Kinda Nuts
Sup gamers. I've been working on this post off-and-on for a few months now mostly as something for me to do when I get bored. Normally I'd write one description one day, then forget about this for a week and then get back to it later. Forgive me if I have any amount of inconsistencies or grammatical issues with this. I hope you understand why that might be the case with how long this post is.
Maybe I make another one of these later for subweapons. Maybe even main weapons even if I'd have a lot less to say about those. Who knows?
This is not ordered within tiers, by the way. For example I do not think Big Bubbler is the best weapon in the Good tier.
I don't know if you guys would know this but I had a pretty serious month-long arc with Sorella Brella not too long after it came out. Didn't really realize it at the time but while I had plenty of good games with the main weapon, a vast, vast majority of my results were because of Inkjet. Ballpoint may have been similar but was a long time ago. Bottom line is that me liking this special is not just because of it being on Decav. In all honesty I probably wouldn't have stuck with the Charcoal kit had it not been for Inkjet since I thought Splash Wall would be horrible for it at first.
In a vacuum, there's no other special in the game as vulnerable as Inkjet. Your hurtbox is bigger so most Splatlings and Chargers completely destroy you and it's not even that difficult for a Squeezer or Range Blaster to get within range and shoot you out of the sky. In practice though you have so many options to defend yourself that it can absolutely make up for it. Just hovering over higher or lower terrain in addition to your boost makes you a lot tougher to get a read on even if for you still are quite vulnerable. You will also have to eventually learn the use cases for going into Squid form or, if all else fails, attempt to hit a one-shot on someone who's going to kill you otherwise. Rarely works but always feels amazing when it does.
There's really a lot to learn with this special in general. It's brutal if you don't know what you're doing but can consistently be incredibly powerful if you're doing what you need to. The hovering over different terrain part is one thing, but that much can also make your shots a lot harder to hit. The shot velocity changes a lot here as well since there really aren't a lot of weapons in the game where you need to kite your shots to the degree that you would here. A lot of people's assumption is that you absolutely need to hit one-shots all the time with this special, but really I've found reasonable success sometimes chipping people to death instead with the outer hits. It's a lot more consistent but there are still plenty of points where you'll need to read someone's movement and get that one-shot.
There's also the whole "off angle recall special" thing that only Inkjet and Zipcaster manage. It's been talked about a lot more when this special was relevant but the fact that you have a jump point for teammates with the tradeoff of it inherently being a little bit slower to utilize because of the recall is great. In general I just love that there are a handful of specials that have a legitimate learning curve to them in a game full of ones that are incredibly straightforward. Stuff like this feels so insanely rewarding to me even if I'd still agree with the choice to make such a vast majority of them easy to use. Guess this line of thinking would make sense for a sword player...
It should be a testament to how well they balanced this special when despite Snipewriter and Big Bubbler being prominent, it's still considered one of the stronger specials in the game. This is while most people also considered it pretty healthy after that initial nerf. I'm not sure how most people would feel about a special returning for three games in a row but if that happens at all then I hope this is the first thing on Nintendo's checklist.
Can I just start out by saying that in terms of visuals and stuff, this is by far the most fun special in the game to me? Really it's not even close. There's not much for me to elaborate on just go look at it. This is one of the more uniquely-designed specials in the series to me - literally just pick a spot and as long as you can get an arm there in one or a few shots, you get to go there if you want. The skill expression is literally endless and I think everyone agrees that it's an absolute joy to watch someone proficient with this special.
I like this special for a lot of similar reasons as Inkjet. It's easily the single hardest special in the game with a majority of weapons that it's on with not even Inkjet coming close. When using this special, you constantly need to gauge how far you'll end up from your opponents after a zip and will usually immediately need to respond to wherever you end up being with either a perfectly-aimed shot or a perfectly-aimed zip. Even slight differences in where you land can completely mess with how safe your zip ends up being. Precision to a degree greater than most other weapons in the game, let alone specials is an absolute must to use this weapon successfully, but the freedom you get as a result makes it worthwhile.
