Splatoon 3 Story Speculation


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I've thought of a Splatoon 3 story that deviates from the usual "You become an agent, go underground and battle the Octarians". This could be a long one. Also, I'm very well aware that Splatoon 3 won't come in a long time. Without further ado, here's my take on it.

It has been 8 years since Splatoon 2, a new music duo has appeared, they are themed around rock music. The usual news happens in the beginning except that now, green oily substance has mysteriously appeared in various parts of Inkopolis, with the peace between Inklings and Octarians, they now must work together to defeat this new threat. You are enlisted as Agent 5, an Inkling or Octoling who noticed the oily substance on your way to another populated part of Inkopolis. You later find out that the Salmonids started an invasion. Lucky for you, the Octarians of Inkopolis set up various defenses so that Salmonids can't take over certain parts. For now, the hub has various walls up, but they will eventually come down as you clear Inkopolis from Salmonid activity. As you explore Inkopolis, you'll start seeing Salmonid robots who look humanoid. As to put it simply, they are called Salmonlings due to the fact that they were built to have the same abilities as Inklings and Octolings. Salmonlings would be found in multiplayer-based stages where you have a match of Splat Zones to turn off the Salmonlings of that area. You eventually find out who or what was behind this invasion. The remaining A.I. left over from its defeat 8 years ago, it started using the liquid that fell into the water to take control of Salmonids. After the final battle, the A.I. malfunctions and self-destructs, ending its torment on the sea creatures. In post-battle sequence, you learn the reason why the invasion happened, some Grizzco locations were forcefully closed due to moral implications, thus they couldn't send crews to prevent Salmonid overpopulation. The A.I. knew that it couldn't control the Octarians anymore, so it chose the Salmonids with its high population status.
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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Feb 8, 2014
Maybe wait until they announce a Splatoon 3 in a few years before speculating about it.
Jun 23, 2018
[Insert (hopefully new) enemy here] ataccs inkopolis and you, your teammates, agent one and two and DJ M-rina and MC Princess have to save the world from [nsert (hopefully new) enemy here]


Jun 29, 2018
Here is my idea:
The story takes place 3 years after Splatoon 2. When Captain Cuddlefish returned to Octo canyon with Marie and Callie (As told by the hidden chat room conversation in the Octo Expansion), they turned Cuddlefish Cabin into a research center that studies the remaining Octarians. Cap, Callie, and Marie all notice that the Octarians have seemingly left Octo Canyon and "migrated" to another place. It all seems pretty suspicious, so they hire you (Agent 9) to investigate. You find out that they have traveled over the sea to an abandoned continent. You investigate further to find out why they are here. As you progress through the levels, you start seeing the ruins of high tech cities. Very mysterious. After you beat the 4th boss, you discover a mysterious staircase the leads you to a HUGE underground lab (the final world). But it doesn't look the Octarians designed it, it looks like they took over it. I'm not sure if you're picking up on this yet, but all these ruins are remains of human civilization. (The continent I mentioned earlier is Asia). But you are still not sure why the Octarians are here. You eventually find a robot octopus called Robo Octavio (A back-up robot DJ Octavio designed in case he gets captured, which he does). He is staring at what looks like a giant nuclear missile. He turns around and explains what's going on. This is what he says:
"DJ Octavio wanted revenge on the Inklings after they stole the Great Zapfish back from him. He wanted to eliminate the entire Inkling race.
But the Squidbeak Splatoon trapped him in a snow globe before he could do that. Thus, I will eliminate the Inklings for him. The giant device you see behind me is an ultra-powerful nuclear missile created by ancient, extinct creatures called humans. I shall use it to destroy all Inklings."
You defeat him, but the missile begins to launch. (Important note: this missile goes HIGH. Like, almost into space.) Luckily, Callie notifies Marina of this. Marina then hacks into it and detonates it at the edge of space.
Jul 9, 2018
my hole of a room
This does sound very well thought out, because even with Octo Expansion many things were left pretty vague and lots of questions were left unanswered well at least for me anyway. With Splatoon's success well in both games exceeding everyone's expectations for the most part with both installments of the stories AND how new weapons and map are mostly being updated and free to use, the thought of a paid DLC was incredible and blew my predictions for the expansion and the price was well worth it.

Now that I finished my rant I think your idea is AWESOME LIKE SERIOUSLY we get so much content with this ideal of a campaign like its so great there isnt enough hype in me to express if this became THE REAL THING, nukes in space sound incredible! Oh boy and the dialogue would be interesting but probably hilarious too.


