This is incorrect, matchmaking pairs you with players near your level. I'm not actually sure what the range is, obviously there's a little bit of wiggle room, but when I did my 999 climb I would consistently get into HLM games almost every time towards the end, which only happens if the average level of all four players is at least 865.
You're right, I probably should have known this based on my time with 2. My bad.
Number of bosses spawned is a constant based on the Hazard level, it's not RNG. Outside of night waves which will vary a bit, every day wave at the same hazard level has the same theoretical maximum possible eggs. And that maximum possible is way way way higher than 5% thresholds have ever been.
This is also true, but I screwed up big time trying to make my point. I apologize for that.
My point isn't that it's literally impossible to reach these numbers - that's plainly silly since even at EVP 40 you get numbers that would have reached last Big Run's top 5%. 100% egg collection isn't really attainable for most people, though - if my previous successful matches were anything to go by, the average is closer to 70%, 75% if we're being generous. Apparently top 5% for this run was 165 eggs - assuming a random team can get about 75% of eggs spawned, that's already a rather high hazard level required to reach 220 total eggs spawned. Is this doable should you reach HLM? Absolutely, yes, but that's the problem when we compare this to the other competitive SR event - random conditions, random weapons and random teammates are contributing factors to whether or not it's reasonably possible for a player to climb that high in the first place. In Eggstra Work, all you have to contend with should you go the freelance route is random teammates, giving you more room for skill expression.
That also relates to scale rewards being doubled - it matters most to casuals, but does it make a difference to them if they keep getting stuck in situations they can't handle because of the random elements of Big Run? You only get scales on successful xtrawaves, after all. Having tangible goals to aim for instead of numbers that might as well be infinitely high to them are only a good thing and will likely result in the extra scale rewards actually coming into play.
I also want to make it perfectly clear that I don't mean to disparage the effort it takes to reach those numbers, because it's a legitimate accomplishment to reach those scores, and I'm happy they still keep track of them, even if it's not shown directly in-game anymore. I sincerely hope you managed to hit top 5% this time!
I don't know if we'll ever actually learn if this was a success or not because of Nintendo's (probably rightful) reluctance to share that sort of data with us, since we only got data on player numbers for the first 3 from datamining and they've started protecting that number since. I still stand by the idea that something had to be done - Big Run is a cornerstone event for Splatoon 3, and it doesn't look good for player numbers to keep shrinking. If that means devaluing the gold badge and the Power Egg decoration + any future rewards (presuming no reruns), that seems like a good trade-off to me.