The Galleon

Zero Meddler

Inkling Cadet
May 21, 2015
Hey everyone! I'm Zero and I'm happy to announce that I'm officially the group The Galleon.

What is this group about? Well, it's a group for those looking for people to casually squad with AS WELL as looking fir those who want to enter the competitive scene.

How to Join

First, you need Skype.

Second, if you want to join the casual part, just leave a post with your Skype name and I'll add you to the group. You don't need to be a certain rank to join the casual side.

If you want to be part of the competitive side, you will need to be at least A+. You will need access to a mic. Leave a post with your Skype name and Rank then we'll Squad to see where we stand. After I've gotten through all those interested (or after a couple of days, which ever comes first), I'll update this post stating who made it.

If you're in the casual side and want to join the competitive side, we'll Squad and see where you stand.

I'm looking forward to playing with you guys both casually and competitively. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them. ^^

Skype name: ZeroMeddler
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