Really this ends up being the weapon's biggest strength and one of its few weakness. Octobrush makes using the special a lot easier because of its wide aoe hitbox in addition to its decent range. They really needed to give Zipcaster to one or two more weapons like Tri-Slosher or something. Decent at midrange, solid kill time, wide hitbox to make hitting shots easier while still leaving room open for needing precise aim for its longer hitbox. Most of the current ones either force you to get too close to opponents for it to be safe without some crazy finesse or are particularly difficult to aim with, Slosher arguably being the only big exception otherwise.
Also, a special that forces you use your main weapon to get value? I know plenty of specials have allowed you to use your main weapon but none of them have forced you to use your main weapon like this. No other special feels as different to use from weapon to weapon as this one does and it's entirely because of this. If someone were to particularly click with and enjoy Zipcaster then having direct incentive to try out other weapons to see how it differs is cool even if not entirely unique. Imagine someone going from Stamper to Luna Blaster to see how the aoe effects it or even going to Carbon to force themselves to learn to use it up close.
My one other thing is that I wish diving people were more consistent because the one-shot range on the zip arm itself is pathetic. I've been able to avoid dying to it and get the lunging one-shot with Wiper, what do you think I would do with Decav or even a simple Shooter or something? It's incredibly high-risk to get that close to someone in such a telegraphed way as is so you might as well make it high-reward too. Otherwise, and other than the skill floor issue which I don't even mind on a personal note, this special does everything right while standing apart from the rest of the series in just the right way. Absolutely awesome special.
Crab Tank
If I made this tier list a few months ago I wouldn't be saying this but this is pretty distinctly the weakest link of the three specials in this tier. I was tempted to put it a tier down but I think it's closer to Inkjet in quality than something like Ink Vac for example. Goes without saying that this special is fantastic though. I don't think too many people will disagree on this.
Maybe there's a pattern here but this is another one of the tougher specials in the game although part of that is largely just a matter of learning what to do with it. Something as straightforward as "long-range rapid fire plus an Explosher shot" has a lot of possible application and it's not super easy to grasp what it's best to use it for. Really it boils down to one thing - controlling space. If you hold a Crab Tank's fire over a certain area then nobody's sitting in there unless you pull a Kraken or something. Likewise, sitting in more open, raised spaces ends up being better. You do need a pretty decent understanding of how to hold off choke points with it but honestly it's been too long since I've been at that level to remember how long it took for me to get a feel for that lmao. There's still enough room to the point where different players will take different spots with this special.
There is the one-shot combo though. By firing a shot and an immediate bomb afterwards, you can combo them into one another and get a kill with it. This is probably the toughest part of this special execution-wise. It's not something that happens often and in general getting kills with this special isn't common either since it has the windup to warn opponents. The option is nice though and it helps that you have something to do even if you find yourself having popped Crab Tank in a place where you don't like it. This assumes you won't be using its roll to reposition which I love both for that and for having the very light protection if someone gets close to you. You'll usually need a teammate to come save you but that's how it should be when you choose a bad time to use the special.
Playing against this special feels incredibly fair because of the nerfs it got in addition to how it matches up extremely poorly into a vast majority of specials. Kraken, Trizooka, Wave Breaker, Reefslider, Zipcaster, Tenta Missiles, so on and so forth. The displacement Crab Tank provides is definitely strong, but this game's maps feel just wide enough and the turning is just slow enough to the point where you never feel without a place to be when playing against it. Very strong, but feels manageable when you play against it. This is something that all specials should strive to be.
Crab Tank would be a suitable special for 90% of all weapons in this game and really the game needs more stuff like that. Really the only weapons I could see maybe not liking Crab Tank are ones like Tetras that consistently play in the enemies' faces or ones like E-Liter that already control long distances of space super well. Even then I could see people arguing for one of those weapons having good use for this special for one reason or another. For as difficult as it is to design specials like this, it's been pretty consistently great when it's worked.
Booyah Bomb
I don't think I'm as huge on this special as most people but it is REALLY hard to come up with anything wrong with it. You get armor, get a big bomb, and then throw it. It's so simple and tame in all of its effects yet simultaneously it's consistently been a pretty good special that people are happy to see if their main weapon gets it on one of its kits. Kind of similar to Crab Tank in a way.
