Splatoon strategy sharing thread


Inkling Cadet
Apr 24, 2015
just finished the testfire for today, thought I would put what I learned down right away.

1. splatershot jr is SO OP against rollers. they cant even get close! its wide spray keeps them still while you kill them.
2. sniper is better at covering turf than it seems. rapid fire to cover ink or in close quarters, sniper from a perch if you can.
3. be careful not to get penned into your spawn. my team did it to the enemy 3 times in the hour and they couldn't do anything. get out quick!
4. pay attention to where enemies are. my team thought we had the enemy penned, I look at my map and there is a roller just strolling through our base.
5. be aware you can superjump whenever. if you are in an area full of ink, don't swim out, jump to an ally.
6. know that you can superjump to your spawn. when I found the roller in our base, I jumped to it and killed him.
7. in the warehouse area, get moving FAST. either you pen the enemy in or you get penned in.
8. in saltspray rig, divide up. half go up top and get the big area, half go down low and take that area.

that's my report for now. ill update after the next one


Pro Squid
Jun 22, 2012
Gonna copy something I said on another thread:
I think in terms of tactics, we should look at the bigger picture here. More so in terms of map control, which IS the goal in a Turf-War game. I noticed that losing teams often are either too aggressive, or chase defensive (They all flock to the issue in the same way).
I lost a few matches where we took those approaches, but found that an aggressive, yet attentive assault works best, regardless of technical accuracy. Rollers cleaning up enemy areas and playing balanced, with ranged keeping the enemies at bay; those were the shutdown matches. The 70%/30% wins, the matches that end with you knowing you won are gotten by that kind of strategy. That strategy gets you there, and the trick is to stay aware of it"


Apr 23, 2015
So the biggest strategy change I saw from Saltspray Rig to Walleye Warehouse was how the match started.

On Saltspray, with how much changes over the course of the game due to the different pathways players can take, I find it's best to start out making sure they cover as much of the map as possible. The middle areas all tend to end up 50-50 due to the turnover, unless one side just lets the big areas on top and bottom get taken without challenge, so what it mainly comes down to is which side covers the most ground of the turf that isn't constantly fought over. Hitting on top of the boxes and walls that no one ever walks on is also a good thing to keep in mind.

As opposed to Saltspray, I gotta say Walleye forces you to rush in at the very beginning. In the matches I played there I tried both rush down and the slow movement/cover everything strategy to open the game and the results was about a swing of 50-60%. You have to set the line of battle on that stage early. You're going to constantly be putting ink on the ground as you respawn and move out, so it just makes sense to set the line in your opponent's territory and force them to outplay you in the 1-on-1s to have any shot of turning the tide of the game.


Inkling Cadet
Apr 24, 2015
strategy update #2. fresh off the testfire.

1. know your enemy tactics: if you start to notice they are going a particular route at the beginning of a match, set up camp there, kill them, and keep them from taking it again.
2. know your own tactics: its great to get them out of the route, but don't be too consistent. they will start to figure out that your doing that.
3. bombs make great superjump deterrent: this is actually something someone did to me, not the other way around. if you see a jump icon, toss a bomb over there for a welcoming gift.
4. don't let a roller in your base on walleye warehouse: they will destroy everything you love. on that note...
5. get a roller in the enemy base on walleye warehouse: destroy everything they love.
6. assault rifles make bad sniper rifles: this is really a rage tip. in my last fight I was in my perch sniping, and a teammate ran infront of me and tried sniping with a splattershot.
7. cover the enemy turf, not your own: another rage tip. someone on my team, in the same battle, was covering our own turf with a roller. there wasn't even any enemy turf remotely close.


Inkster Jr.
May 8, 2015
At the start of the match if you're using a charger, fire a fully charged shot into a straight line to create easy to use paths for the rest of your team. Not only do you contribute to your ink coverage, but you also provide very quickly constructed paths for the rest of your squidy pals to use.


Full Squid
May 9, 2015
Support your squidmates as much as possible. If you're teamed up with a lone wolf, watch his back. Or play guardian angel for the lesser skilled players. Even if your own game is immaculate, when your squad is getting stomped your team can't possibly win.

And always watch out for stealthy paint squids. You must always visualize that there is a squid in the paint waiting to get the drop on you with a fat roller.


May 9, 2015
I feel like a good strategy will be to keep the weapons unique and not have everyone going Roller or Spattershot JR. I recall that a team of people who were all using Roller ended up losing to our team, who was using a combination of weapons. If you're doing a competitive team, you should also get on Skype or something to communicate to your teammates and strategize based on the situation. And as someone earlier said (might have been OP, not sure) going all offense or all defense is a horrible strategy. Maybe have two people dedicated to laying low and covering turf while another two go and try to get some kills. My personal playstyle is to just run out guns blazing. Try to find a fitting playstyle and have fun playing!


