Splatling Gun Tips and Advice Please


Apr 23, 2015
So I am trying to become Heavy Weapons Squid, I really do enjoy the Splatling Gun with the amount of damage it can output and the range it can get. However I would like to improve my Splatling game but I am not sure where to start on that. For those out there that use the gun as well what are the stats that you think compliment it the best? Right now I am trying to stack as many Ink Saver Mains as possible (seeing as the thing goes through ink like its water) along with damage up.

Since I am using the heavy Splatling my team mainly relies on me to keep pressure on the enemy in Tower Control and Rain Maker (As one fully revved up gun can easily clear off the entire tower, or release the rain maker from the bubble) Since the gun has good range I have learned to know how far away I have to be to take out most short to medium range enemies without putting myself in immediate risk. I also use the Splash Wall to delay enemies as they travel through crucial choke points and I am known for deploying one right in the middle of a choke point and mowing down an enemy team from behind it on maps such as Port Mackerel.
However I am trying to improve my skills here so any tips, tricks and advice would be appreciated!


Sep 20, 2015
Honestly from what I read you sound like a decent HS user I would recommend Ink saver Main and Sub since you will tend to use splash walls alot and ink saver main just for those situations after using a splash wall. I would also recommend run speed to move smoother with the HS since it's mobility isn't the best and maybe swim speed to get away when you're at a disadvantage. This is a tip not just for the HS but in general when playing, learn to be paranoid always stay vigilant in every passageway on the map for incoming flanks. Also if you have the opportunity constantly look at your game pad to see where the enemy is coming from to surprise them and get the kill. Finally I see this alot, Splatling users try to shoot an enemy above them and I do not recommend that since your aim could easily misfire giving your enemy the opportunity to wait for you to end fire and shoot from above or shoot coming down. I would only advice this if you have a splash wall in proper position that you will be at an advantage when you begin to engage and that you have nothing to lose.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
Some things I'd like to point out:
  • The Splatlings' accuracy in general is pretty bad, so at longer ranges it's extremely difficult to splat enemies, especially if they're on the move. However, you can still put a lot of presure on them by raining pain (literally shooting over them) so they reconsider pushing up, and if they do push up then they're already weakened.
  • Since the range depends on the amount of charge stored you can lob ink at enemies near walls with low-charge barrages.
  • A good strategy is to charge up the Splatling behind cover and take a peek around the corner once the charge is full so you're not caught off-guard. You can also begin firing before taking a peek to make sure anything in your way is removed.
  • Always, always be on the lookout for Inkzookas and Chargers. They're the bane of your existence :confused:
Aside of that, I kind of prefer Ink Recovery Up over Ink Saver (main), and that's coming from someone who used to always need at least 1 main and 1 sub Ink Saver (main) at any given time. Without abilities the Heavy Splatling gets 4 1/2 full charge attacks with a full tank, which is plently for most situations (I usually get my Special with only 4 full charges at the start of a match). It also helps when using your Splash Wall without sacrificing another ability slot ;)


Full Squid
Sep 7, 2015
In my opinion, Run Speed Up is the most essential ability on the Splatling. Strafing, staying out of enemies' range, and coming around corners guns blazing are all helped by this. More mobility means you can get the most out of each charge.

After that I think its personal preference, but I like ink savers. Ink Saver Main / Sub gives you more ink to work with after throwing the Splash Wall, but Ink Recovery Up is good in any situation. Special Charge Up can work on the Splating Deco for the Kraken.

As for advice... Keep your cool. I used to panic when enemies got in close, but if you keep moving and do a small charge (not fire one bullet at a time), the Splatling can hold its own at close range.

Always, always be on the lookout for Inkzookas and Chargers. They're the bane of your existence :confused:
THIS. Know your opponents' range. If you outrange everyone on the enemy team, it changes your playstyle a lot. Also be careful around things like the .96 gal and Splattershot Pro, you outrange them but only slightly. So tread carefully. :)

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