A lot of people will claim that how long you can hold it in the air to stall it is a problem, but really, every time I've done this it's felt like I'm wasting time. This is an incredibly fast game and any time you spend holding a Booyah Bomb is time spent not painting or not as directly helping your teammates in their teamfights. Maybe it's just me and maybe it's a skill issue though. I haven't played any Booyah Bomb weapons for especially long but even still it's felt very intuitive. What WOULDN'T be intuitive about it? It's a big bomb.
You can definitely panic button this special if you're just a little bit proactive about it but usually this will end up with you having to waste your special by throwing it the person attacking you in hopes of a trade. That much I think is a perfectly reasonable tradeoff. This much assumes people will even be properly held off by your armor, which not all weapons will be, and this still leaves the room for people to 2v1 you if the opportunity arises. I know I play swords but will mention that this comes from being a Shooter player a while ago as well. It's never felt unfair for me.
Not a lot to say but this special does the stuff it needs to well and struggles where it should. The balancing feels basically perfect here. And again, there aren't even too many weapons that feel that bad with it. If you're telling me Hydra and S-BLAST appreciate it this much even if not to the same level, then you've got a special that's really hard to screw up with when designing kits for it. There are quite a few kits in this game where the synergy feels weak even if I'd argue there are less than others would and having specials like this would mitigate that problem.
Ink Vac
To be completely honest, this one is largely on concept to me and it helps that it's pretty inoffensive in execution beyond balancing. There are a lot of great ideas here and I love how this one intrinsically forces its players to use it.
The thing people always say about Ink Vac is that you can ignore it and the Ink Vac user will get no value out of it. Well, that or the fact that you can choose to fill it and force a trade out of their special, but let's focus on the former for now. In a solo setting, this is very easy to do unless the Ink Vac user chooses to use the special around a teammate, which is where the special is meant to shine the most. This is especially the case in the more chokepoint-heavy maps of Splatoon 3 where controlling one area of the map becomes all the more important and having both an Ink Vac user and a teammate there can be very powerful in theory.
The size of the shot at the end being determined by how you many shots you pull to incentivize riskier play is awesome too, although a bit unfortunately you can just fill the Ink Vac if you're on the opposing side. The patch to buff that shot by making it bigger was seemingly an attempt to remedy this and give you some value even if it's filled but it was figured out afterwards that it still is optimal to shoot it at your feet and hope for a trade. It's very unfortunate.
There's already inherent risk in using this special since in helping a teammate out at a choke point, you're likely alleviating some pressure from the enemies on some other part of the map that's important to hold. The simple story is that most maps in this game aren't quite as one-dimensional as people make them out to be. Even most chokepoints have several key places that both teams are fighting to hold and so committing too many resources to one side can lead to an obvious problem elsewhere for the Ink Vac user's team. Turning something like that into a special where a trade is often the best use case kind of sucks, pun not intended. It's only the icing on the cake that there are exceptionally few other specials that it matches up well into.
There's nothing to say this wouldn't be an annoying special to have as a top tier, but until then I'm going to continue to appreciate how it encourages its newer players to approach team play and how novel of an idea it is on paper. I'd take a special like this that's unique and bad any day over something like Reefslider that's just a directly worse version of other specials. If nothing else, the final shot potentially being that big when it's completely full is pure comedy.
Wave Breaker
I think this special has the potential to be really awesome. It's one of those that in theory any weapon could appreciate since the combo number of 40 is very applicable, there's the whole fast ink tank refill thing and people have been talking abut how much Splash Wall and especially sharking need more counterplay. There are so many weapons in this game that would appreciate multiple of those attributes. If this special could manage all of that while being in a stronger state than it is right now then it easily becomes one of the most healthy and positive specials in the series. The big problem though - how does Nintendo get to that point? How could this special become strong enough?
The idea with Wave Breaker is that it's supposed to be disruptive in a way that pushes players to fight alongside it as the opponents are given the choice to either tank the minimal damage and location or force them into the committal movement option of jumping or even to break the thing and divert their attention away from you. Problem is that there are way too many specials that do way more than this. Why would you try out a special that's supposed to be disruptive like that when you can instead pop Trizooka and blast everyone away or pop Triple Inkstrike and get insane amounts of paint control and displacement? The power level the developers have in mind for this game's specials is too high for something like this to be easy to balance.
