Senior Squid
^banned and also im going to eate mash potato^Banned because Mashed potato said so!View attachment 7812

^banned and also im going to eate mash potato^Banned because Mashed potato said so!View attachment 7812
^banned beacuse i can think of a reson. also I wanted to eat the dog not the food :/^ banned because you still should have clarified it wasn't really mashed potatoes
^banned for judging me^ BANNED FOR WANTING TO EAT A DOG ⚆_⚆;
^banned because thats a stupide reason >:( big meanie^ banned for being judged
^banned for supporteng the bigh meani grr >:(^ banned because that's how this works
^banned because you didnt enunciate your meaning very well wahahahahahaha^ banned for not understanding what I meant.
(I meant that we ban in this thread)
^banned because I couldn’t pull off that laugh if I tried because my voice is too beatiful^ banned for laughing like waluigi
^banned because i love myslef and you dont whahahahahaha get over your insecurities pesant11!!!^ banned for being too egotistical
^banned for banning me for loving myself in the first place^ banned for assuming I don't.