Walleye Weekly #04 - A Little Late

Out of the ideas mentioned, which one should I add? (Cast vote once you've read about each of them)

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Apr 25, 2015
Walleye Weekly #04 - A Little Late

Walleye Weekly is a newsletter-type of thread that is posted weekly. It will cover topics related to Splatoon. If you're up to date with all the squid news, there probably won't be anything new here for you to read about. However, if you don't search around for news, you can find out what all the hubbub is about, here. Without further ado, let's get kraken.

Squidboards Update #7

Squidboards has received a tiny update, its seventh, that deals with a new contest-like addition that you might be interested in, as well as an update about the Community Montage that was planned to be released back then during the Global Testfire.
After 30
For a simple summary of the "After 30" contest, those that submit a 500-word (max) review about Splatoon as a whole might have the chance of being featured if it's good enough. It's called "After 30" because they'll be released on June 29th (tomorrow) after North America has had Splatoon released for 30 days. If you're the artsy fartsy word type, get kraken!
Montage Extension
The Splatoon Community Montage, the one that was planned on Squidboards' third update during the Global Testfire, has received an extension. It wasn't released on its original plan because the clip picks were too few. If you have a couple of amazing clips, make sure to visit the thread to submit it!

Weapon Barrage
We've got a butt load more weapons! Atleast one from every weapon category, in fact! There're two new shooters, one new charger, one new blaster, and one new roller! Let's see what they're made of.
Custom E-litre 3k
The Custom E-litre 3k is the custom edition of the E-litre 3k. Compared to its original, the only differences are the subs and specials, as usual. The custom version comes with the same sub and special as the Krak-On, the Squid Beacon and Kraken.

The Kraken as a special might not be to your liking with the 3k. Because the 3k is made for a long distance sniper range, you won't need to burst out the kraken unless you're under attack or you travel to the middle to attack. The former is alright, but the latter can come off as unpleasing. Having to walk to the middle to use a good Kraken attack becomes a pain to do every time when you want to travel back to your special sniping spot. The 3k would've benefited more if it had an Inkstrike or Echo Locator, but both of those encourage camping, so I can see why they wouldn't add those to it.

However, I do admit the Squid Beacon is a really strong sub for the 3k. When you're naturally going to be in a good sniper spot, chances are, that place is also an amazing place to put down a Squid Beacon for your team and you. If you die, as long as the opponent doesn't rush up there and destroy the beacons, you get yourself a faster time to your sniper spot, as well as helping out the team if that's the only respawn point close to the action. The only downside is that if someone looks at their gamepad, they'll automatically know that place is your sniper spot. But hey, you might think of something different. Try it out!
L-3 Nozzlenose
The L-3 Nozzlenose is a weapon that uses the power of a hose to shoot out ink. It shoots out ink bullets in rounds of three, which dumbs down its fire rate. It has long range and is one of the most accurate weapons in the game. Burst fire guns are usually the most accurate in generally any shooter, so I'm glad the stuck to that root and didn't make the Nozzlenose uncontrollably guzzle out bursts of ink in three all around it when it shot. Its sub is the Disruptor with the special being the Killer Wail.

Both the sub and special on the Nozzlenose seem unfit for the weapon. Disruptor is fine, but you'd really need Bomb Range Up for it to be of major use. The range on the Nozzlenose is much farther than the range you throw the Disruptor, and at times I find myself just spraying and praying because of the greater range it has. Killer Wail is pretty bad as is, but it isn't too bad of a special for the Nozzlenose. The Killer Wail is more of a tool for zoning, keeping the enemy where you want them to, and the Wail forces the enemy to move out of the way. It doesn't kill that often, but it has its uses, but it isn't as necessary for the Nozzlenose because a charger would be much more efficient for zoning. But try it out anyways, I love the gun a lot.

Luna Blaster
The Luna Blaster is a close range blaster that packs quite a punch. Its sub is the Ink Mine and the Special is the Inkzooka. This weapon is made for zoning.

The design of it looks like some sort of space gun, which is why it's called Luna Blaster. This weapon is made for zoning. The short-range weapon keeps people close to you at bay, and the Inkzooka is perfect for when you want to get those that are out of your range. The Ink Mine can be used to cover your back, and I feel that even though this sub is good with the Luna Blaster, it would've benefited more for mid-range control with some sort of bomb. This is the gun you would want if you want to be a zoning type of player.
Carbon Roller
The Carbon Roller is a bad roller compared to the rest. Its sub is the Burst Bomb and special is the Inkzooka.

The Carbon Roller is what looks like it was supposed to be a mix between the normal Roller and Inkbrush. It didn't really turn out that way. The rolling speed is about the same speed as your walking speed, and that doesn't change much when compared to the original Roller. It takes a minimum or two hits when running people over, and at that time you could easily be killed if they're shooting at you. Flinging can be a one-shot, but most of the time, it's a two shot. When you're trying to kill someone, you have to make the best use of your Burst Bomb, but if you compare it to the normal Roller who doesn't need to use its special to kill an enemy, the Carbon Roller is lacking in nearly every single way. It spreads ink just a teensy little bit more than the regular roller, but that does not make up for its damage. You'd be better off using the any of the other rollers than this one.
Custom Dual Squelchers
The Custom Dual Squelchers is an amazing weapon. The perfect combo of Squid Beacons for support and Killer Wail for zoning, this gun is truly amazing.

With the Dual Squelchers already being a really strong weapon with its great range and standard fire rate, it really shines with its new sub and special. The sub is a big killer for me, as the Squid Beacons are amazing in both gamemodes. It helps you and the team out really well, and it doesn't give you as much danger when you're trying to Squid Jump towards a player. Any special would be good on this set, even if its the Killer Wail (which it is). The weapon and the Squid Beacons are two of the greatest in Splatoon, and I recommend you really trying it out.

