What other games do you play besides Splatoon?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
May 10, 2015
What are some games that you like to play when you're not playing Splatoon? Any games you look forward this year? Besides Splatoon 2 of course.

I'm more into games that have a lot of action like action RPGs, brawlers, hack n' slashes, and fighting games.

Been playing Final Fantasy XV lately, and it's making me want Noctis in Dissidia Arcade already. Then I plan to play Nier: Automata soon. Some games I look forward to are Marvel vs Capcom Infinite and maybe Tekken 7. And a little of Injustice 2.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2017
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Well as my name implies, I play various Megaman games from time to time. My favorites to boot up and play are Megaman X4 and X5 for platformers. And for a more 3D adventure I like to go for Megaman 64 (AKA Megaman Legends). Its a childhood favorite I love replaying.

Aside from Splatoon, Monster Hunter is my other favorite online game to play. MH Tri/3U remains to be my favorite and brought some good memories of playing online on the Wii. It made me realize how much I love teamwork oriented games.

For racing games I stick to Mario Kart 8 (I havent got a Switch yet for DX). And while I like it for online play...Mario Kart: Double Dash remains my favorite of the series. I miss the unique drift mechanic and double characters in karts...

When I'm not playing those, im likely playing the typical nintendo games or lesser spammed/obscure games on various consoles. Although right now im working through Mario & Luigi: Dream Team very slowly.

As for what I'm looking forward to: ARMS, Super Mario Oddesy, and Monster Hunter Stories has me excited. Can't wait to play those.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
I enjoy most RPGs and Magic the Gathering. Breath of the Wild has taken most of my gaming time lately. Looking forward to E3 to see whats coming down the pike for the big N. Metroid news would be aces.


Inkling Commander
May 4, 2017
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As @ZEROrevive states, we both hand and hand play Mega Man. Me personally range into the battle network series, and classic. I did play the other spin offs, which are Mega Man Zero, and ZX. If it weren't for him, I would of never gotten a chance to play the Legend series. Especially the second one, that was awfully lucky, especially with no manual intact.

As for other platformers, personally I like a lot of games from the snes era. Mainly how they handle in comparison to some modern 3D, not counting some great attributes. Joe & Mac is one of my favorites, same goes for Earthworm Jim. Adventure Island, Pagemaster, you name it. But staying on topic of the Snes, I really did LOVE Jurassic park for it, and Ganbare Goemon. I have too many to list for how much I have for the Super Nintendo.

RPGS are sometimes my specialties. No, not Final Fantasy, ironically, but ones that are far from the grid, barely heard of. Golden Sun is one of my top, same with Parasite Eve, and especially PSO. Since I loved PSO so much, I moved over to playing Monster Hunter since it is a nice take on a ol' dreamcast favorite. Oh yeah, I can not forget the Mario & Luigi series, Paper Mario, and of course Secret of Evermore.

When I am not playing something hardcore, I do relaxing games like Animal Crossing (Old Veteran to it.), and haven't tried my copy of tomodachi life. (Too busy playing Dream Team at this moment.)

Lessie...I know I like the Metroid Prime series, Jet Force Gemini, and whatever I have under my collection. Oh, yeah, and Shemue is another. But with E3, please show off Mario & Luigi + Bowser's Minions. I wanna see what is up with that...


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
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I've played way too many games over the course of my life. Right now God Eater Resurrection has my attention, and in a few weeks I'll pick up Disgaea 5. I've also been meaning to play more of Grim Dawn and Eschatos. There's something I enjoy in pretty much every genre, so I'll just vomit forth a list of favorites in no particular order! My taste runs towards popular stuff that's quality, hidden gems, and games that are admittedly mediocre but have something interesting to offer.

Mega Man X 1-3, Mega Man 1-6, Secret of Mana and Evermore, Robotrek, most Metroid games except for the one we don't talk about, Super Pinball, Out of This World, Hyperzone, literally every Kirby game, Monster Party, Every Game Boy Mario and Wario game (Super Mario Land has a special place in my heart), Cho Aniki (haaaa), Tomodachi Life (miis are the greatest thing Nintendo has ever made), Animal Crossing in general, Smash Bros. in general, Actraiser, Okage Shadow King, Silent Hill 2 and 3, F-Zero in general, Terraria, Sanctum 2, Orcs Must Die 2, Binding of Isaac, Chroma Squad, Bionic Commando, various Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games from the 80s/90s, Gradius and R-Type and Darius and pretty much any shooters of their breed, Phantasy Star (4 in particular), Faxanadu, the Guardian Legend... I could go on for a while, but there's a sampling :P
RPGS are sometimes my specialties. No, not Final Fantasy, ironically, but ones that are far from the grid, barely heard of. Golden Sun is one of my top, same with Parasite Eve, and especially PSO. Since I loved PSO so much, I moved over to playing Monster Hunter since it is a nice take on a ol' dreamcast favorite.
Solidarity, PSO brother! Final Fantasy never gripped me either. What was your poison on PSO? I was a CAST nut!


Inkling Commander
May 4, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I've played way too many games over the course of my life. Right now God Eater Resurrection has my attention, and in a few weeks I'll pick up Disgaea 5. I've also been meaning to play more of Grim Dawn and Eschatos. There's something I enjoy in pretty much every genre, so I'll just vomit forth a list of favorites in no particular order! My taste runs towards popular stuff that's quality, hidden gems, and games that are admittedly mediocre but have something interesting to offer.