Even in the case where it is consistent enough at messing with the enemies to the point where it is a high tier special, I doubt it ends up happening with all three of the intended forms of counterplay staying. Either it becomes a lot more difficult to shred either by its placement being tougher to reach or it getting more HP, it becomes harder to justify jumping for one reason or another, or the effects when you get hit become more punishing and it becomes harder to justify tanking it. Even right now in the special's current state it's already hard to justify tanking the damage because the other two options are so ungodly easy so it's already seeing this problem. There are more weapons in the game that do jump while fighting than those that can't and the jump you need to make is so short that it's basically a complete non-issue for the former, plus shredding Wave Breaker is already quite easy for a lot of weapons but can be done ridiculously fast with a small handful of them.
The developers also have to consider that casual players will be using and going up against this special so making it more difficult to play against for higher-level players in addition to not becoming a nightmare for them is another problem. This is a very thin line to walk and I would say it currently fails on both ends. There was a casual lobby I was in where every single Wave Breaker I threw got two kills at the absolute minimum while more involved players obviously see all of the issues stated above. And as an unrelated side note, I don't know what it is about Wave Breaker but I've found it really easy to get hit by a random wave and take pointless damage over it. Maybe it's because of the sensory overload of this game as is when Wave Breaker lasts so long and has such low-key sound design? It would make sense but is something to think about.
While keeping all of this special's design attributes intact seems like a herculean task, it's definitely possible. The only reason I put this as high on the list as I do is because even if you were to make the counterplay a lot more straightforward than intended, like if jumping were the only viable option, the special would still do so much good for the game for the reasons I've stated at the beginning that I don't think the balancing problems are that bad for it in practice. Even if it was less fun to play against it wouldn't be by that much and it would both remedy a lot of the game's problems and also be a good and enjoyable fit for a lot of weapons. Maybe some people would argue for this one going a tier up but I think its core problems are huge.
Big Bubbler
Actually, this post is so long that it'll need to be split into two parts. I'll continue with the rest in the post below this one. I might actually need a third or even a fourth post to completely finish this out funnily enough.
Maybe I make another one of these later for subweapons. Maybe even main weapons even if I'd have a lot less to say about those. Who knows?
This is not ordered within tiers, by the way. For example I do not think Big Bubbler is the best weapon in the Good tier.
I don't know if you guys would know this but I had a pretty serious month-long arc with Sorella Brella not too long after it came out. Didn't really realize it at the time but while I had plenty of good games with the main weapon, a vast, vast majority of my results were because of Inkjet. Ballpoint may have been similar but was a long time ago. Bottom line is that me liking this special is not just because of it being on Decav. In all honesty I probably wouldn't have stuck with the Charcoal kit had it not been for Inkjet since I thought Splash Wall would be horrible for it at first.
In a vacuum, there's no other special in the game as vulnerable as Inkjet. Your hurtbox is bigger so most Splatlings and Chargers completely destroy you and it's not even that difficult for a Squeezer or Range Blaster to get within range and shoot you out of the sky. In practice though you have so many options to defend yourself that it can absolutely make up for it. Just hovering over higher or lower terrain in addition to your boost makes you a lot tougher to get a read on even if for you still are quite vulnerable. You will also have to eventually learn the use cases for going into Squid form or, if all else fails, attempt to hit a one-shot on someone who's going to kill you otherwise. Rarely works but always feels amazing when it does.
There's really a lot to learn with this special in general. It's brutal if you don't know what you're doing but can consistently be incredibly powerful if you're doing what you need to. The hovering over different terrain part is one thing, but that much can also make your shots a lot harder to hit. The shot velocity changes a lot here as well since there really aren't a lot of weapons in the game where you need to kite your shots to the degree that you would here. A lot of people's assumption is that you absolutely need to hit one-shots all the time with this special, but really I've found reasonable success sometimes chipping people to death instead with the outer hits. It's a lot more consistent but there are still plenty of points where you'll need to read someone's movement and get that one-shot.