Jun 24, 2018
Switch Friend Code
My idea:

It's been 4 years since the events of Splatoon 2.

The regular multiplayer mode is basically the same thing, except more maps, more weapons, more hair styles, and more freshness.
Also, instead of just a single area of Inkopolis, it has apartments, more stores, being able to have an in-game friend system, and maybe a filtered chat system but not like roblox filtered, just no cuss words or anything offensive.

Also, with the apartment system, you can do things such as watch TV, watch other news other than the current stages and when Grizzco is hiring, listen to certain music, chill out, ect. But not to the extent that the game's a social game, though.
Also, maybe there would be phones kinda like in the trailers for Splatoon 2, except you can actually use them, and maybe use coins to get certain upgrades like ordering things off of Splatnet in-game, and maybe you could get an actual phone that looks like the ones from Splatoon, running either a custom OS or maybe Android.

Please feel free to add onto any of my ideas.

The Hero mode, which would be enabled/disabled in the menu, instead of the Octarians, it's the revenge of Tartar, because his professor had a one-time use backup on his ancient [not inserted for copyright purposes]. Did I mention that this has spoilers for the Octo Expansion?

Anyways, Tartar takes over Inkopolis, but instead of just destroying it, he takes it over. Commander Tartar decides to rule all of it. This means that no more Turf Wars, no more Ranked, no more Grizzco, no more music. This will only take place when Hero Mode is enabled. (Other people who have Hero Mode enabled will appear in the little plaza area with their posts, but won't show up in battle.)

Anyways, when you visit your apartment, you get a text from Cap'n Cuttlefish. The conversation goes as follows.

cuttlefish: hey there
cuttlefish: meet me at the bottom floor of the apartment
cuttlefish: ill explain more when we meet up

When you go there, he explains everything that happened, and how you need to stop Tartar. Then, it's basically just a bunch of missions to collect the Zapfish which then "saves certain parts of Inkopolis". After 6 levels, there's a boss, which is one of Tartar's Sanitized generals. After 6 worlds, you have to face Tartar.

Basically, really big arena, really big human statue, like 1/4 the size of NILS, probably 15 minute fight.

And then, the Great Zapfish returned, the Mayor of Inkopolis granting you an award, and credits.

Sorry that this was so long, sometimes I go too far in explaining things.


Senior Squid
Jun 7, 2015
Not Playing Ranked
My ideal Splatoon 3 sequel story would go something like this...

The story mode is broken up between three or four playable characters:
  • Agent 5, whose levels are the standard Octo Valley affair, except this time it's not just platforming in the disembodied floating islands of Octo Valley but also Inkopolis, a desert area, an ice area, a jungle area, and maybe even another Inkling City other than Inkopolis... since the Squid Vs. Octopus Splatfest that took place in Splatoon 2. The story is about the same; Octavio has stolen the Great Zapfish. Agent 5's advice-person-idk (think Cuttlefish from Splatoon 1, and Marie from Splatoon 2) would be Agent 4.
  • Agent 6, whose gameplay is basically the multiplayer but with bots for allies and opponents. Agent 6's story revolves around tensions that have sparked in Inkopolis ever since the Squid Vs. Octopus splatfest of last game.
  • Agent 7, whose gameplay is closer to that of the Octo Expansion, is looking for Agent 8, who has been captured by a returning Commander Tartar. Only now, instead of sporting fake octarian mooks, Commander Tartar has his own unique enemy type.
  • A fourth player character, although this one isn't associated with the New Squidbeak Splatoon at all, who is a mercenary for Grizzco tasked with investigating a potentially world-ending crisis involving the Salmonids. This character's gameplay could be described as a solo-mode for Salmon Run.
When you complete all four stories, you unlock a final story which consists of two levels. The first is an absolute cluster**** of Octarians, Inklings & Octolings, Salmonids, and whatever Commander Tartar has as well as a bunch of other stuff are all just wailing on eachother in a fireworks display of absolute violent (albeit E10+-rated Nintendo-friendly violent) chaos that the player just happens to be caught in the midst of. The other is the final boss, who my best guess would be some kind of Kirby-64-esque eldritch abomination idk.

Of course, none of this would never happen in a thousand years, and even if it did I'm sure that a lot of it would be a lot less fun to play than I'm imagining it play out, but still...

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