Bluefin and Splatfests
Along with the new weapons, there was also the addition of a new map called Bluefin Depot, and the delay of the North American "Cats vs. Dogs" Splatfest. Here's a bit more information.

Bluefin Depot

Bluefin Depot is a strange map that focuses on elevation and structure usage as cover. The spawn points are the highest point of elevation in the map, and it branches out to the left and right sides of the map. From the spawn points to the middle, the elevation lowers steeply, either by a wall or a ramp. The middle is separated into two, forcing the team to split up to cover the most ink. The start is really hectic, with those that capture the middle having an easier time of zone controlling the other team to their side. Even though the middle is a big hot spot, the elevation really helps those trying to make a comeback. If you can push after putting out a well-placed Inkstrike or a good barrage of bombs, it becomes a fight to see who can really zone-control the best.

In Splatzones, the zone is set to one side of the middle, while the other side has an elevated ramp that connects to the zone side. This makes for a really harsh time trying to comeback, especially if you have a E-litre 3k or Splatterscope on one of those ramps. The elevation doesn't help much when you're trying to steal a point with all four of the other team controlling it, and you can usually never push all of them back without the use of specials. This is a key point for people to understand, as I've played many games where it all ended due to a push from an Inkstrike. This is slightly exaggerated, as you could compare it to Kelp Dome or Walleye Warehouse, but there are only three ways to enter the zone, with two being closely put together, and the third entrance having the ability to completely shut down your approach with a really good charger.

In terms of competitiveness, I'd say that maps with two zones like Blackbelly Skatepark or Port Mackerel are more suitable for competitive play because it requires a lot more strategy than taking an Inkstrike and simply capturing the zone because of it, but this map has its own merits with the unique way it's been constructed for Splat Zones. I haven't played much of this map on Turf Wars, so I cannot give you any opinions on the competitiveness of this map on that gamemode. Overall, even though it doesn't seem to be a fan favorite, Bluefin Depot is still a unique map as much as the rest, and deserves the little amount of praise its been given.
With the delay of North America's Splatfest, it's coming back to us along with Europe's Splatfest with a reschedule. On July 4th, the "Cats vs. Dogs" and "Pop vs. Rock" Splatfests will be going on in their respective regions. Many people are upset at the date its been chosen from, being a date where people are most likely not going to be playing Splatoon because of vacations or the like, myself included. Someone has already posted videos and information on Splatfests based off of the Japanese Splatfest, "Rice vs. Bread", found here.

After these two Splatfests, Japan will also be getting another Splatfest, the "Maruchan Ramen Flavors: Red Fox Udon vs. Green Tanuki Soba". learn more about it at another SmashCapps article. Both Splatfests for Japan have been food, so will the rest of the Splatfests follow the same theme? Will North America be getting another animal Splatfest and Europe getting another music one? We'll see once they announce the next one.

Walleye Weekly Ideas

I've been wanting to do some extra stuff for Walleye Weekly for a while, but I can't really choose on them, and I certainly don't want to do them all at the same time. These are some ideas, but do expect them coming to Walleye Weekly soon. Here's some ideas, and please vote for the one you'd like to see most when you reply.

Weapon Analysis
Since I can't think of a witty title, it becomes self explanatory. When I write about the new weapons on this post, I usually try to go more into detail of how well the subs/specials work with the gun itself, but that's pretty much it. With these weapon analyzes, I'll go into full detail about how the stats of the weapon, how well the weapon seems to correspond with its sub and special, comparisons between its custom counterparts (if it has any), its use/role in all of the gamemodes, strategies, and places to utilize around the map with the weapon.

Map Analysis
The same going with Weapon Analysis, I'll analyzing the maps in both gamemodes, showing diagrams, specific area classification (Hot Spot, Spawn Area, ect.), strategies, possible ways of pushing the enemy team out of middle/congested area, and little spots specific weapons will benefit from (like a sniper spot).

Guide Review
Specific to Squidboards, I would be doing a full-length review on a guide of my choice or a voted choice. It can serve as an advertisement to check out your guide, or it can actually be used as constructive criticism to make your guide better. I won't try to sugarcoat when it comes to the criticism, as that isn't what a proper review it. While reviewing it, I'll point out things I notice that I like/dislike in hope that you might look at it and follow with your own opinion of how you want to change it. These reviews will be solely for advertising and constructive criticism.


This won't be coming soon, but if/when Walleye Weekly becomes popular enough, I'll try to get some interviews of the Squidboards Staff every now and then, but I dunno if they'll accept, so we'll see. I'll have standard questions prepared, and the week before I post the interview, I'll ask you all what you want to ask them. No promises, though.

These are some ideas I've come up with, so you can decide on what you want by replying to the post. It'll be in the questions box. If you have anything else in mind of what you want me to do, you can also suggest that.

Walleye Revamp

I feel like Walleye Weekly isn't unique enough, so I'm doing a complete aesthetic revamp next week with the addition of the extras mentioned above. I'll include better images and new main color to make it more noticeable, so look forward to that! Vote on which color you want as the main color in the questions box.

Final Notes and Q's

I'm never going to skip a week again. Sorry if I missed out on a lot of things, like the new leaks and the like. I'm planning to make a section about the hacks made in the game next week, so that'll include the leaks. Look forward to it. So long for now, see you in the next Weekly. Make sure to answer the questions for fun!

Copy/Paste when you reply.
Q: Out of the new weapons added, which one if your favorite?

Q: Do you have any other suggestions for an extra section?

Q: Do you have any feedback of any kind for Walleye Weekly?

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