What if they Added One 3rd Kit for Each Weapon Class


Pro Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
At the moment, we don't know if they will add any 3rd kits to Splatoon 3. I've argued in a different thread that with the upcoming season, Splatoon 3 will have more kits than Splatoon 2 (no 3rd kits but 15 new weapons with two kits each) so maybe there won't be any. But I think it would be fun to do a thought experiment - what if they added one 3rd kit for every weapon class in the game. That seems like a good limit to me since there are already so many kits in the game and because even in the previous two games, not all weapons got 3rd kits.

So my question is, given these restraints, what weapons do you think would get a 3rd kit and also what weapons would you want to get a 3rd kit. You can also specify what subs and specials you would want to see but I'm not going to that myself since Nintendo can be pretty idiosyncratic when it comes to kit choices and personally I'm not that interested in figuring of an ideal kit for a weapon, I just want the kits to be neither broken nor trash.

Here's my list:
  • Blasters: Prediction - Luna Blaster or Range Blaster, RB had 3 kits in S1 and S2, Luna had 3 in S2 only but it was the model they used in Side Order | Want - Luna needs a new kit more imo as it seems like every other blaster has at least one good kit.
  • Brellas: Prediction - hard to say, Tent and Undercover had 3 kits in S2 but the Splat Brella is the base weapon for the class (and was in Side Order) | Want - Splat Brella. Tent has two good kits already while Undercover and Recycled need fixes to the main weapon anyway (though I guess the same could be argued for Splat Brella).
  • Brushes: Prediction - also hard to say, Inkbrush had 3 kits in S1 and S2 (while the Octo only had 3 in S2), but the Octobrush model was what they used in Side order | Want - honestly all three brushes seem equally deserving of 3rd kit imo.
  • Chargers: Prediction - Bamboozler, Splat Charger and Squiffer all had 3 kits in both S1 and S2 so they all seem likely, with maybe a slight edge to Splat Charger since it's the base weapon of the charge class (plus Side Order). | Want - Splat Charger has two good kits already, as does Pencil, Goo is just doomed...I guess I favor Squiffer but that's just bias on my part.
  • Dualies: Prediction - Dapple, Glooga and Splat Dualies all had 3 kits in S2, probably a slight edge for Splat Dualies for the same reason I gave for Splat Chargers | Want - Dapples need a 3rd kit so bad.
  • Rollers: Prediction - Splat Rollers and Dynamos have gotten 3rd kits in S1 and S2, again probably slight edge to Splat Rollers | Want - Dynamo and Big Swig need improvements to the main weapon, all the others seem to have one good kit already so it's a toss up for me.
  • Shooters: Prediction - *sigh* Aerospray, H-3, N-Zap, Splatershot, Splatershot Pro and Sploosh have all had 3 kits in S1 & S2, I would guess Splatter shot or N-ZAP due to their iconic status. | Want - honestly shooters don't need any new kits. There are so many options already.
  • Sloshers: Prediction - the base Slosher has had 3rd kits in both S1 & S2 so that seems like a safe guess. | Want - most sloshers seem to be in a decent place but I would give it to Dread since you can make a good argument that it's held back by it's current kits (and also so that Chara can be happy).
  • Splatlings: Prediction - Both Heavy and Mini have had 3rd kits in S1 & S2, I'm giving the edge to Heavy for the same reasons I've given already. | Want - I'm thinking Mini could use a 3rd kit most but I don't have strong feelings here tbh.
  • Splatanas and Stringers: Ok so these are harder since we don't have previous games to go on and as of this writing we don't really know how good the new weapons will be yet (to say nothing for their specific kits). I'm thinking Tri-Stringer and Splattana Stamper though (this is both a prediction and a want, though I admit the want part is just bias).
What do you all think? Don't forget this is just for fun.
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Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Only one is tough but this is kind of fun!
  • Shooters: There's no way splattershot wouldn't get a third kit, and you could make a fun aggressive one with triple splashdown or something. Want: sploosh, I think it could be really interesting with a better kit, or splash with zip, only with zip.

  • Rollers: I'm actually thinking big swig. This weapon's usage rate is down in the dumps so I could see nintendo giving it a third kit to make it see some use. It could be interesting? But the main weapon is a bit too... aerospray-like... for my liking. Good at spamming stuff, cheesing zones and turf war, and that's it. Want: Splat Roller, I want to see what a 'louder' roller kit could do since now roller really just plays for sharks, but I'm curious what, say, a torp/fizzy and booyah kit could do for example.

