're suddenly kicking tail with all that triple damage up.

that being said, i have found myself expanding my gear loadouts a lot more since hacking gear. i used to just stick with my few genuine triples ( i had quite a few, i was very opposed to splathax/save scumming until about a month ago, if that gives any idea ) and i felt it probably limited me a bit.

in the end, people don't really care that much anymore. used to be a big debate but now it's like "eh", since a lot of top players use Splathax and Splatfests ended so no sea snails. (i also wager everyone got tired of Spyke, haha) it's personal preference in the end, though. if you find you don't like having hacked gear, you can always go and reroll all your gear to something random and "genuine" (splathax lets you set your amount of gold, as well, so you can do that)


Full Squid
Sep 14, 2016
Maybe I'll try splathax to see if I like it, is splathax safe? Will it corrupt my data?


Inkling Cadet
Mar 12, 2016
Yep, but that's pretty much just outright hacking/cheating. Needs to reported whenever possible. BUT, just because someone is moving around like crazy, that does not mean they are cheating. They could be lagging, picked up a useful technique, or have a bit of skill.

And yes, damage up will effect sprinklers, but only barely. Heck, even damage stacking I severely doubt you can even reach -40hp with a sprinkler. Either way, a sprinkler can splat you on its own or if you're already damaged. You just got unlucky.
Ive actually looked at video of the speed hax people do offline and its not nearly that ridiculous.

Speaking of which those are some fun vids to watch. There was one recently of a roller using a flying hack to hang out in the air off the salt spray his opposing team spawn point...and was able to infict damage thru the spawn shield. Neat stuff and all but u probably get to buy a new wiiu after that if you want to continue to play Splatoon online

Now if someone were able to spoof a machine to nintendo network one may be able do so consequence free but i think youd need to be very very good at what u do and probably have to be able to possibly mess with the hardware as well. After some research i think our ub3r 1337 h4xx0r was probably a kid between 12-15. Its not like hes someone working on a grad degree in computer science or anything...
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...........Oops! I fell asleep!
Jun 25, 2015
Octo Valley
It's only unsafe if you screw up. Be cautious, follow the instructions, and you'll be fine.
it's recommended you backup your save first, so if something goes wrong you can reverse it. but it's very safe. the biggest risk is to make sure you NEVER play online with the hack enabled (you must reboot your Wii U when you're done), i assume because this way you can be found out and subsequently banned.

there are always risks when it comes to modifying game data, but as far as hacks go, Splathax is pretty safe. don't think i've actually heard of anything going wrong with it before.


Feb 2, 2016
I don't see the harm in savescumming. Like you said, pretty much everyone has perfect abilities at this point in time already. You do you, and don't worry about justification from others! I'm sure some people have a problem with savescumming/hacking perfect gear, but it also takes (at the LEAST) moderate skill to do anything with the abilities.

I don't see it as a problem, and if you really want to, you should do it. Hell, hacking is even okay in my book. Should anyone tell you any different, you spent your money on your game, so it's your right to use it however you want. (Just make sure if you're going to hack/savescum you're following a guide and you know what you're doing!!!)


...........Oops! I fell asleep!
Jun 25, 2015
Octo Valley
I don't see it as a problem, and if you really want to, you should do it. Hell, hacking is even okay in my book. Should anyone tell you any different, you spent your money on your game, so it's your right to use it however you want. (Just make sure if you're going to hack/savescum you're following a guide and you know what you're doing!!!)
only kind of hacking that should be considered wrong is hacking that affects other players. there's been several cases of hackers who could brick your Wii Us just by playing with them, that kinda thing isn't okay. i'm personally okay with all offline hacks, but online hacks are where i draw the line. not only can it be directly dangerous, but you could give younger players the idea of hacking, who may lack the comprehension skills and common sense to avoid damaging their save/console if they tried to follow suite.

also remember that hacking is AT YOUR OWN RISK, if you hack/edit and corrupt something or get banned, that's unfortunately on you. exercise caution and be responsible.

don't think you meant online hacks, but i just thought i should add, haha.


Feb 2, 2016
only kind of hacking that should be considered wrong is hacking that affects other players. there's been several cases of hackers who could brick your Wii Us just by playing with them, that kinda thing isn't okay. i'm personally okay with all offline hacks, but online hacks are where i draw the line. not only can it be directly dangerous, but you could give younger players the idea of hacking, who may lack the comprehension skills and common sense to avoid damaging their save/console if they tried to follow suite.

also remember that hacking is AT YOUR OWN RISK, if you hack/edit and corrupt something or get banned, that's unfortunately on you. exercise caution and be responsible.

don't think you meant online hacks, but i just thought i should add, haha.
Yeah, I should have clarified, i meant Splathax for gear XD

Hacking that hinders other players' gameplay and experiences, such as modded weapons and/or modded ink coverage/abilities (Run Speed threshold broken, making you look like Sonic) aren't good, and I look down upon them.


Sep 26, 2016
I say just use SplatHax if you want to get specific abilities. I get why people choose not to do it. But I don't have an issue with using it to simply avoid the grind of the RNG to get abilities that you can legitimately get with enough time/luck through normal game play.

Part of the fun of the game to me is to try different strategies with the weapons, which typically requires specific abilities in certain amounts. Tinkering with those amounts is a fun experiment and pretty much impossible through normal gameplay. With SpatHax, you can try out an idea. Then you can make little tweaks to dial things in. Think of the time/money it would take to try a single build, let alone iterations of that build through normal methods.

It's not like you can't usually get close to what you want though normal game play. The difference between your ideal build and your close enough build won't be miles apart. But you'll constantly be 2-3 subs away, which is close to a full main. That makes a noticeable difference in how the kit operates. That won't turn you from mediocre to amazing. But it may be a 1-2 splat difference in a 5 minute match. It's an extra shot or two after your bomb/wall. It's more frequent bombs/walls. It's a getting a kraken a bit sooner than normal. It's more effective strafing, allowing you to survive a 1-on-1 that you may normally have traded on. It may never make a difference in a match, or it could allow you to turn the tides at that crucial point in a match.

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