Mega Man X 1-3, Mega Man 1-6, Secret of Mana and Evermore, Robotrek, most Metroid games except for the one we don't talk about, Super Pinball, Out of This World, Hyperzone, literally every Kirby game, Monster Party, Every Game Boy Mario and Wario game (Super Mario Land has a special place in my heart), Cho Aniki (haaaa), Tomodachi Life (miis are the greatest thing Nintendo has ever made), Animal Crossing in general, Smash Bros. in general, Actraiser, Okage Shadow King, Silent Hill 2 and 3, F-Zero in general, Terraria, Sanctum 2, Orcs Must Die 2, Binding of Isaac, Chroma Squad, Bionic Commando, various Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games from the 80s/90s, Gradius and R-Type and Darius and pretty much any shooters of their breed, Phantasy Star (4 in particular), Faxanadu, the Guardian Legend... I could go on for a while, but there's a sampling :p

Solidarity, PSO brother! Final Fantasy never gripped me either. What was your poison on PSO? I was a CAST nut!
I did every class. When I usually do new files, I try a new class so my boredom never fades. I am actually kinda lucky to have the original, and the gamecube version. (Since the two have differential things removed, and added. I miss grants, especially it's usage in ruins.) The one that I did NOT like is the card game version. Of course, I do not like turn based card games that much.

Now, I am ticked that when I tried having my browser CD to boost me on the net, failing to release a bit few months after...I believe I got my dreamcast the year it came out, but a year afterwards...They removed the host, seeing the dreamcast was on it's tombstone. Now I am aware of the fan hosted servers, and such. I just didn't have the pc hardware to use it. But I did know that people who regularly played PSO Blue, which was one of them that I miss. Same goes for the other one, PSO 2, which teases me till this day. Again, Monster Hunter is a good replacement for now since it is INSPIRED off of it.

And if you are going to mention Xenoblade Chronicles X, which is fairly relatable too, yes. But it isn't my tippy top favorite. The music, and the repetitive battle system kinda hung me up a bit. Should've gotten the first one instead, since it seemed better.

Kowai Yume

Semi-Pro Squid
Jul 24, 2015
Usually I play F-Zero GX and F-Zero X just to get the racing out of my system. Other than that, I finished up Unreal 1 and its mission pack. Ys Origin is also a good game I finished up, not at 100% though. Both of them are really tough games in their own rights.

I've been meaning to buy Quake 1 and both mission packs but I want to get a switch for MK8 even though Quake and its mission packs are only $11. I have FF 7 just collecting dust, I should get around to playing that.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I did every class. When I usually do new files, I try a new class so my boredom never fades. I am actually kinda lucky to have the original, and the gamecube version. (Since the two have differential things removed, and added. I miss grants, especially it's usage in ruins.) The one that I did NOT like is the card game version. Of course, I do not like turn based card games that much.

Now, I am ticked that when I tried having my browser CD to boost me on the net, failing to release a bit few months after...I believe I got my dreamcast the year it came out, but a year afterwards...They removed the host, seeing the dreamcast was on it's tombstone. Now I am aware of the fan hosted servers, and such. I just didn't have the pc hardware to use it. But I did know that people who regularly played PSO Blue, which was one of them that I miss. Same goes for the other one, PSO 2, which teases me till this day. Again, Monster Hunter is a good replacement for now since it is INSPIRED off of it.

And if you are going to mention Xenoblade Chronicles X, which is fairly relatable too, yes. But it isn't my tippy top favorite. The music, and the repetitive battle system kinda hung me up a bit. Should've gotten the first one instead, since it seemed better.
You didn't miss much with PSO 2. Progression was a lot more janky and there was way too many microtransactions. I have a friend who's an enormous Phantasy Star fangirl to this day and that's the one game in the series they will rant about and insult at length.

And yeah, the first Xenoblade Chronicles is definitely better.


Inkster Jr.
Feb 25, 2017
I'm a big fan of shooters in general.I'm into CoD (anything up to Ghosts) and Destiny.I also have spent a lot of time on GoldenEye Wii,but I haven't touched it in ages.Other than that I like Mario Kart,Animal Crossing and Pokemon.Have always wanted to get into VGC but I'm too lazy to breed and train Pokemon,so I usually just stick to battling on Pokemon Showdown.
I'm looking forward to Destiny 2 and Skyrim(for the Switch),but I don't know if I will even spend much time on them. Really depends on how much of my life Splatoon 2 will take up.If it's as good as Splatoon 1 then Rip me.


Inkling Commander
May 4, 2017
Switch Friend Code
You didn't miss much with PSO 2. Progression was a lot more janky and there was way too many microtransactions. I have a friend who's an enormous Phantasy Star fangirl to this day and that's the one game in the series they will rant about and insult at length.

And yeah, the first Xenoblade Chronicles is definitely better.
I heard. The only thing I was up for was just foolin' around. Oh, and the customization. They did come along way, just only to fail short. But with Yuji Naka off on his own company, it stinks you don't see his ideas no longer passed around in it. I even honestly keep forgetting it was done by Sonic Team. Now another game I wanted to get is Elder Scrolls Online. FINALLY they fixed it after being bland for a while.


Certified Nerd
Site Moderator
May 20, 2016
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I've only been playing Team Kirby Clash Deluxe, it was an excuse to pick up my 3DS, which was gathering dust. It's good for a freeware game. It does get a bit repetitive after a while, because it's just fighting bosses over and over. The levelling system is a plus. You can also play with friends and randoms via wifi which is pretty nice.


Jun 26, 2017
Pokemon, Monster Hunter, Warframe, Overwatch, Animal Crossing, PSO2...too many...Hundreds...the list goes on. I game so much it's insane. I like to play solo or if my friends ask me to join them in something.

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