Splatoon 2 think tank


Pro Squid
Jun 22, 2016
I'd love to see more multiplayer stage mechanics. I saw someone (whose name unfortunately I can't remember.) in another thread suggest adding one way inkrails to saltspray rig from the spawn areas to the top area. Things like this as well as new stages with their own mechanics would be great.

As other people have said, easier ability rolling.

And of course, new weapons and current weapon types with different subs and specials. A slosher with a sprinkler could cover so much space!

While many people apparently want to play as octolings, I would be most excited to play as a jelly or horseshoe crab!
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Inkling Cadet
Jun 7, 2015
Better shirts would be nice. Most of them don't look very fresh IMO. That is trivial though.
LOL you have a keen eye

it's true, the shirts are probably the least fresh of all the clothes. most of the shirts are sporty logo t-shirts. there are a few cool fashionable items like that white shirt with the casual tie and most of the rockenberg shirts, but most have bleh abilities and overall the shirts are totally lacking which is odd for japan. study up, nintendo!!

it's funny because with the hats and shoes there are so many that are like "MAN i wanna wear these but my current pair is too good" but with the shirts it's like "...ok is there nothing better?"


Jul 4, 2016
LOL you have a keen eye

it's true, the shirts are probably the least fresh of all the clothes. most of the shirts are sporty logo t-shirts. there are a few cool fashionable items like that white shirt with the casual tie and most of the rockenberg shirts, but most have bleh abilities and overall the shirts are totally lacking which is odd for japan. study up, nintendo!!

it's funny because with the hats and shoes there are so many that are like "MAN i wanna wear these but my current pair is too good" but with the shirts it's like "...ok is there nothing better?"
Tbh I think the shoes are the ugly ones. Boots and Hi and Lo tops are the like the only good looking thing. Have you seen the trainers,they're hideous


Inkling Cadet
Jun 7, 2015
Tbh I think the shoes are the ugly ones. Boots and Hi and Lo tops are the like the only good looking thing. Have you seen the trainers,they're hideous
but there are a LOT of great hi tops and lo tops in various brands.
also the boots are pretty cool (particularly rockenbergs but the other ones too)... including the rainboots which i really like even though i can't use anything without ink res up :/

(seriously this game would be so much better if main abilities weren't locked)

Joseph Staleknight

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 9, 2015
East Coast USA
Switch Friend Code
Can we just like have a way to organize our inventory? xD When you own every weapon in the game and every piece of gear in the game, it can actually get hectic in the inventory with absolutely no sort of organization in it. ;~; It would be nice if I could at least alphabetize the inventory. >.>
Yeah. I'd love it if there were options to sort and filter your gear. I could find a certain piece more easily if I had the ability to not only sort by such things as brand and main ability, but also filter by the same so that I don't waste as much time looking for the right getup.


May 26, 2016
I've always thought that splatoon could use a loadout system. It would be awesome to save fear and weapon set-ups so you wouldn't have to sift through a massive pile of stuff to find what you are looking for. You could even make this idea feel more "fresh" by calling them "outfits" instead of loadouts. The hub could use expansion as well. It has tons of personality on the surface, but it is only skin deep.


Sep 4, 2016
I've always wanted a better way to compare the stats of weapons, you should be able to select a weapon and keep its information on the screen to one side while you browse through the others so you can better compare them.


Sep 4, 2016
plus there is no punishment for retreating allowing player to guard the weapon in one spot for half the map and the opposing team to be helpless to stop it.
Personally I feel the size of the shot should be mitigated, that players who hold the rainmaker should have a barrier to prevent them from retreating to a certain point
Personally I've never seen anyone even attempt this, and if they did I don't really see how the opposing team would be helpless to stop it, in fact sitting one place (especially with the rainmaker since you won't quickly be able to defend yourself) would be a good way to get splatted very quickly.
And a lot of issues could arise with barriers, the opposing team could easily back whoever has the rainmaker into one of these barriers, and having barriers around would generally just make maneuvering with the rainmaker way more difficult than it already is.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Personally I've never seen anyone even attempt this, and if they did I don't really see how the opposing team would be helpless to stop it, in fact sitting one place (especially with the rainmaker since you won't quickly be able to defend yourself) would be a good way to get splatted very quickly.
And a lot of issues could arise with barriers, the opposing team could easily back whoever has the rainmaker into one of these barriers, and having barriers around would generally just make maneuvering with the rainmaker way more difficult than it already is.
Watch episode 11 "Yoink" of road to S+ rank on whitehawke's youtube channel many people will do this in the last few seconds of a match while the whole team guards them, some even do this for the last 30 second of a match.
Honestly you do got a point I don't want to hamper rainmaker mobility any more than it is but at least when they stay in the same area for too long or doing I feel there should be some type of punishment or map alteration to make this fair to all who play

Lastly to add on I feel a spectators mode should be added to splatoon private battles like that of super smash bros or mario kart where you either join with other player waiting in the group or bet on player with credits for a chance to win super sea snails


Inkster Jr.
Jul 18, 2016
Besides basic things like adding in some new weapons, maps, and abilities, there are two main ones. First is having more content at launch. How they did it with Splatoon made sense; a new IP had everyone on an even playing field, plus they really had to be sure that servers were going to work and that they had enough players for something like ranked. For Spla2n, though, we can at least get some more right off the bat.

