so what's the deal with repeat challenges


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
i know i'm maybe the #1 splatoon dev defender on here but like. seriously, what are they trying to do with challenges? i cannot think of a way to justify the way they've handled repeated challenges. at this point i'm wondering if they've coded them in a way that prevents them from being able to change the map selection, because i cannot envision how this is the way they consider to be best for making challenge rotations

for those unaware of what i'm talking about: every single time they've brought back a challenge that has appeared before in the game, it has been brought back with the exact same maps AND mode. there has not been a single instance, aside from the Monthly Challenge which is just plain ranked, where a challenge that shows up again has had anything different about it. and it makes me wonder, like. what is their plan for these?? do they ever intend to make a previous challenge show up with a new set of maps, or do they intend to continue making us deal with Um'ami and Hammerhead Zones every single time they put Swim It to Win It in a challenge rotation for the rest of the game's life

it truly baffles me and i would like to hear people's thoughts on why they think challenges are being handled this way, because i truly cannot think of what the plan is here


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
yeah it would have been cool to be able to try out these challenges on other maps and modes. they probably would have done it if it was easy, so the system they have for making the challenges work on certain map modes is probably too complicated for them to put time into doing that instead of working on the rest of the game. it sounds like a strange thing to be complicated, but given that the plans for these have changed a ton (was going to be league, got changed into challenges, league is now anarchy open technically for some reason, and the time slots used to work a lot differently) i wouldn't be surprised if they were a bit rushed and now challenges are only held together by duck tape and prayers. this would make it hard for them to add more and change existing challenges, which could explain why we don't get to try the cool challenges in other map modes.

that is the only situation i can think of that would make them not do it, but it could just be that they don't feel like it and have bigger things to worry about, especially since they already finished those challenges so why work on them more. they might add that eventually, because it only makes more sense to do it now than before because of how often challenges are showing up, it used to be like twice a month or something. and if they don't, it's probably because we are nearing the end of the game, and they will let us mess around with them in private battles anyway.

i just noticed a lot of things in this game that have issues or missed potential feels like they weren't given enough time, doesn't it? i mean remember how the game launched? and the maps, which looked a lot different in the old trailers were confirmed (i think) that they didn't focus a lot on them, probably to be able to finish all the other new stuff in this game (EXCEPT FOR MY ZIP ON SPLASH AAA). also X battles and league battles weren't even a thing. this is why i hope we dont get splat 4 until like mid 2026 at the earliest (if no major content extension for this game)


Inkling Cadet
Jun 2, 2015
Switch Friend Code
A quick glance at Inkipedia will tell you that's not true, though.
There's probably more, but this is more than enough to illustrate the point.
The first rerun of a challenge is always identical to the original run, and I don't think we've seen a rerun of a challenge introduced since the timeslots were bumped up to 6 yet. I can't say for sure, obviously, but if I were to hazard a guess the devs probably want to give as many people as possible the chance to try a challenge before they switch up the maps/mode.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
i know i'm maybe the #1 splatoon dev defender on here but like. seriously, what are they trying to do with challenges? i cannot think of a way to justify the way they've handled repeated challenges. at this point i'm wondering if they've coded them in a way that prevents them from being able to change the map selection, because i cannot envision how this is the way they consider to be best for making challenge rotations

for those unaware of what i'm talking about: every single time they've brought back a challenge that has appeared before in the game, it has been brought back with the exact same maps AND mode. there has not been a single instance, aside from the Monthly Challenge which is just plain ranked, where a challenge that shows up again has had anything different about it. and it makes me wonder, like. what is their plan for these?? do they ever intend to make a previous challenge show up with a new set of maps, or do they intend to continue making us deal with Um'ami and Hammerhead Zones every single time they put Swim It to Win It in a challenge rotation for the rest of the game's life

it truly baffles me and i would like to hear people's thoughts on why they think challenges are being handled this way, because i truly cannot think of what the plan is here
I agree that they're way too hesitant to mix up the challenges and it's already an issue with how it's only around for a bit before the challenge disappears for around a few months but didn't they do Too Many Tri-Zookas in both TC and CB?

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