Walleye Weekly #03 - Coming Soon to a Splatoon Near You


Apr 25, 2015
Walleye Weekly #03 - Coming Soon to a Splatoon Near You


Walleye Weekly is a newsletter-type of thread that is posted weekly. It will cover topics related to Splatoon. If you're up to date with all the squid news, there probably won't be anything new here for you to read about. However, if you don't search around for news, you can find out what all the hubbub is about, here. Without further ado, let's get kraken.

Slowly But Surely

Splatoon has been receiving tiny little additions over the course of it's release, and we're sure to see more. Here's some of the new things we've gotten, the some of the things we're soon to get!

Kelp Dome

Kelp Dome, the latest map, was added into the map rotation on Wednesday. The layout is unique in its own way, having only a few high-spots which are mostly consisted of grating paths that endanger those that choose to walk there. Like always, it also has an elevated structure in the middle, and it is connected to the previously-said walkways. The map's shape is square-like, making it most non-linear map we have. It is also very small, taking only a few seconds of swimming in your ink to reach the middle.

In Turf Wars, players will have to do their normal stuff as well as locking down the major entrances to the middle from left and right. There are around 4 entrances towards the middle, with two of those making you use the grating pathway. Using these pathways come with high-risk. Since the path is made of grating, you can shoot through it. This makes the pathways a double-edged sword, while you may have the high-ground, the elevation is only slight, and it doesn't limit the enemy from shooting you underneath your toes. These pathways also limit your speed, forcing you to only walk to your destination or drop in squid mode and reach the ground.

In Splat Zones, there is an extra ramp connecting to the middle of the map, making the map have a total of 5 entrances. The splat zone is around the elevated structure exactly in the middle. Having these entrances that are really close to the spawn point makes the Kelp Dome a really hard map to play on Splat Zones. Having to not only lock down three crucial entrances from the other team as well as keeping the zone clear of any incoming enemy ink, this maps proceeds to being a really fast-paced map to play on. A single well-placed Ink Strike might just take the zone away from you in a second, and having the spawn point and entrances to the middle so close doesn't help with giving you time to breath.

This map is overall a small, fast-paced map in both Turf Wars and Splat Zones. The entrances to the middle being so close to the spawn point makes it very easy for the enemy team to come and ink you, and the map doesn't allow you to ambush the other side or go in for a single-person push without taking risks of walking on the elevated grating pathways or well-protected entrances. It's a differently designed map from the other ones considering how non-linear it is compared to nearly every other map, and because of it the gameplay is also amazingly different. What do you think of Kelp Dome? Fresh enough for you?

Soon to Come: Splatfests & Splash-o-matic

Picture taken from Gaming Age
Splatfests are coming soon! In fact, their just a day ahead for those in Japan! The battle for them is Rice vs. Bread! Although those in other countries won't be able to participate, you're sure to be able to voice your opinion where you want to. That being said, those in other countries will also get their specific Splatfests! In North America, we'll be fighting with the already-announced Cat vs. Dogs fight, and those in PAL regions, you'll be fighting between Rock vs. Pop (Music)! Which side will you fight for?

There's also a trailer for Splatfests that was released for Japan, showing off a couple new things like fighting during the night and you getting your own 3-star shirt while fighting in the Splatfests. Learn about it more in @SmashCapps articles, here and here.

A new weapon will be added, the Splash-o-matic, today at 7PM PST as usual. This weapon has been speculated to be even faster than the Aerosprays, but it's been confirmed that the sub and special weapons are Suction Bomb and Bomb Rush. You can learn more about it in another SmashCapps article, here.

Final Notes and Questions -Important-
I originally planned to do a little something extra for this week's Walleye Weekly, but I'm short on time. Long story short, me and my family are traveling or a week and I won't have internet, so I won't be able to post a weekly on the scheduled time I chose. So, if you'd please, answer these questions and most especially give me your input on the bolded question.

Please answer the first question! Copy and paste these questions when you reply.
*IMPORTANT* Should I post the next Walleye Weekly on
Sunday, June 21 with the normal amount of info, or on  Friday, June 26 but with twice the amount of info?

Rice or Bread?

Pop or Rock?

Cats or Dogs?

Do you have any feedback of any kind for Walleye Weekly?
Thanks for reading.
"Oh baby a triple!"

Links to Previous Walleye Weekly's

Trieste Sp

Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Apr 24, 2015
Excellent write up once again. Looking forward to the next Walleye Weekly.

I'd say post the next one on the day you've got least burden on you.

Q- Rice or Bread?
A- Rice of course. I've eaten it my whole life.

Q- Pop or Rock?
A- Umm.... I'd say Rock.

Q- Cats or Dogs?
A- Cats is the obvious answer for me.

As for feedback, keep up the good work.


Pro Squid
May 21, 2015
I think the twice the amount of info would be better. As of June there probably won't be as much content until next month.

As for the Q&A:
Bread, Dogs, and Rock.
(Sounds like a band name. )

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