  • Chargers: Hard to say, liter's very polarizing, I can't think of an interesting 3rd kit for splat charger, goo's doomed, squiffer already has the perfect kit and pencil is everywhere; so I'd actually go bamboo. No real strong feelings on this one, both bamboo kits are already very similar and I think they could make a different one.

  • Blasters: Lowkey I could see vanilla blaster getting one. None of its kits are seeing that much use and I feel like they could give it something more fun. Want: I don't like fighting vblaster though, so I'm secretely hoping for a luna blaster third kit, don't judge me.

  • Brushes: Maybe painbrush? The devs buffed it so much I can't help but think they were hoping it'd make more of a splash, so sure, give it another go. Want: yeah, painbrush should probably get one.

  • Splatlings: I think mini's likely, it got a lot of buffs but still isn't seeing much use, and I think the devs like the weapon. Want: Give mini a chance to shine please...

  • Sloshers: I'm really unsure with these because I'm pretty sure the devs are sick of this class lmao. Machine dominated a meta before getting gutted and it's STILL seeing use; Slosher's extremely common nowadays, I wouldn't be shocked to see it getting nerfed soon; Tri got THREE pfs nerfs for its cooler kit, and it was really common in s2, plus the main is kind of absurd; I'm pretty sure nintendo knows that explo and blob are mostly zones weapons, since their first kits are really just: paint zone 24/7; and Dread's only ever used in solo to spam slider cheese, which surely nintendo is aware of? It's very common in japan, and you consistently see dreads with ridiculous XP that just cheese zones h24.
    So I'm going to guess dread since dread D was a massive flop and the problem really lies with slider. Want: Dread 3rd kit nintendo please save this weapon.

  • Dualies: Dapple's kind of likely? It's really popular in solo but I think the devs know the kits aren't that great. Want: tetras are so cool, I really wish they got a third kit, squelchers too!

  • Brellas: Tent and Undercover's kits are all good imo, but splat brella is still not seeing much use on any of its kits, so I think it's a solid candidate. Want: brella with ink storm, that's all I'm asking for.

  • Stringers: ... It's going to be tri stringer isn't it. Want: ... NINTENDO GIVE REEF LUX A COOL KIT I PROMISE YOU KOSHIEN WILL BE FINE PLEAAAS-

  • Splatanas: Maybe wiper? Both stamper kits see a LOT of use in nintendo's tournaments whereas wiper not so much, despite being just as popular in solo, maybe even more so. Want: Decavitator, since I'm not too sold on either of its kits tbh, I'm just not the biggest fan of bubbler and wall personally.
Anyway this was way longer than I anticipated, but thinking about it, there's honestly very few weapons that need to get third kits imo, so even with one weapon per class, if they choose the right ones, I'd still be pretty happy with the kits in this game!


Pro Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
  • Shooters: There's no way splattershot wouldn't get a third kit, and you could make a fun aggressive one with triple splashdown or something. Want: sploosh, I think it could be really interesting with a better kit, or splash with zip, only with zip.
I totally forgot they showed us a splash with zip in one of the early trailers but now I kind of want it again. Not sure it has to be splash but a shooter with zip though could be cool. Maybe it could be overpowered on some shooters since you could get really close and use the short TTK if you didn't quite get the direct though.


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
I totally forgot they showed us a splash with zip in one of the early trailers but now I kind of want it again. Not sure it has to be splash but a shooter with zip though could be cool. Maybe it could be overpowered on some shooters since you could get really close and use the short TTK if you didn't quite get the direct though.
True, but I still think the aiming would be really difficult, so it probably wouldn't be consistent at least. I really just love fighting zip, so I'm desperate for any strong zip options lol


Inkster Jr.
Feb 16, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Sounds like a fun exercise!

