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Has anyone played both the heavy splatling and the heavy in tf2? I'm kinda interested in seeing if they play similar or really different since they look like such similar weapons. (I haven't played tf2 otherwise I'd probably already know :P)
Aside of the hit-scan bullets, the increased health of the user, and the lack of sub and special weapons (no, the sandvich doesn't count) I think Sasha has some similarities to the Heavy Splatling in the suppressive fire department, but that's about it. The guns and the games play way too differently to even compare them properly (I mean, in TF2 you're always watching your back for that bloody spy while in Splatoon you're always watching your front for any special weapons or death lasers )
As a splatling main and former TF2-player, I can confirm that there are some similarities in regard of playstyle. As a heavy it takes very long to make your gun ready to fire and you are extremely slow. In both games you must turn on your minigun in advance or you get immediately shot down. And snipers are in both games the counter to heavy.
To me the heavy's main asset was massive amounts of health, letting me tank hits and break through defenses. But in Splatoon all players/weapons have the same health, with minor variation using defense up. And enemy inks slows you dramatically so you can't charge into enemy defenses.
The Hydra Splatling feels much closer to me because of the bubbler. Not quite the same since you get pinballed around but it's closer. Add defense up and ink resistance to be more TF2 heavy-like