- Joined
- Oct 7, 2015
- Messages
- 13
- FinInfinite

This is a squad for people who have less time than they would like, but are still fairly good at the game; it's a more casual group focused on community interaction, personal growth, and gameplay, rather than winning tournaments (although tournament participation is definitely something we can do!).
The following are required to join:
- Skype
- A way to use Skype while playing (of course)
- At least A- rank
- That's pretty much it
We are especially looking for players who fill the following roles / main these weapons:
- Blasters
- Front-line Weapons (Tentatek, Zink, .52, etc.)
I hope to get as many players as possible, so that there can be many players in each time zone. That way, we can play on organized teams whenever we want.
We are especially looking for players in the following timezones:
- Pacific to Eastern Time ('MURICA)
- Central European Time (DEUTSCHLAND/YEERUP)
- Actually, all of the European times
Feel free to PM me/friend my NNID/message me on Skype (Skype is fastest); I will respond as soon as possible.
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