  • Shooters: Prediction - I would think Shot or Sploosh, Shot because it's The Splattershotᵀᴹ and Sploosh because it's a weapon that's still approachable but different enough to where people would want to try a third option. Also it would finally have a kit that's not just "Wiper's kit but worse" so that's a bonus! | Want - Bring back Berry Pro that color scheme goes hard.
  • Rollers: Prediction - Splat Roller or Dynamo, I would personally learn towards Dynamo since it's a more unique looking weapon, and it's directly from the Ammo Knights brand, so it would make more sense to be a Sheldon's Pick if they're going to continue third kits through that line. | Want - Please give Big Swig a real kit. That weapon is pretty fun but man the subs on it are just bleh.
  • Chargers: Prediction - I think either Squiffer or Bamboo. Squiffer is just a fun weapon and the devs are likely aware of that based on the second kit, so giving more options to a fun weapon seems like a no-brainer. Bamboo is fairly unique as a charger, and it has the lore boost, so it'd also make sense to me. | Want - Uhm idk Squiffer? I don't play chargers that much.
  • Sloshers: Prediction - I think I'd have to go with the basic Slosher this time. Machine got piled on so hard lol, so Slosher seems like the most likely option. | Want - I think it'd be pretty cool to get a third Tri that uses the old design, so I'm goin with that.
  • Splatlings: Prediction - This is another case where I actually learn towards regular ol' Heavy over Mini. S1 Design being back again seems like it would give it a huge boost in likelihood. It also doesn't have a wall kit in this game, so they might use this as their opportunity if they don't do something completely different with it. | Want - I also want Heavy Splatling Remix because it looks cool, and I don't really have a strong preference for any one splatling over the other.
  • Dualies: Prediction - Dapples seems the most likely to me, they love giving Dapples players hope and then squashing it. | Want - Dousers with Inkjet :)
  • Brellas: Prediction - I can't really decide between the Tent and Undercover, but something in my soul tells me they might throw a complete curveball and give Recycled Brella a third kit. | Want - I hate every brella equally, so uh... I guess Splat Brella?
  • Blasters: Prediction - Range would be the most likely in my head if S-Blast '91 didn't exist, but I don't know if Luna is like, the blaster like Range is, y'know? Even if Luna is in Side Order, I'd still have to go with Range. | Want - Dude the S3 redesign and green flames? That sounds so sick.
  • Brushes: Prediction - This one is really hard, Brushes are such a small class that the only one that hasn't had a third kit is the one they introduced in this game. I feel like Octobrush would be the most likely because it's not strenuous to play like Inkbrush, but it's not super duper slow like Painbrush. They really seem to like Painbrush, though, so they honestly might give to that instead. | Want - I would also like a Painbrush third kit please, and like just the ittiest bittiest of frames off the wind-up while you're at it.
  • Splatanas & Stringers: Prediction - Grouping these together makes sense because I have the exact same logic for both of them. Stamper and Tri-Stringer were the first ones, so those would probably be the ones to get third kits. | Want - I really like Stamper, so that would be my third kit pick. I think any Stringer getting a third kit that is actually like good good would satiate me, but it'd be really funny it was also mid.


Gnarly Eddy's Boyfriend
Jan 30, 2024
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This is my attempt at striking a balance of what I want and what I think would be healthy:
  • Shooters: Sploosh-o-matic
  • Rollers: Splat Roller
  • Chargers: Bamboozler 14
  • Sloshers: Slosher
  • Splatlings: Mini Splatling
  • Dualies: Dapple Dualies
  • Brellas: Splat Brella
  • Blasters: Blaster
  • Brushes: Octobrush
  • Stringers: REEF-LUX 450
  • Splatanas: Splatana Wiper


Semi-Pro Squid
May 3, 2024
Switch Friend Code
At the moment, we don't know if they will add any 3rd kits to Splatoon 3. I've argued in a different thread that with the upcoming season, Splatoon 3 will have more kits than Splatoon 2 (no 3rd kits but 15 new weapons with two kits each) so maybe there won't be any. But I think it would be fun to do a thought experiment - what if they added one 3rd kit for every weapon class in the game. That seems like a good limit to me since there are already so many kits in the game and because even in the previous two games, not all weapons got 3rd kits.

So my question is, given these restraints, what weapons do you think would get a 3rd kit and also what weapons would you want to get a 3rd kit. You can also specify what subs and specials you would want to see but I'm not going to that myself since Nintendo can be pretty idiosyncratic when it comes to kit choices and personally I'm not that interested in figuring of an ideal kit for a weapon, I just want the kits to be neither broken nor trash.

