Team Makeup Meta


Inkster Jr.
Apr 24, 2015
I think the charger will be really useful in splat zones, especially with good use of their sub and special weapons. There is usually a good sniper platform on most maps and from there they can not only eliminate players, but also cover ground by throwing bombs and push for the capture when they use their special (bomb rush, allows you to throw loads of grenades one after the other), then quickly retreat back to the high ground when it's over.


Sushi Chef
Apr 23, 2015
the West
2 standard guns seems rly useful, and the other 2 can be specialists whether sniper or roller.
Should be fun to see more gameplay footage. But yah the roller + standard gun idea was originally thought of by ProJared on one of his videos
There is a thread like this already but I can see teams being composed for the purpose of countering the other team.
Actually not really. You are talking about Venus' thread I believe.
It wasn't really specifically for team meta. I think it's fine, as this topic alone is a big one

edit: And that's what I love, the possibility of changing the team's strat after a game x) in order to counter


Jazzy Inkling
Apr 23, 2015
winter park, Florida
Team composition is an incredibly important aspect of any competitive team game. Look at any MOBA (LoL, DOTA) or shooter (CoD, Halo, TF2), and you'll see that one of the main reasons certain teams are so successful is because their team comp effectively and efficiently channels the strengths of each player.

In my Splat Roller guide (check it out here:, I talk about how Splat Rollers benefit from having a Splattershot-type weapon to back them up. This is because the Roller lacks so much range, limiting its retreat and approach options.

What I anticipate we'll see in high-level play is a mixture of long-range and short range weapons. As @thefro pointed out, Splat Chargers are going to be great assets to teams during Splat Zones, as the long range allows players to protect the Splat Zone from enemies. Splat chargers will also be able to act as supports, laying down ink trails for teammates at the start of each game.

Brush users will more than likely act as scouts for the team. With their incredible speed, and access to the Sprinkler sub weapon, (which spreads ink within a wide radius, effectively building up the Brush user's special meter), Brushes can run in and out of enemy fire, while also laying down an initial trail of ink for teammates to move about within.

Finally, Blaster users will want to take advantage of their explosives rounds to expose enemy whereabouts. Using the Gamepad, players can see where enemy ink is being placed. Blasters will want to patrol narrow hallways and choke points, keeping enemies out and pressuring them back to their bases or teammates.

The key to any good team composition is the ability for the team to keep pressure on the opponents. I'm excited to see how the meta will develop, and how teams will adapt during high-level matches.

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