Tournament Results


Bottom Feeder
Jun 6, 2015
Here you can look back and reflect on how poorly C- has performed in competitive tournaments. But no matter what, don't read the tiny text.

Ink or Sink - Testfire: Finished tied for 8th place out of 64 teams.

Guys, we placed well in this first major tournament. There are 55 teams whom we did better than. We likely would have finished in the top 4 if one of our key members didn't lose internet from round 3 onward. Definitely threw off our undefeated momentum and coordination. However, we need to practice not giving up the lead when we're ahead. Me especially, I need to stop "saving" my special for the perfect moment and dying before I'm able to use it.

The Salty Splatoon: Finished tied for 5th place out of 16 teams.

We could have done better in this tournament, a lot better. This is almost entirely my fault due to very poor scheduling. On the day of the tournament we played 14 (!) various other tournament matches and got way too burned out to continue to perform at a high level.

No Ink No Glory 2vs2: Finished 3rd out of 8 teams.

In all honesty, 3rd place out of 8 teams isn't very good. The semifinal match that we lost 2-3, we had control of both zones in Port Mackerel and a huge lead but somehow ended up losing. Not sure what I was doing. Prior to that round 5 tiebreaker, we had consecutively played 13 tournament games, and had to rush to start the Salty Splatoon on time. Lesson learned, don't schedule too many tournament matches on one day.

No Ink No Glory 4vs4: Finished 1st out of 10 teams.

Perfect undefeated run through the finals. Way to ****ing go C-!

Back to SCL: Finished 4th out of 16 teams.

Not bad guys! In the inaugural SCL tournament, we had arguably the hardest path to the finals, facing only S and S+ players. Given the strength of the competition, 4th out of 16 is very respectable.
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Bottom Feeder
Jun 6, 2015
No, we lost 0-3. My fault for (strongly) suggesting that one of our members use a charger when he wanted to use a different weapon. I need to just stfu.

But hey! At least we had 4 people in the call this time, unlike our match against DEG when we had 2.

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