Here's my list:
  • Blasters: Prediction - Luna Blaster or Range Blaster, RB had 3 kits in S1 and S2, Luna had 3 in S2 only but it was the model they used in Side Order | Want - Luna needs a new kit more imo as it seems like every other blaster has at least one good kit.
  • Brellas: Prediction - hard to say, Tent and Undercover had 3 kits in S2 but the Splat Brella is the base weapon for the class (and was in Side Order) | Want - Splat Brella. Tent has two good kits already while Undercover and Recycled need fixes to the main weapon anyway (though I guess the same could be argued for Splat Brella).
  • Brushes: Prediction - also hard to say, Inkbrush had 3 kits in S1 and S2 (while the Octo only had 3 in S2), but the Octobrush model was what they used in Side order | Want - honestly all three brushes seem equally deserving of 3rd kit imo.
  • Chargers: Prediction - Bamboozler, Splat Charger and Squiffer all had 3 kits in both S1 and S2 so they all seem likely, with maybe a slight edge to Splat Charger since it's the base weapon of the charge class (plus Side Order). | Want - Splat Charger has two good kits already, as does Pencil, Goo is just doomed...I guess I favor Squiffer but that's just bias on my part.
  • Dualies: Prediction - Dapple, Glooga and Splat Dualies all had 3 kits in S2, probably a slight edge for Splat Dualies for the same reason I gave for Splat Chargers | Want - Dapples need a 3rd kit so bad.
  • Rollers: Prediction - Splat Rollers and Dynamos have gotten 3rd kits in S1 and S2, again probably slight edge to Splat Rollers | Want - Dynamo and Big Swig need improvements to the main weapon, all the others seem to have one good kit already so it's a toss up for me.
  • Shooters: Prediction - *sigh* Aerospray, H-3, N-Zap, Splatershot, Splatershot Pro and Sploosh have all had 3 kits in S1 & S2, I would guess Splatter shot or N-ZAP due to their iconic status. | Want - honestly shooters don't need any new kits. There are so many options already.
  • Sloshers: Prediction - the base Slosher has had 3rd kits in both S1 & S2 so that seems like a safe guess. | Want - most sloshers seem to be in a decent place but I would give it to Dread since you can make a good argument that it's held back by it's current kits (and also so that Chara can be happy).
  • Splatlings: Prediction - Both Heavy and Mini have had 3rd kits in S1 & S2, I'm giving the edge to Heavy for the same reasons I've given already. | Want - I'm thinking Mini could use a 3rd kit most but I don't have strong feelings here tbh.
  • Splatanas and Stringers: Ok so these are harder since we don't have previous games to go on and as of this writing we don't really know how good the new weapons will be yet (to say nothing for their specific kits). I'm thinking Tri-Stringer and Splattana Stamper though (this is both a prediction and a want, though I admit the want part is just bias).
What do you all think? Don't forget this is just for fun.
I think if we got 3rd kits, they would probably be released with each season re-run. While I'd like every weapon to have a 3rd kit (I mean it's Splatoon THREE, there's no way it doesn't happen at some point), I think they would probably prioritize weapons that are either underused or never got a good kit (Ahem, Mini Splatling).

Luna - Curling, Kraken. More weapons just need Kraken.
Clash - Fizzy, Reefslider. A quick painting tool and a special that can be used as a panic button (Plus it's perfectly fitting for Clash)
Tenta - Curling, Inkstorm. I know I keep giving weapons mobility specials but 1, more weapons need mobility specials, 2 I like the idea of surprising people with a Curling Bomb behind a deployed shield. Storm is just there to make up for lacking paint.
Painbrush - Torpedo, Zipcaster. This leans more into ambushing, Torpedo to locate and Zipcaster for faster ambushes. Pain is actually pretty good, the main problem is just the windup which is a non-issue when it's already swinging and has damage on an opponent so a kit that helps them get damage on quicker would help boost its usage.
Big Swig - Burst, Cooler. Basically everything that makes Carbon Deco so good, but with Cooler to differentiate.
L-3 - Angle Shooter, Kraken. I wanted to give it Burst Bomb but of course it had to be used on the kit with ULTRA STAMP and Angle is the next "best" thing. Lets just pretend the Vkit got Angle and this kit has free reign to some water balloons. Kraken is there for entry.
Mini - Splat Bomb, Trizooka. This is just a pretty standard "good kit" and what it should have gotten originally. If this thing could charge in midair I'd love it to have Zipcaster but Nintendo just doesn't see the vision yet.


