The best gear setup that excels in speed


Inkster Jr.
May 18, 2016
I don't know why, but i'm lookin for a gear setup that lets me be "the splash"

Basically a fast semi-support setup.

I main mid range and fire rate guns and I wanna have a setup that:
a)helps strafing
b)makes me hard to hit

The problem with A+ and below is that EVERYONE dies right at the start at the match and then the opponents get an early lead. I want to be a fast squid that maintains the middle throughout the match while also keeps moving and at times act as a squid beacon.

I was thinking:

Camo mesh: Main-swim speed up Subs- 3x ink saver sub
Black baseball Ls: Main-swim speed up Subs- 3x run speed up
Red hi-tops: Main-Ink resistance up Subs-3x swim speed up

But something weird happened. I was rolling a jungle for 3 ink saver subs, but I got 3 swim speed ups instead. Should I swap this for the camo mesh or what.


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