The No-Balance AU


Semi-Pro Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I've got a crazy thought experiment for you:

What if Splatoon never got balance patches?

In this AU, consider this...
•Every patch does still add content and weapons and so on
•Every patch still has a bugfix section
•The patches NEVER have any balance changes. Points for special and special depletion never got changed (hell, special depletion never got ADDED with these rules), weapon parameters are never changed, and even miscellaneous things like the Bomb Defense DX merge never happen!

•When a new game comes out, they DO rebalance things (Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 3 in this timeline can do whatever the hell they want at launch, just never post-launch) because I figured a new game was justifiable!

Some bonus context about this idea:
•I was thinking about the Pokémon series and how its balancing basically never happens mid-game. For example, the move Thunderbolt used to have 95 power. Now it has 90 power. For Splatoon, that'd be a patch note, a small footnote in one patch that we'd scroll by and say "ok that's fair, probably won't shake up the meta too much", but in Pokémon? We had to wait until an entire brand new game released before we saw a change like that.

So basically, go crazy with ideas about this! I want to hear all your crazy ideas! I'll throw some in the thread to start off with.


Semi-Pro Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I really want to think about what kinds of things show up at the start of a new game, like "Does Bomb Defense DX get added to Splatoon 3?"

but also, there's wacky stuff like "in splatoon 2, launch ballpoint gets to compete with launch tri-slosher"

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