Inkling Cadet
Apr 24, 2015
ok, pretty big update:

1. in walleye warehouse, there are a few good sniping spots, but you need to know your range to use them effectively
2. a sniper should get to the upper area ASAP in saltspray rig. know the fastest route to sniping spots. once the sniper is there, hold off the enemy for someone to claim it.
3. split up a little: its not necessary for everyone to be claiming turf in the same area, because the other team will be covering more ground.
4. if the enemy is focusing really heavily on capturing a particular area, let them capture it: congratulations, they have the upper platform of saltspray rig, while you have the rest of the map.
5. snipers are weak on the ground against rollers, but pretty powerful if they are in a snipers nest, just practice your aim on moving targets.
6. remember to use your sub weapon: it really is quite useful.
7. the roller is really, REALLY powerful in walleye warehouse, but dont have everyone use one. the splattershot jr is just as critical to control enemy rollers.
8. you move slower when firing, so you are a really easy target for the enemy, especially snipers.
9. if an enemy is firing, and your a sniper, its ok to take the time to aim, they cant move very fast without stopping firing.
10. the only ink shot that deals much damage as a sniper is the front-most shot, aim accordingly.

that's my report. I'm currently training in the tutorial, so ill update if I find anything.

and a reminder: assault rifles make REALLY bad sniper rifles. don't use them as one!


Jun 16, 2009
Quick copypasta from a post I made on my Tumblr/FB -- My thoughts on general strategy based on playing demo these two days.

Ok, so Rollers are tanks, but Snipers have the most mobility with their long shot and can rush areas. Splattershot Jr. is better than the Norm Splatter with Barrier and its higher fire rate making it a deadly counter to rollers provided you can kite well (think TF2 Scout vs Heavy). However, the drawback is that it doesn’t cover much terrain. I’m thinking Jr./2 Rollers/Sniper is the best team loadout for Turf War.

Match start - Sniper shoots quick shots to rush mid areas and Roller/Jr. teles in for teamfight and inital map control. The other Roller stays behind to paint base and teleports/walk in later. Jr.s then roam assassinate the enemy rollers (even pocketing one of the team Rollers) and sSniper keeps making quick rushes to empty areas while picking people off.


Inkling Cadet
Apr 24, 2015
pocketing a roller? you cant pick up enemy weapons


Semi-Pro Squid
May 9, 2015
1. If you're on higher ground than a Roller, they're an easy target. If you see an enemy Roller at the bottom platform in Saltspray Rig, rush to the top of the crate in the middle, they'll be helpless against you (if they're alone).
2. If you want to use the blob bombs on someone right under the platform you're on, jump.
3. Backdoor and sniping are the only things you can do on Walleye Warehouse. Splathop/dash to get to the needed position first as you pray a better map is picked next time.
4. Go for the top of platforms, they're the turf that's the least likely to be contested. Same for the area around your spawn point (especially for SR).
5. You know the path leading straight to the bottom platform from the spawn point on SR, Chargers can hit the one on the enemy team's side from their own. At least from what I've seen, I only played Charger like once but I know those guys got their ink on my path to the bottom platform from some spot.
6. Stealth Swim behind an allied Roller, that way when the enemy attacks them you can be all like 'surprise squidsucka' and pop up to save your Roller.
7. Don't underestimate the high ground you get from being on the upper part of the middle of SR, the enemy either has to take the lift or long way around to get to you while you have a nice shot lined up.
8. Make sure to split up, it's not about who wins the fights, it's about who gets the most turf. Don't underestimate the importance of side areas.


Jun 16, 2009
pocketing a roller? you cant pick up enemy weapons
Ah, sorry, TF2 terminology. By "pocket", I'm referring to being nearby and accompanying the Roller.

In TF2, the Medic is usually accompanied by a Soldier to both push objectives and defend the medic. He's known as the Pocket Soldier.


Semi-Pro Squid
May 9, 2015
Ah, sorry, TF2 terminology. By "pocket", I'm referring to being nearby and accompanying the Roller.

In TF2, the Medic is usually accompanied by a Soldier to both push objectives and defend the medic. He's known as the Pocket Soldier.
Sounds like the relationship a Support and ADC have in MOBAs.


Semi-Pro Squid
May 9, 2015
I forgot the most important and hardest to actually take advantage of tip, pay attention to your map. Since you see where both teams' ink is spread, your teammates, and enemies on your ink, looking at the map can mean the difference between ambushed and ambusher.

Indeed! I love the various parallels one could draw in different genres of competitive team games.
Yeah, my time playing Smite and Heroes of the Storm has been surprisingly useful when it comes to this game.

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