There's also the whole "off angle recall special" thing that only Inkjet and Zipcaster manage. It's been talked about a lot more when this special was relevant but the fact that you have a jump point for teammates with the tradeoff of it inherently being a little bit slower to utilize because of the recall is great. In general I just love that there are a handful of specials that have a legitimate learning curve to them in a game full of ones that are incredibly straightforward. Stuff like this feels so insanely rewarding to me even if I'd still agree with the choice to make such a vast majority of them easy to use. Guess this line of thinking would make sense for a sword player...
It should be a testament to how well they balanced this special when despite Snipewriter and Big Bubbler being prominent, it's still considered one of the stronger specials in the game. This is while most people also considered it pretty healthy after that initial nerf. I'm not sure how most people would feel about a special returning for three games in a row but if that happens at all then I hope this is the first thing on Nintendo's checklist.
Can I just start out by saying that in terms of visuals and stuff, this is by far the most fun special in the game to me? Really it's not even close. There's not much for me to elaborate on just go look at it. This is one of the more uniquely-designed specials in the series to me - literally just pick a spot and as long as you can get an arm there in one or a few shots, you get to go there if you want. The skill expression is literally endless and I think everyone agrees that it's an absolute joy to watch someone proficient with this special.
I like this special for a lot of similar reasons as Inkjet. It's easily the single hardest special in the game with a majority of weapons that it's on with not even Inkjet coming close. When using this special, you constantly need to gauge how far you'll end up from your opponents after a zip and will usually immediately need to respond to wherever you end up being with either a perfectly-aimed shot or a perfectly-aimed zip. Even slight differences in where you land can completely mess with how safe your zip ends up being. Precision to a degree greater than most other weapons in the game, let alone specials is an absolute must to use this weapon successfully, but the freedom you get as a result makes it worthwhile.
Really this ends up being the weapon's biggest strength and one of its few weakness. Octobrush makes using the special a lot easier because of its wide aoe hitbox in addition to its decent range. They really needed to give Zipcaster to one or two more weapons like Tri-Slosher or something. Decent at midrange, solid kill time, wide hitbox to make hitting shots easier while still leaving room open for needing precise aim for its longer hitbox. Most of the current ones either force you to get too close to opponents for it to be safe without some crazy finesse or are particularly difficult to aim with, Slosher arguably being the only big exception otherwise.
Also, a special that forces you use your main weapon to get value? I know plenty of specials have allowed you to use your main weapon but none of them have forced you to use your main weapon like this. No other special feels as different to use from weapon to weapon as this one does and it's entirely because of this. If someone were to particularly click with and enjoy Zipcaster then having direct incentive to try out other weapons to see how it differs is cool even if not entirely unique. Imagine someone going from Stamper to Luna Blaster to see how the aoe effects it or even going to Carbon to force themselves to learn to use it up close.
My one other thing is that I wish diving people were more consistent because the one-shot range on the zip arm itself is pathetic. I've been able to avoid dying to it and get the lunging one-shot with Wiper, what do you think I would do with Decav or even a simple Shooter or something? It's incredibly high-risk to get that close to someone in such a telegraphed way as is so you might as well make it high-reward too. Otherwise, and other than the skill floor issue which I don't even mind on a personal note, this special does everything right while standing apart from the rest of the series in just the right way. Absolutely awesome special.
Crab Tank
If I made this tier list a few months ago I wouldn't be saying this but this is pretty distinctly the weakest link of the three specials in this tier. I was tempted to put it a tier down but I think it's closer to Inkjet in quality than something like Ink Vac for example. Goes without saying that this special is fantastic though. I don't think too many people will disagree on this.
Maybe there's a pattern here but this is another one of the tougher specials in the game although part of that is largely just a matter of learning what to do with it. Something as straightforward as "long-range rapid fire plus an Explosher shot" has a lot of possible application and it's not super easy to grasp what it's best to use it for. Really it boils down to one thing - controlling space. If you hold a Crab Tank's fire over a certain area then nobody's sitting in there unless you pull a Kraken or something. Likewise, sitting in more open, raised spaces ends up being better. You do need a pretty decent understanding of how to hold off choke points with it but honestly it's been too long since I've been at that level to remember how long it took for me to get a feel for that lmao. There's still enough room to the point where different players will take different spots with this special.
