Tower Control Defense tip

Maps Tower Control Defense tip


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Grushi submitted a new resource:

Tower Control Defense tip - Important advice on how to defend in tower control, for frontlines

Tower Control's known for being the most snowbally mode in the game, and for good reason. The special advantage is infamous for making defense feel pretty awful: you got to take care of the entire enemy team while dealing with strikes, zookas, bubblers, krakens, you name it. Not to mention eliters, I LOVE eliters on TC.

"So how could you possibly retake?? I'm a convenient B rank player who can't rank u-", I hear you asking. Well good thing I'm here, as a world renowned professional...
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Inkster Jr.
Jan 31, 2024
I find that statement very true…and I’m am usually the E-liter player….Sorry😁 however as a backliner can you give some tips on how to help the rest of the team out the most? Other than getting kills and keeping them scared.


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
A backline player is probably more suited to give you tips for this, but the scariest liter players I've fought (and I've fought some good ones) were the ones that took positions I couldn't contest. The best example I have of this is on wahoo world tc, if you go to the left from your spawn you end up on some kind of wavy looking terrain, that's a very strong position to take since you get a free sightline to the tower on the entire first checkpoint and the enemy team can't deal with you. Also prioritize targeting the tower, that'll slow down the enemies' push much better.

So it's very positioning based, really. Outside of scaring the enemies and taking out players if you can there's not much I have to add, except if someone is sharking on the tower, use your reticle to see where they are. It becomes an X when you have someone in line, so I've seen a lot of charger players consistently kill the tower that way.

Oh and I think custom liter is way better (top 3 TC weapon in my opinion) but they're not that far apart really, hope this helps!


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
The Chicken pen
Switch Friend Code
I find that statement very true…and I’m am usually the E-liter player….Sorry😁 however as a backliner can you give some tips on how to help the rest of the team out the most? Other than getting kills and keeping them scared.
Hi, fellow backliner here. What Grushi said is basically the main thing. It's all about positioning. But don't just take the same position all the time. Maps in this game usually have 2 viable defensive snipes (and if it doesn't then it's a bad map), rotate between them if you get splatted. And on the E-Liter specifically, learn your range. The E-Liter can make use of some spots that other backlines can't as easily due to it's superior range.
Also recognise the biggest threats on the enemy team. Your first priority is sniping the tower rider, of course. But your second priority is sniping the enemy player that can threatens you the most. The .52 Gal probably can't do much to you, but the Range Blaster certainly can.

Besides sniping fools and keeping them scared, also try to build special. This is a bit more applicable to backlines with better paint like Splatlings and Explo, but this is important for E-Liter as well. Similarly to how a frontliner wants to flank and take attention away from their team, the backline needs to ensure the frontline has an opportunity to do that. The enemies are gonna have a harder time dealing with someone behind them when there's a Kraken right in front of them or a Wavebreaker chipping them down.


Full Squid
Jun 4, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I think I’m going to disagree with Quagsass – at least in soloQ, instead of prioritizing the tower rider, I first prioritize splatting the threats to my teammates. As backline, you have the largest view of the field and you’re often the last one left, so you’re responsible for making sure they don’t walk headfirst into danger. Your frontliners won’t forget to splat the tower, but they might not have seen the flanker you can see from snipe. This helps prevent feeding and snowballs.

Also, don’t ignore your ability to “””flank””” by taking an extreme off position. If you get a great perch somewhere back on the objective line… they have to do something about you. They can’t just keep getting sniped in the back. Don’t try it during a bad disadvantage, but if the push is contested, you can kill it dead.

(also Hydra, so take this with that same grain of salt)

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