Pro Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Luna - Curling, Kraken. More weapons just need Kraken.
Come to think about it, if they did do 3rd kits they should probably focus on the recently added specials (plus Jetpack and maybe Crab) since relatively few weapons have them (though I wish they would fix the sound issue with Splattercolor screen before adding it to anything else).


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
  • Shooters - Prediction: It's going to be Shot. Want: I don't like shooters but if there was going to be a 3rd kit for one of them, I would want it to be Splash with Zip. It's the obvious choice but it just makes too much sense.
  • Rollers - Prediction: It'd probably be Dynamo since the small buffs they've been giving it throughout some of the patches makes me think they want the weapon to be used more. Want: I also just want another Dynamo kit, honestly. I think the main weapon is interesting and deserves to have Booyah.
  • Chargers - Prediction: Maybe Bamboo? They don't really need to worry about the main weapon as they might for other chargers and it's one of the few weapons in the game to get Fizzy so they're also clearly not worried about making the kit too strong. Want: I don't care about chargers but another Bamboo kit would be nice.
  • Sloshers - Prediction: It's going to be Slosher. They've given it a 3rd kit in every game and I don't see them stopping that, especially since they already gave the vanilla kit Splat Bomb so the only other subs left that could be as strong are Fizzy and Burst but we know they're not doing that. They're also not nerfing Slosher despite it being at the top of the game for a good while now, which wasn't the case with Machine. Want: I just want a 3rd Machine kit with a bomb and a fun special since they're not giving back its old fire rate. I love Machine Neo but not having a bomb really hurts the weapon with all the nerfs they gave it.
  • Splatlings - Prediction: Probably Heavy Splatling. Want: I guess another Ballpoint kit would be nice but I don't really have any strong feelings towards this class.
  • Blasters - Prediction: I think if the devs don't start worrying about CRB being too strong, I could see them doing a 3rd kit for Range but if not, then Luna would be the blaster I think they would go for instead. Want: I love S-Blast but I really only play the '91 kit since the vanilla one is awful so I would really enjoy having another fun S-Blast kit to try.
  • Dualies - Prediction: I'm not sure why but I feel as if Dapples would be the most likely one to get a 3rd kit. Want: Just let the Tetra players have a good kit for once. I'll never understand why they gave Sprinkler to the Light Tetras.
  • Brellas - Prediction: Splat Brella is probably the brella that the devs would give a 3rd kit to just for how weak it is right now. Want: Tent with Stamp sounds sick so I want to see it return again in this game.
  • Brushes - Prediction: I think the devs want Painbrush to be used more so that's probably the brush that's getting a 3rd kit. Want: Octobrush was the first weapon that I can say was my main and I remember thinking that if it got Kraken for its second kit, I might start playing it again but it didn't. I would still want to see it get Kraken for a 3rd kit though.
  • Stringers - Prediction: It's going to be Tri-Stringer. Want: Reef-Flux should get an actual aggressive kit instead of being stuck between using Missiles or Slider.
  • Splatanas - Prediction: Splatana Stamper is definitely their first choice for a 3rd splatana kit. Want: I'm really curious on how good Wiper would pair with another aggressive special that isn't Stamp.


Inkling Commander
Jan 29, 2024
I'll throw my thoughts into the ring. I'll try and guess kits for everything I pick here too, mostly for what I think Nintendo would do with it but inevitably I'll be at least a little biased. Not looking super in-depth at these so I'm bound to get plenty wrong if third kits do happen.

Shooters: Splattershot
I mean, come on. It's their flagship weapon and it's gotten three kits in both of the previous games. I don't think most Shooters are meant to stand out too much from one another besides maybe like the Squeezer so any pick would feel a bit random to me. We don't have any Shooters with Triple Splashdown and it would be perfect for them to give a fan-favorite special to one of the simplest weapons in the game, especially when it could also make it a reference to a previous kit by giving it Burst Bomb. This is a no-brainer for me.

Rollers: Splat Roller
By design, Rollers are some of the absolute simplest choices to pick up when they're brand new to the game. Dynamo and Flingza don't fit this bill, Carbon only really needs one kit with Burst Bomb, and Big Swig would do a bad job representing this class by itself, so that left me with the regular Splat Roller. They've given this weapon a poking bomb in both of the past two games so I'll say it'll get Splat Bomb back from Splatoon 2. The biggest role that past games' Specials have fulfilled for it that haven't been done here are covering a lot of ground and hitting people that are far away, so I think Crab Tank could be a good fit here.