There is the one-shot combo though. By firing a shot and an immediate bomb afterwards, you can combo them into one another and get a kill with it. This is probably the toughest part of this special execution-wise. It's not something that happens often and in general getting kills with this special isn't common either since it has the windup to warn opponents. The option is nice though and it helps that you have something to do even if you find yourself having popped Crab Tank in a place where you don't like it. This assumes you won't be using its roll to reposition which I love both for that and for having the very light protection if someone gets close to you. You'll usually need a teammate to come save you but that's how it should be when you choose a bad time to use the special.
Playing against this special feels incredibly fair because of the nerfs it got in addition to how it matches up extremely poorly into a vast majority of specials. Kraken, Trizooka, Wave Breaker, Reefslider, Zipcaster, Tenta Missiles, so on and so forth. The displacement Crab Tank provides is definitely strong, but this game's maps feel just wide enough and the turning is just slow enough to the point where you never feel without a place to be when playing against it. Very strong, but feels manageable when you play against it. This is something that all specials should strive to be.
Crab Tank would be a suitable special for 90% of all weapons in this game and really the game needs more stuff like that. Really the only weapons I could see maybe not liking Crab Tank are ones like Tetras that consistently play in the enemies' faces or ones like E-Liter that already control long distances of space super well. Even then I could see people arguing for one of those weapons having good use for this special for one reason or another. For as difficult as it is to design specials like this, it's been pretty consistently great when it's worked.
Booyah Bomb
I don't think I'm as huge on this special as most people but it is REALLY hard to come up with anything wrong with it. You get armor, get a big bomb, and then throw it. It's so simple and tame in all of its effects yet simultaneously it's consistently been a pretty good special that people are happy to see if their main weapon gets it on one of its kits. Kind of similar to Crab Tank in a way.
A lot of people will claim that how long you can hold it in the air to stall it is a problem, but really, every time I've done this it's felt like I'm wasting time. This is an incredibly fast game and any time you spend holding a Booyah Bomb is time spent not painting or not as directly helping your teammates in their teamfights. Maybe it's just me and maybe it's a skill issue though. I haven't played any Booyah Bomb weapons for especially long but even still it's felt very intuitive. What WOULDN'T be intuitive about it? It's a big bomb.
You can definitely panic button this special if you're just a little bit proactive about it but usually this will end up with you having to waste your special by throwing it the person attacking you in hopes of a trade. That much I think is a perfectly reasonable tradeoff. This much assumes people will even be properly held off by your armor, which not all weapons will be, and this still leaves the room for people to 2v1 you if the opportunity arises. I know I play swords but will mention that this comes from being a Shooter player a while ago as well. It's never felt unfair for me.
Not a lot to say but this special does the stuff it needs to well and struggles where it should. The balancing feels basically perfect here. And again, there aren't even too many weapons that feel that bad with it. If you're telling me Hydra and S-BLAST appreciate it this much even if not to the same level, then you've got a special that's really hard to screw up with when designing kits for it. There are quite a few kits in this game where the synergy feels weak even if I'd argue there are less than others would and having specials like this would mitigate that problem.
Ink Vac
To be completely honest, this one is largely on concept to me and it helps that it's pretty inoffensive in execution beyond balancing. There are a lot of great ideas here and I love how this one intrinsically forces its players to use it.
The thing people always say about Ink Vac is that you can ignore it and the Ink Vac user will get no value out of it. Well, that or the fact that you can choose to fill it and force a trade out of their special, but let's focus on the former for now. In a solo setting, this is very easy to do unless the Ink Vac user chooses to use the special around a teammate, which is where the special is meant to shine the most. This is especially the case in the more chokepoint-heavy maps of Splatoon 3 where controlling one area of the map becomes all the more important and having both an Ink Vac user and a teammate there can be very powerful in theory.
The size of the shot at the end being determined by how you many shots you pull to incentivize riskier play is awesome too, although a bit unfortunately you can just fill the Ink Vac if you're on the opposing side. The patch to buff that shot by making it bigger was seemingly an attempt to remedy this and give you some value even if it's filled but it was figured out afterwards that it still is optimal to shoot it at your feet and hope for a trade. It's very unfortunate.
