Urchin Underpass Formations


Inkling Commander
Jun 19, 2015
Urchin Underpass Formations.

Notes: Hello Squidicide Squad! I am Locke, and before we get started, I would like to remind you of some things. First of all, play in ranked battles whenever you can. Turf Wars is nice, but it will not be the standard competitive mode. Also, I do not create plans around it. I also ask you to play more Splat Zones. This is the mode that teaches you the most about Splatoon in a way that hones the basic fundamentals of PvP. So if you have to choose between Tower Control and Splat Zones, choose Splat Zones. Also, it is highly recommended that you use motion controls, as they are the most precise controller option and the closest Nintendo is going to let us get to a mouse and keyboard. I highly recommend using it because it is what catapulted me from B- to A. Practice your role in these formations when this map comes about for Splat Zones. And most importantly… OFFER YOUR OPINIONS! As I said in my introduction into the group: “Well, I want to establish a strong infrastructure for this team that revolves around formations.” And all you need to do for this is make a post or two. Start an argument. Do it. I want you to release all your stress by complaining about these formations. Review everything. Raise concerns. Compliment me. Insult me. I don’t care, just post. And remember: formations mean taking every weapon a team has in its arsenal and guiding it to the place where it will be most effective in conjunction with other weapons. So if I clearly am not using a weapon properly, call me on it. Your captain will call out these formations by referring to the formation number and letter. For instance: “Execute Formation 1-A!” or “Execute Formation 3-C-Alternate!” Also, make sure to tell me info about yourself in this thread. Good luck guys.

Stuff To Expect: Formation changes will be relatively quick and easy here (phew!) Chargers will be camping in the side high ground areas. Also expect a complete bloodbath. In Urchin Underpass practically anything can happen, so expect weapon variety. This is just general advice, but if you are stationed in the actual Splat Zone you should ink the walls just in case you want to climb up it. This will save time.

A: Carbon Roller/ Jet Squelcher/ Splattershot Tentatek/ E-Liter 3k. 3k heads on his own to high ground our half of the zone on the right. 3k will camp on high ground and take out anybody comes from the right. Tentatek, Squelcher, and Roller head to the obvious entrance. Squelcher sets up in an area so he can shoot hostiles on opponent ground, not zone. Obviously they will eliminate any resistance they meet along the way. The goal here is to eliminate the threat before capturing the zone. After this generally simple and quick formation, it is time for Formation B.

A-Alternate: The Roller and Tentatek will take left passage way with the Tentatek leading, preparing to hit the enemy at the side of the zone, sweeping it. This would be somewhat risky because enemies could drop down and get a kill, I think it all depends on the weapon load out the other team has, but it could potentially work.

A-Advice: The Carbon Roller can paint a wall and ambush hostiles at the enemy territory behind the zone if the opportunity comes up, if we are running A-Alternate. The E-liter can move near the Squelcher if no real activity is happening. This would be pretty risky, but the Squelcher could try setting up an ink curtain while remaining on our mid ground. This would momentarily divert attention though, so it would be risky.

B: E-Liter moves to enemy high ground area and eliminates any squid beacons. If there are hostiles occupying the high ground, the 3k should request assistance from the Tentatek. Once the 3k is set, it should be generally camping there, preparing to point its laser at any enemy foolish enough to make himself known. Everybody goes into enemy-entrance-camp-because-we-like-being-assholes. Everybody who has played even an ounce of Splat Zones in Urchin Underpass knows exactly how this BS works. It is completely unfair, yet deliciously rage inducing.

General Consensus:


Recovery Formations:

Splattershot get through the entrance with the Squelcher setting up a ink curtain to the side where opponents are likely camping. Carbon Roller follows both of their progress, and uses stealth to get kills. E-Liter steps back onto the stage when the threat is mostly eliminated and moves about picking off enemies. I’m tired right now, so this was probably sloppily written.
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