Chargers: Squiffer
Splat Charger and E-Liter didn't really feel like options to me because the two weapons fundamentally are somewhat similar as is and I'm sure someone could be a nerd and argue from the angle that the Scopes would break the rules of "one per class" since they're different weapons. Goo Tuber is a pretty unpopular weapon, I doubt any brand new weapons would get third kits so Snipewriter is off, and there have been a few new weapons that are similar to the Bamboozler so that didn't make sense to me either. This just leaves the Squiffer which has also happened to get a third kit in the previous two games. Suction Bomb is a given here and I think Trizooka would make sense both as a reference kit and to give it a way to poke at people outside of its range, which is something they wouldn't be able to give to most other Chargers.

Sloshers: Sloshing Machine
Was very on the fence between this and the vanilla Slosher since I know Soda Slosher has been a thing in every game, but just look at my list of weapons here. A lot, and I mean A LOT of these weapons I chose are the absolute most basic of their class. Nintendo's given third kits to a lot of these in both of the previous game but it'd be extremely boring even if entirely possible for them to just give third kits to all of the basic options and call it a day. There needs to be some amount of surprise here, and for what it's worth, I think this is a much better option than most other classes can offer because it's not so far removed from a Slosher playstyle that bucket players would be upset by it. Realistically, if Splatoon 3 reveals third kits, there probably won't be exactly one per class and so Soda Slosher will probably exist, but in this hypothetical of one per class, I think it'd be Sloshing Machine. We need another Torpedo weapon and this is a fantastic candidate both for the thrown and rolled modes. Most of the jobs any previous specials could've provided have been covered by one that the Slosher or Sloshing Machine already has and most of the remainders aren't great fits or would be covered by another similar weapon in the class already, so this would be the time for them to give Ink Vac to a Slosher if they plan on doing it at all.

Splatlings: Heavy Splatling
With Chargers' going to Squiffer, that doesn't leave a lot of other options for explicit backlines, so I didn't really want to pick Mini or Nautilus. Ballpoint also fell into this since even though I know it's a backline I'm sure in Nintendo's eyes you could play it like a frontline if you wanted to. Hydra feels like it caters to a bit of a specific crowd so that left me with Heavy, which just like Squiffer, also landed me on a weapon that's consistently had third kits. They would absolutely give it Splash Wall but the Special is a bit iffier to me. Nothing really jumps out but I think Splash Wall would help a Tacticooler kit stand out from other options, although I was very close to saying Ink Storm here.

Dualies: Dapple Dualies
Truly don't have any ideas except for it not being from the Douser Dualies. They didn't give any weapons new to Splatoon 2 a third kit in that game unless it was a Dualie or Brella, so I don't see them changing that here. I'm just going to give this to the Dapples since the other two Dualies that have had third kits have both been from Kensa which we know was a one-time thing in-universe. Sadly I don't think any of the other subweapon options make as much sense as them just giving it Toxic Mist again, so it's probably dead in the water anyways. For the special I think Splattercolor Screen could be a really cool fit for it to be able to hide behind it before quickly jumping into range with its dodge rolls.

Brellas: Tenta Brella
The Brella class is very difficult to get into, so there are basically to trains of thought here. Either I pick the Undercover Brella which would appeal to more people since that weapon is uncharacteristically simple to play and popular as a result, or I go all-in with that and pick Tenta Brella, one of the most unique and difficult weapons in the entire game. I could understand both but I have enough simple weapons on this list as is so Tent is my choice here. Zero clue what sub they'd give it so I'll just say Splash Wall since that'd mean all three subs are returning from Splatoon 2, and Ink Storm would be a genuinely sick special for this thing.

Blasters: Luna Blaster
I at first thought Range Blaster was kind of a lock but I think the S-BLAST is meant to play very similarly to it for reasons that I won't get into here. I know it's the only Blaster that has had a third kit in both games, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it wouldn't happen this time around in this hypothetical. The S-BLAST and Rapids are fairly obviously not it with this mindset. This leaves the vanilla, Luna, and Clash Blasters. The fact that Luna got a third kit in the same game as they introduced Clash and the four kits the two have in this game all have bombs makes me think they don't think the two are similar, so I really have no leads on which to pick from there. I'll just give one to Luna since I know the developers have thought it was capable of having three unique playstyles at once before. It's gotten Ink Mine in both previous games and has had no specials centered around displacement yet. Killer Wail 5.1 would be perfect here since the location is also useful for a Blaster.

