Vanilla Octobrush Gear Suggestions


Oct 9, 2016
I used to main the vanilla octobrush in S rank (I'm still stuck in S rank) a while back and I took a break from it to try out other weapons. I'm coming back to the weapon now and I'm a little rusty so I wanted to see if there was maybe some way to improve my gear. Here's my old layout that I used to run and currently practicing with.

:head_amb001: :ability_damage: :ability_quicksuperjump::ability_quicksuperjump::ability_quicksuperjump:
:clothes_tes005: :ability_damage: :ability_quicksuperjump::ability_quicksuperjump::ability_runspeed:
:shoes_cfs001: :ability_damage: :ability_damage::ability_quicksuperjump::ability_swimspeed:

I used this layout because I have a very aggressive play style so the excessive damage up allows me to possibly get a splat with two swings of the brush. I use the quick super jumps to utilize my squid beacons better and the one run/swim speed gives me a slight edge over opponents that aren't running any. Thoughts?


Full Squid
Aug 2, 2015
No run speed at all because it doesn't help you roll away. And even if it did one sub wouldn't help too much. Damage up should always be used on Octobrush. I did a lot of testing with Octobrush and damage up and I concluded that 26 points should be the minimum amount. (Main=10 points; sub=3 points; maximum amount of points or 3 mains and 9 subs = 57 points) Octobrush has certain thresholds of points where some of the weaker sweet spot hits will equal 100 dmg in 2 flicks and 26 points is the right amount and adding a few more points will only help you against defense unless you reach the next threshold which is like in the upper half of the 30s of points in damage up and if you reach that then your guaranteed 2 hit kill every time but it's worth too much points so it's not worth it. (Sweetspot is the brush's bristles and dmg for Octo is randomized where some flicks can do as high as the 60s or low as the 40s with 26 points of damage up. Side shots tend to be weaker as well) If your an aggresive player then quick respawn, special saver, special charge up, and swim speed up should be useful. If you go for quick respawn then I recommend only quick respawn since a low amount of quick respawn doesn't help much. Everything else I listed can be mixed together. Swim speed up is good for Kraken and closing in on the enemy in general. Special saver is great when you die so that you can get your Kraken back really fast since it already has low depletion and special charge up makes you have your Kraken ready more often so you can be even more aggressive. The quick super jump build should only be used if you're a beacon enthusiast and use them constantly. You should also have a little ink saver sub if you're a beacon enthusiast. For Splat Zones ink saver main helps when trying to control a zone. The abilities dealing with specials should be used more often for Rainmaker and Tower Control. I forgot to mention that special duration up is good to nowadays since they nerfed the Kraken duaration and more time on Kraken can throw people off sometimes. Cold blooded can also be used if you hate echolocators. Hope this helps!

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