The Best Type of Squiffer...?

Chancellor Woomy

Inkster Jr.
Sep 28, 2016
Far Far Away
Lately, I've been really getting into using the Squiffer family- I typically manage to splat a decent amount of foes and ink around 600-800 points worth of turf.

I'm curious to know, though- which Squiffer type do you prefer to use and why, exactly? Which do you think is the worst?

You see, I'd love to bring my Squiffing skills into Ranked battles one day.

Chancellor Woomy

Inkster Jr.
Sep 28, 2016
Far Far Away
May as well talk about my gear set.

As my main abilities, I have one Run-Speed Up and two Quick Respawns.

In the case of sub-abilities, I focus on Ink Saver Main and Special Charge-Up.

(I refuse to use more than one Speed boost.)

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
Thassa tuff-un mang. Ya get the satisfaction of sayin' "get SQUIFFED" erey time ya get a splat, no matta which varient.

If I had to clasify squiffers from best to worst, I'd hazard an educated guess-timation that fresh squiffer is the "best" in terms of versatility and aggressive potential, as it has the throw-able bombs and invulnerable special to add more ink pressure. Worst being classic because I hate bubbler knockback whilst aiming, and new squiffer in the middle because I HATE bubbler knockback when I'm trying to aim.

But the kraken can't do everything; it can't spread to teammates or pick off squids from e-liter's distance away (and some people like me suck with kraken >_>).

I personally play New Squiffer the most (380k ink turfed vs 320k combined for fresh and classic). Inkzooka is a powerful special that rewards good aim and ink mines are just dang good fun (mainly since no one runs bomb sniffer).

Take a squiffer into rankd any dang ol' day! ;p
I'm a flip-flop S/S+ squid and Squiffers are one of my favorite main weapons.
Just keep a steady aim during matches. Even when that dynamo is about to slam you down, you can still take him down with you, or even splaat him and survive.

The dynamo needs a whole wave of ink to kill you, shooters need multiple bullets to splat,
but with a charger, you only need one good shot ;)


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Majority of the squiffers I encounter on either team are Fresh Squiffers. If not, then it's a toss up between Classic and New. But the New Squiffer often pops up more than the Classic.

I'm guessing the Fresh is popular due to its aggressive potential, followed by the New because even though they hardly use their ink mines the kit at least has an inkzooka.

Of the three I've been using the Classic with my squad/mentor-ish alt more heavily recently. I find myself often wearing haunt and spamming point sensors to keep tabs on the other team and be the bane of existence to every sneaky player while the bubbler I pass out during a push, when a teammate is going on the offensive, someone is in trouble, or I've sneaky flanked the other and want someone to superjump to me. Tack on a bit of ink recovery, l quick respawn, or ink saver sub and I can play marco polo for days.


Inkling Cadet
Jun 7, 2015

inkzooka is really useful as the only way you're going to take out defensive snipers who don't allow you to sneak up (since splattershots have that quick charge that rivals yours in speed and e-liters have burst bombs or kraken).
however, it doesn't come around often enough on squiffer and the inkmine sub is pretty much just occasionally splat assistance (it rarely gets a kill on its own).

still, it's useful on long stages that highly benefit chargers as it's the ONLY squiffer that has the capability of range. it's also not bad in rainmaker where the inkmine can block off routes and cause confusion (though i still prefer other squiffs in this mode) and for some reason i have luck with it in SZ (this is probably where i get the most usage out of it).


this is the safest squiffer, and pretty soliid, consistent weapon. i use a lot of point sensors to check enemy ink and and around corners, to help out or notify teammates, and to improve my accuracy. it's main drawbacks are that it only has one offensive ability (the gun itself) and players tend to rush you when you pull out bubbler. i tend to force myself to bubble quickly when around teammates to make sure it gets used, even if it's just intimidation and doesn't get any splats (the bubble comes quickly after all, so you might as well use it). i also have gotten quite good at nabbing risky squids at point blank when they try to rush my bubble.

it can be used in any mode and any stage, but it doesn't really excel at any of them? i guess TC is pretty good with it since you can bubble on the tower (while still having access to your main weapon, unlike the kraken) or tag tower-riding squids with point sensors so it's easy to take them out quickly. it's a middle-of-the-line squiffer for me -- but its consistency is what makes it successful.


obviously the most aggressive squiffer, and my personal favorite. i might have preferred splat bombs to suction since they use less ink, explode faster (really important when making a getaway), and tend to be trickier... but whatever, suction bombs are powerful. kraken doesn't come that often and enemies will push you the F away so it's not always successful (and even gets you killed), but it can help you make big advances (kraken to just around a corner and then leave a suction bomb trap for when they follow) and is well worth spending the effort to stealth behind enemies to release it at just the right time.

it's useful in almost every mode... worst is probably SZ since kraken doesn't ink and people tend to know when you're coming in this mode, but it's biggest drawback is kraken + grates. i generally don't play fresh on hammerhead ... ever. it also REALLY depends on my mood and mental state how well i can outmaneuver my opponents, far more than with the classic which is always comfortable.


tl;dr i prefer the fresh squiffer for aggression and versatility in the stages it works on, but if there are poor stages or i'm having an off day i still use the other squiffers.

as for abilities, i use tenacity, run speed up, ink res up, and ink recovery up (this is a placeholder, though, for run speed up so i can free my tshirt slot). i also have some superfluous quick respawn (the only two hats i wear both have triple quick respawn :/). i also seem to have a LOT of success running haunt in solo queue even though the damage up bonus is wasted on squiffer.

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