'Sup, Squids?


Dec 28, 2015
I've been interested in Splatoon for a while, and finally got it for Christmas (feel free to call me a Christmas noob). I've been having a ton of fun with the game and have already completed Story Mode and hit Level 11.

I have a YouTube channel, and I'm considering recording and uploading Splatoon videos soon (especially since I've been inactive for a while). I'll probably update my profile with my channel once I start uploading videos.

I'm also somewhat interested in competitive play. I've started watching a lot of different videos from different teams such as SquidKids and TentacleDifficulties, and I'm beginning to pick up more techniques.

From what I've seen so far, this is a great community, and I can't wait to be a part of it! "Sea" you all around!

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