The biggest gameplay aspect that I think could be changed, though, is how vision control works (that is to say Haunt, Point Sensor, and Echolocator). The biggest problem that it has right now is that best counterplay is Cold-Blooded. But, you can't actually use that as a counter to an opponent using Echolator, since, if you're in match with a team that uses Echolocator well and you don't have Cold-Blooded, you can't switch. And, on the other hand, if you do have Cold-Blooded, you risk it being a wasted equipment slot if no opponents have any of the three vision powers. Point Sensor at least has some in-game counterplay of avoiding the actual sensor, but the other two...there's little you can do. Splat the person with Echolocator, I guess, so that they never build special.
I honestly don't know what they could do. The one thought is that Echo could be a power that, once activated, it grants vision to your team as long as you're alive. Thus, it would become a priority to splat the person who activated it. It could also then work like other specials (Echo instantly drains the whole tank, whereas the others deplete it over time, meaning that if you get splatted while active, you at least save some meter.). This does run the risk of strats like activating it just to get a quick look at enemy position, then jumping off a cliff or getting splatted just so that you can save some special.

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
If gear abilities are still a thing in a hoped for sequel, I think they should be pre-determined for splatfests(assuming those stay in it)

IE: Splatfests could be more like the global testfires.

Everyone still has all their gear
Everyone still has all their weapons too
Everyone still has to wear a splatfest tee

your head and shoe abilities are set, no matter what gear you wear for that slot
(you can still dress in a samurai hat and rainbow shoes, but they would temporarily give the stats of a white headband and cream basics respectively)

Random little nit-pick detail idea that just popped into my head after reading through that good ol' days thread, because a few poeple were discussing how the "splatfest ranking" has changed =p


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Okay I had some time to think about this, but I want challenges battles, like a random shuffle mode where all you gear and weapons are randomly chosen as you join the battle, or where the map and first view are swapped
Also I'd love to see more interesting use of the amiibo function I mean we literally got 6 amiibo that each do neatly the exact same thing but are recolor and the squid sisters. Honestly I love to see these other nintendo characters give new gameplay challenges in order to unlock new gear, like mario having you facing a bowser like October boss, or link having use special weapons like a splatoon form of the boomerang and hookshot to complete puzzles for said weapons, gear, and unlock able that can be used in other games as well (like I have to admit I'd love to see link using a splat roller to KO opponents in BoW)
Lastly, I'd love to see some new inking mechanics in either the use ts or the stages like teleporters that change your location depending on which subs you use, or some other mechanic to diversify how you approach a game, cause running the same routes I have to admit feels really redundant, and you don't use any other rote unless you are flanking or being spawn camped, (and removing port mackerel entirely from ranked battles)


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Likely happen that I want to see:
  • multi-player maps that incorporate objects/obstacles like sponges, inkrails, super jump pads, etc.
  • encouragement, better rewards, and better matchmaking for tri-squads
  • better squad matchmaking so a single S player doesn't attract a full S/S+ squad and a collection of Cs & Bs doesn't pull S+ because they were all that was available
Likely won't happen but I still want to see
  • mildly synchronized plaza or hub within the plaza for players to interact with one another


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Actually touching on the point of tri squad @Ansible I really want there to be some kind of either quick respawn/quick super jump boost or -1 point for failure for all forms of disconnect.
It get on my nerves when someone disconnects a couple minutes into a match and I lose 3 points because of it or worse off when I lose 5 to 10 point cause all the players d/c
[I mean the real way to fix it be to improve the server but we know if they won't fix that anytime soon]

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
some kind of quick respawn boost
Actually, I think that is already a thing. It has been a couple months since I tri-squaded, but I remember slightly faster respawn times when going against a 4 man squad. I also remember reading it somewhere official like... I'll link it if I find it.

EDIT: Lel, it's on the official splatoon website, mentioned under patch 2.0.0 when squads were first implemented =p
Ah, I remember the august update like it was a year and one month ago...


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Actually, I think that is already a thing. It has been a couple months since I tri-squaded, but I remember slightly faster respawn times when going against a 4 man squad. I also remember reading it somewhere official like... I'll link it if I find it.

EDIT: Lel, it's on the official splatoon website, mentioned under patch 2.0.0 when squads were first implemented =p
Ah, I remember the august update like it was a year and one month ago...
Yeah sorry for the mixup, I was referring more along the lines the dread solo queue d/c tri squads that occur every single often in this game


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
OK I had wrote this on another thread but it felt like it should be here
I want a trial system, one that requires you to use a certain piece of gear,a certain weapon, or a certain amt of abilities or wins in order to complete. As you get higher up in rank you unlock trial specific gear, and super sea snails (possibly even 20 or more like in splatfest) all of course monitored by Judd.
I mostly want this because trial would hopefully become a counterbalance to the meta cause people to use lesser picked up weapons or silly pieces of gear while playing.
Honestly I watch many players get so salty and annoyed in this game over losing rank or, even worse, they so used to a certain weapon on certain modes that they forget how fun this game is when you just decide to do something random, (I mean for goodness sake Dude vs Putz is a prime example of this)and doing so I feel will add a challenge as well allow for a more casual high level play for both newcomers and pros alike

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