Squid Science Extravaganza Two!

Hey there squids and kids! Ever wanted to be Krill Nye but just didn't have the talent? Love science but not sure how to apply it to inking turf? Fortunately Nintendojo can do the science for us! This Youtube channel has been releasing small clips that help demonstrate the difference between abilities gear can hold so players can know the real difference and make the best decisions going into battle. We've featured some here previously but with patch changes and more experiments being done it's time for another Squid Science Extravaganza!

Need to know how much time the Special Duration Up really adds? This clip is just what you need then! Learn a bit more on how long chaos can be unleashed as a Kraken!

Having enough ink in a tight situation is very important, and how fast an inkling can recover that ink is also very important. Learn how fast the Ink Recovery Up ability really does recover ink with this clip.

No squid or kid wants to get splatted, but sometimes it just happens. Every second not spreading ink is time the other team can build up and press an advantage so inklings want to get back into battle quickly. Here's how much time is really added by the Quick Respawn ability!

Now what about patches? There have been several changes to certain abilities since the first time we showed off Squid Science. Fortunately some videos have been made to show these as well! Here is the video on Super Jump and Stealth Jump, the video on Swim Speed Up and Ninja Squid, and the video looking at other nerfs. Be sure to give these a watch and to subscribe to Nintendojo for future Squid Science updates!


I also can't wait for those new vids! These vids actually turned my perspective on the abilitys and helped me a lot and definitely turned the tides of the battle for me, because (unlike some noobs) I actually know what I'm doing. Thanks Nintendojo! :)

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