Brushes: Inkbrush
For a class whose main focus is having an extra mobility option, and maybe this just shows that I haven't watched enough of these weapons, but it's a shame that only the Inkbrush plays to it at the degree that the class's identity would suggest. The developers seem to have liked Sprinkler on this thing even though it definitely wouldn't be great competitively. I definitely see them keeping this up since there's not many weapons outside of the Light Tetra Dualies that are meant to use it as a distraction to ambush people. For its Special, it has had a lot of stuff for protection before and there aren't really any Specials that quite do what Big Bubbler would here. I know a lot of people would want Kraken here, myself included, but Ultra Stamp would feel a bit too similar to that.

Stringer: Tri-Stringer
This is the flagship Splatoon 3 weapon, the one they put everywhere in this game's marketing, so there's no way it doesn't get a third kit here. Leaves more opportunity for new players who are excited to see a bow on the game's cover to be able to click with how it plays. I might be wrong with the Custom Wellstring V but they haven't given this class anything that feels overly supportive yet. Squid Beakon feels like a great fit here, and there aren't a lot of backline weapons with Booyah Bomb yet.

Splatana: Splatana Stamper
I know this weapon's been all I've been talking about lately but I love both Wiper and Stamper and also everything I've seen about Decavitator, so no bias, trust me. Wiper and Decavitator both play to mobility and similar ranges, making Stamper by far the most distinctive of the three in my eyes. I talked about this in detail before and I still stand by this thing getting Sprinkler and Ink Storm.

For what I want? Purely off of balance right now and not just pure synergy or diversity or whatever, give me these...
  • Splash-o-Matic | Fizzy Bomb + Zipcaster
  • Dynamo Roller | Burst Bomb + Crab Tank
  • Fresh Squiffer | Suction Bomb + Inkjet
  • Explosher | Squid Beakon + Tacticooler
  • Ballpoint Splatling | Squid Beakon + Ink Storm I literally just got my dream Mini kit on Hedit so just give us S2 BPN Ink Storm seems so much cooler here
  • Dapple Dualies | Splat Bomb + Kraken Royale
  • Undercover Brella | Burst Bomb + Tacticooler Dunno tbh
  • S-BLAST | Torpedo + Zipcaster
  • Inkbrush | Torpedo + Kraken Royale
  • REEF-LUX 450 | Fizzy Bomb + Booyah Bomb
  • Splatana Wiper | Ink Mine + Kraken Royale Very content with every single one of the kits we've gotten tbh, this one's more for fun


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Sloshers: Sloshing Machine
Was very on the fence between this and the vanilla Slosher since I know Soda Slosher has been a thing in every game, but just look at my list of weapons here. A lot, and I mean A LOT of these weapons I chose are the absolute most basic of their class. Nintendo's given third kits to a lot of these in both of the previous game but it'd be extremely boring even if entirely possible for them to just give third kits to all of the basic options and call it a day. There needs to be some amount of surprise here, and for what it's worth, I think this is a much better option than most other classes can offer because it's not so far removed from a Slosher playstyle that bucket players would be upset by it. Realistically, if Splatoon 3 reveals third kits, there probably won't be exactly one per class and so Soda Slosher will probably exist, but in this hypothetical of one per class, I think it'd be Sloshing Machine. We need another Torpedo weapon and this is a fantastic candidate both for the thrown and rolled modes. Most of the jobs any previous specials could've provided have been covered by one that the Slosher or Sloshing Machine already has and most of the remainders aren't great fits or would be covered by another similar weapon in the class already, so this would be the time for them to give Ink Vac to a Slosher if they plan on doing it at all.
I've thought about a Sloshing Machine with Ink Vac before, seemed like an interesting idea and would definitely work better on Machine than regular Slosher. Torp was also my most wanted sub for a 3rd Machine kit since it gives a bomb to poke and combo on top of giving you information on where the enemy team is so I definitely wouldn't mind if they made this a 3rd kit for Machine.
There's also no slosher with Torp despite how well the sub would work with the class.

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