There's already inherent risk in using this special since in helping a teammate out at a choke point, you're likely alleviating some pressure from the enemies on some other part of the map that's important to hold. The simple story is that most maps in this game aren't quite as one-dimensional as people make them out to be. Even most chokepoints have several key places that both teams are fighting to hold and so committing too many resources to one side can lead to an obvious problem elsewhere for the Ink Vac user's team. Turning something like that into a special where a trade is often the best use case kind of sucks, pun not intended. It's only the icing on the cake that there are exceptionally few other specials that it matches up well into.
There's nothing to say this wouldn't be an annoying special to have as a top tier, but until then I'm going to continue to appreciate how it encourages its newer players to approach team play and how novel of an idea it is on paper. I'd take a special like this that's unique and bad any day over something like Reefslider that's just a directly worse version of other specials. If nothing else, the final shot potentially being that big when it's completely full is pure comedy.
Wave Breaker
I think this special has the potential to be really awesome. It's one of those that in theory any weapon could appreciate since the combo number of 40 is very applicable, there's the whole fast ink tank refill thing and people have been talking abut how much Splash Wall and especially sharking need more counterplay. There are so many weapons in this game that would appreciate multiple of those attributes. If this special could manage all of that while being in a stronger state than it is right now then it easily becomes one of the most healthy and positive specials in the series. The big problem though - how does Nintendo get to that point? How could this special become strong enough?
The idea with Wave Breaker is that it's supposed to be disruptive in a way that pushes players to fight alongside it as the opponents are given the choice to either tank the minimal damage and location or force them into the committal movement option of jumping or even to break the thing and divert their attention away from you. Problem is that there are way too many specials that do way more than this. Why would you try out a special that's supposed to be disruptive like that when you can instead pop Trizooka and blast everyone away or pop Triple Inkstrike and get insane amounts of paint control and displacement? The power level the developers have in mind for this game's specials is too high for something like this to be easy to balance.
Even in the case where it is consistent enough at messing with the enemies to the point where it is a high tier special, I doubt it ends up happening with all three of the intended forms of counterplay staying. Either it becomes a lot more difficult to shred either by its placement being tougher to reach or it getting more HP, it becomes harder to justify jumping for one reason or another, or the effects when you get hit become more punishing and it becomes harder to justify tanking it. Even right now in the special's current state it's already hard to justify tanking the damage because the other two options are so ungodly easy so it's already seeing this problem. There are more weapons in the game that do jump while fighting than those that can't and the jump you need to make is so short that it's basically a complete non-issue for the former, plus shredding Wave Breaker is already quite easy for a lot of weapons but can be done ridiculously fast with a small handful of them.
The developers also have to consider that casual players will be using and going up against this special so making it more difficult to play against for higher-level players in addition to not becoming a nightmare for them is another problem. This is a very thin line to walk and I would say it currently fails on both ends. There was a casual lobby I was in where every single Wave Breaker I threw got two kills at the absolute minimum while more involved players obviously see all of the issues stated above. And as an unrelated side note, I don't know what it is about Wave Breaker but I've found it really easy to get hit by a random wave and take pointless damage over it. Maybe it's because of the sensory overload of this game as is when Wave Breaker lasts so long and has such low-key sound design? It would make sense but is something to think about.
While keeping all of this special's design attributes intact seems like a herculean task, it's definitely possible. The only reason I put this as high on the list as I do is because even if you were to make the counterplay a lot more straightforward than intended, like if jumping were the only viable option, the special would still do so much good for the game for the reasons I've stated at the beginning that I don't think the balancing problems are that bad for it in practice. Even if it was less fun to play against it wouldn't be by that much and it would both remedy a lot of the game's problems and also be a good and enjoyable fit for a lot of weapons. Maybe some people would argue for this one going a tier up but I think its core problems are huge.
Big Bubbler
Actually, this post is so long that it'll need to be split into two parts. I'll continue with the rest in the post below this one. I might actually need a third or even a fourth post to completely finish this out funnily enough.
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