THUNDER AND FURY RAIN DOWN FROM THE MOUNTAIN - An introduction to the ever-zealous Lord Lago

Lord Lago

Jan 14, 2016
Cleveland, OH
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AHOY THERE SQUIDDOS! I am the one known as Lord Lago and often the one who is making the most noise. I am boisterous and often the one cracking jokes, though I have quite a serious and thoughtful side that often surprises people. Here are the things I think are worth mentioning about myself;

First off my name! You can either call me Alex or Lago, or BADASS THUNDER KING! Whichever you prefer. Lago is Spanish for Lake which is my last name, and Lago was my nickname in high school because most of my friends were in Spanish class with me. I chose Lord Lago for the alliteration, and I've stuck with it since.

I was born in NC, but lived in Ohio for pretty much my entire life. Grew up in some small communities south east of Cleveland, and then went to school in western PA. I studied Sociology because it was interesting and I wanted to help people in some way. I did moderately well in school and now have a degree that I have in no way transformed into something useful or done anything related to it. Now at the tender age of 25 I can say that I definitely wish I had done something with more practical applications and wasn't so nebulous. I know it might sound a bit contrarian but, my advice to you young squiddos would be to get a degree in something that has job security and pays well. You can always live out your dreams later once you have paid off loans and what not. But enough preaching from this old man, you're here to learn about what makes me tick.

I met my wife in college, and we lived in Pittsburgh for a year then moved back to NC so she could go to graduate school. Like Tony, she is an English education major and so is now a teacher and doing fairly well for herself. We then moved back to Ohio to be closer to family (all of our family is in Ohio and PA). As some of you know and some of you don't, I'm going to be a dad come early July - so my apologies for any terrible puns I make but I am a Dad in training :p

My intro into gaming came very early on from about 4 years old with the NES all the way to the WiiU today. I have mostly been a Nintendo fanboy but I also have quite a bit of PC gaming under my belt as well, mostly with MMORPG's. My favorite system will always be the SNES for the classics; Donkey Kong Country (2 was the best), Mega Man X 1-3, SUPER MARIO RPG (one of the greatest games of all time) and a slew of other ones that I wont bore you with. I typically do not play fast paced games, and rarely do I play shooters and prefer slower, more tactical games such as RPG's. I heard splatoon was great though and seemed to have an active community, so I picked it up on black friday. And I am so glad I did because this is a fantastic game and I wish I had friends who played it because its so amazing!

My biggest hobbies (besides video games) are rollerblading and chess (preferably not at the same time). Our best friends from college also live near Cleveland and during the summer I convinced them to get roller blades so every weekend we were out there blading - it really is great exercise and a lot of fun. Tony if you're ever out near the Erie Canal towpath you're more than welcome to join us :D. As for Chess, that should be fairly obvious. It is slow and tactical, just how I like it. I'm not great by any stretch of the imagination but I find it to be a very beautiful game and it has principals and precepts that can be applied to real life scenarios as well. Oh and I've also watched a few animes and enjoyed them - though its not something that I am super into and watch all the time. But even though I've only seen a few I can say without a doubt Kuroko no Basuke is the greatest anime of all time for all people in all places forever. Period.

Mmmm so yeah that's a bit about me. There's still lots more I could go into but I won't bore you with all the deets for now. And oh yes, here is a picture of me that you all have been waiting for. It is me and my ENORMOUS wiener in all our glory.

And here's one of my beautiful wife and I, though it is a couple years old and I *may* have put on just a little more weight since then



The REAL SwimShady
Jan 9, 2016
*in Alex voice* "Bluuh my name is Alex and I'm a responsible adult who's got his **** together"

Nah but f'real. You're an inspiration to us all. I hope one day I can be as skilled at lame jokes as you so that I can embarrass my children to the highest extremes.

Also, you and your wifey are supes cute. You guys are now my new OTP.


Pro Squid
Dec 3, 2015
Cleveland, OH
Hmm...I haven't bladed in a long time, but I may take you up on that. I'd be a bit rusty, though. I love Super Mario RPG!! Booster ftw. Best villain. Also Geno.
I have to admit, your enormous wiener made me blush just a little bit.

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