A new Update will hit the servers today so i'd like to go over all of the patch notes given to us by Nintendo.
First up are the weapon changes
main weapon rebalances:
- Sploosh: Increase runspeed while shooting by 11%
- Luna: Jump RNG reduced by 17%, 15 frames faster shot after jumping
- Blaster: 15 frames faster shot after jumping
- Clash Blaster: Inks the ground more, reduces ink consumption by around 20%
- Carbon: Decreased amount of ink consumed by a horizontal or vertical swing by 25%
- Splat Roller: Decreased amount of ink consumed by a horizontal or vertical swing by 10%
- Dynamo: Extended range for dealing maximum damage to an opponent by 14%
- Splat Charger: 4 frames faster charge (Same as Splatoon 1 now)
- E-Liter: 4 frames faster charge time (Same as Splatoon 1 now)
- Goo Tuber: 5 frames faster charge time, 5 frames faster shot release after holding
- Splatling: Movement speed +20% when charging, +3% while shooting
- Splat Dualies: 9% more range, special 170->190
- Enperry: 9% more range, special charge 170 -> 200
Special weapon rebalances:
- Baller: During use, reduced amount of damage received from opponent Shooters (excluding Blasters), Splatlings, and Dualies by 40%.
Next are the multiplayer, salmon run, and Q.o.L. (quality of life) fixes to the game.
Multiplayer fixes:
Spectator mode fixes:
First up are the weapon changes
main weapon rebalances:
- Sploosh: Increase runspeed while shooting by 11%
- Luna: Jump RNG reduced by 17%, 15 frames faster shot after jumping
- Blaster: 15 frames faster shot after jumping
- Clash Blaster: Inks the ground more, reduces ink consumption by around 20%
- Carbon: Decreased amount of ink consumed by a horizontal or vertical swing by 25%
- Splat Roller: Decreased amount of ink consumed by a horizontal or vertical swing by 10%
- Dynamo: Extended range for dealing maximum damage to an opponent by 14%
- Splat Charger: 4 frames faster charge (Same as Splatoon 1 now)
- E-Liter: 4 frames faster charge time (Same as Splatoon 1 now)
- Goo Tuber: 5 frames faster charge time, 5 frames faster shot release after holding
- Splatling: Movement speed +20% when charging, +3% while shooting
- Splat Dualies: 9% more range, special 170->190
- Enperry: 9% more range, special charge 170 -> 200
Special weapon rebalances:
- Baller: During use, reduced amount of damage received from opponent Shooters (excluding Blasters), Splatlings, and Dualies by 40%.
Next are the multiplayer, salmon run, and Q.o.L. (quality of life) fixes to the game.
Multiplayer fixes:
- Fixed an issue where player rank would change slightly despite a message displaying that stated player rank would not change when other players disconnected early on in a match.
- Fixed an issue where, when taking damage continuously over a short time, the number of sound effects indicating damage did not match the number of times the player took damage.
- Stopped a sound effect that indicated damage dealt when hitting invulnerable opponents descending to the ground after activating their Splashdown special.
- Fixed an issue causing players hiding behind a Splat Brella to not appear when being targeted by a Sting Ray special or the Thermal Ink or Haunt abilities.
- Fixed an issue where opponents were not being damaged when run into with Roller or Brush weapons while standing on uninkable sloping surfaces.
- Inking the trees growing in The Reef and Inkblot Art Academy stages will no longer earn points or fill the special gauge.
- Fixed an issue occurring at specific points in Inkblot Art Academy where players returning to the point of activation after using the Inkjet special or landing after executing a Super Jump would occasionally fall through the stage.
- Fixed an issue occurring in Starfish Mainstage where specific areas would not appear to be inked on the turf map after they had been inked during play.
- Fixed an issue occurring in Sturgeon Shipyard where players would occasionally fall through the stage.
- Fixed an issue occurring in Port Mackerel where inking the top of an uninkable container near the center of the map earned a small amount of points and filled the special gauge slightly.
- Changed the movement range of the forklifts in Port Mackerel to fix an issue where players caught between the forklift and a sponge were occoasionally pushed inside the forklift.
- Adjusted the path of the tower in Tower Control mode in Port Mackerel to fix an issue where players caught between the tower’s pillar and a stage object when the tower entered a narrow space appeared to be shaking.
- Adjusted the size of the sponge near the spawn points in Port Mackerel to fix an issue where a slight discrepancy existed between the height of the sponge when fully expanded and the height of the platform on the tower.
- The new stage “Lost Outpost” is now available when playing Salmon Run via local wireless at The Shoal.
- 21 weapons have been added to the selection of those available when playing Salmon Run at The Shoal.
- Flyfish can now be defeated by using a Splashdown special on their launchers.
- Fixed an issue where direct hits on a Stinger Boss Salmonid from either a Blaster or shots fired while using the Ink Jet special did not deal the added damage of their shots exploding, and only destroyed one level of the towering enemy.
- Fixed an issue where Steelhead Boss Salmonids were not exploding with the player team’s ink color after being defeated by a Stingray special.
- Fixed an issue where destroying one of the Mothership Boss Salmonid’s coolers immediately after it appeared would cause an invulnerable cooler to appear on the enemy on the screens of other players.
- Fixed an issue causing players to occasionally clip into stage objects in Marooner’s Bay.
- Fixed an issue where playing “With Friends” repeatedly would allow random players to join the group before selecting “Recruit crew members”.
Spectator mode fixes:
- When spectating from a player’s viewpoint, opposing team player names will no longer display unless ZL is pressed.
- When spectating from a player’s viewpoint in Rainmaker mode, the on-screen warnings “DON’T RETREAT!” and “Rainmaker-Free Zone!” will now be displayed.
- When spectating from a player’s viewpoint, the on-screen ink border that indicates the player is taking damage will now be displayed.
- Fixed an issue where, when a matches ended while spectating from a Bravo team player’s viewpoint the turf map results were mistakenly displayed from Bravo team’s perspective, despite other results being displayed from Alpha team’s perspective.
- Fixed a graphical issue affecting player appearance when standing in the zones in Splat Zones mode.
- Players who were in your last played Splatfest Battle will now appear in Inkopolis Square.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to open the League Battle “Records” section caused the game to crash.
- Fixed an issue where content could not be drawn on the edges of the screen when zoomed in while creating a post for display in Inkopolis Square.
- Fixed an issue where following a multiplayer match, a long animation played appearing to award the player far more experience points than they had actually earned.