Which is better? Custom eliter vs normal eliter?


Unrelated to Inking the Zone
Apr 4, 2016
Switch Friend Code
This is a question i've been dabbling around with for a while, and i'd like to see what's more popular.
Post yo answers below


Senior Squid
Jun 6, 2016
I would have to say Custom, but only just. They both offer good close range combat, but since the Burst Bomb nerf it's harder to get a kill with the E-Liter, whereas the Kraken is almost guaranteed to drive off or splat nearby enemies. My main seeking point for the custom, though, is the Beakon. You can easily super jump back to your sniper spot if you are dilated, allowing you to get back in the game.


Pro Squid
Apr 17, 2016
I prefer the burst bomb, echolocator kit. The burst bomb nerf is only bad towards people who don't try to aim them. Plus they are good to use in close combat. This is my personal opinion. The custom does a better job in tower control though as you can kraken on top of the tower. You should use whatever feels good for yourself. Everyone has a different taste in play style.


...........Oops! I fell asleep!
Jun 25, 2015
Octo Valley
i prefer the regular, just because burst bombs are my favourite sub. i also find echolocator comes in useful a bit more often than kraken, especially since you'd likely be sniping somewhere far away. kraken is nice though i went off beakons a little while ago. coming back to them again, so i might find space for the custom in my heart <:3

both are very good though, like the above post, it's just up to what you're looking for at that specific time. they work well in different scenarios.


Inkling Cadet
Oct 6, 2015
I practise with :wst_charge_longscp01: and I really like it.

I love to put beakons all over the place, jump into action as kraken - to save teammates or objective - and quickly jump back to my beakons/spawn point.
:ability_recon: is my best friend here.


Inkster Jr.
Oct 1, 2015
First Zonnink if you wanted an answer you could have asked the 3 eliter players on your team. Custom, because it encourages a more defensive playstyle and let's you destroy all that flank you with a kraken. Plus beacons let you and your team controller the battlefield, as they push forward you put beacons in key locations to help keep map controll.


Jul 2, 2016
i prefer the custom e-litre. beacons are useful for both you and your teammates for pushing forwards or help them get back in the battle faster after getting splatted (if they haven't been destroyed by the other team, of course), and the kraken is great for driving off/splatting people who get too close, moving to a safer spot without getting splatted and even getting up close to splat people.

the regular e-litre's sub and specials are pretty good too, but i've always found the custom's to be even better.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Vanilla E-Liter, no question about it. It has a special that allows it to track the enemy team on a battlefield(making sniping so much easier and putting pressure on the entire enemy team), and a sub that allows it to muster some protection up close.
Customs' Kraken is 10% slower, making it much easier to escape from it in addition to losing your sniping abilities while it lasts. Beakons don't help it much either, as it's constricted to 1-2 perches per map so it cannot roam around a lot without putting itself in unnecessary danger.


Full Squid
Apr 25, 2015
Many competitive players who use Custom E Liter, especially those who use special duration up, should watch their matches and pay attention to how many times they lost the lead after activating kraken.

Captain Woomy

Woomy Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2016
I've tried using both and the vanilla E-liter is definitely better for me. I really love the burst bombs and echolocator. In my opinion, the burst bombs were not nerfed in the 2.7.0 update and I have no idea why others think so. The only downside to the update was their ink consumption increasing from 25% to 40%, but overall this was actually a buff. It's now easier for opponents to take damage from burst bombs. According to Inkipedia, the update reduced the radius for dealing minimum damage by 20%, but only because the radius for medium damage increased by 14%. On top of that, the burst bomb's inking radius has increased by 43%. If you ask me, being able to throw two of those instead of four of the weaker ones is a fair trade to me. I've noticed a difference with 2.7.0 burst bombs versus pre 2.7.0 and I have to say the 2.7.0 bombs are far more effective. As someone who didn't really start using an E-liter until sometime after 2.7.0, I can say I find these very useful for close combat when a shooter is trying to sneak up on me when my echolocator isn't charged. I really love the echolocator because not only do you benefit from it, your whole team does. And a sniper with echolocator always puts a bit of pressure on the other team. (I'm not saying snipers without it don't, but I personally feel a little pressured to play more defensively when I see a Bento Splat Charger or another vanilla E-liter.)


Inkling Commander
Oct 3, 2016
ur mom
I'm what you may call, a pro snipah, I'm currently S+69 (lol), and I got to S+ only noscoping scrubs. So I think I can lend my mlg advice here m80s.

Jokes and mlg comments aside, I personally couldn't choose between these lovely weapons, but if I had to pick one over the other I'd pick.....

The vanilla.

Here's why: The burst bombs have a nice synergy going with damage up, which enhances your close combat/mid-range abilities. Damage up helps the main weapon get partial charge OHKOs, which is helpful as it conserves ink, and helps you kill much faster.

Damage up on the Custom only benefits the main weapon, unless you thought your kraken wasn't doing enough damage.

Another reason is for gear slots, since damage up is a must on any E-liter class, you'll be limited putting other abilities on your build. So, you might want to redirect these abilities to the weaknesses of the weapon, the poor mobility or the insane ink consumption.

With the custom I feel obligated to use at least a main of swim speed, as it helps the kraken get more kills in the heat of battle. Also getting a kraken (at times) can be rather difficult. Therefore, running tenacity or some special charge up might be wanted as the main weapon can't ink turf that good.

Meanwhile with the vanilla, I can run ink recovery, ink saver main/sub, and still feel good about it, as not having swim speed on this kit doesn't affect game play as much.
With the added ink recovery that I can afford on the vanilla, and the useful instant refill of the echo I can take much more shots than the custom version could with it's swim speed.

To those saying "OMG, burst bombs got nerfed u scrub, therefore u can't use them because they can't dew anything anymore. git gud u nub".
Burst bombs are still extremely viable, 2 direct hits still kill, and with your damage up your 2 hit kill only gets wider from there. Also burst bombs do something a custom E-liter could never do: cover small patches of enemy turf quickly.

Also not to mention burst bombs can help you escape in hostile territory. If you wanted to do this with the custom, you would have either died or wasted your special.

Overall though, it still comes down to preference. If you like the kraken for it's close combat potential, and if you like the beacons that allow your team to get back in the action quickly. Go Custom.

If you like burst bombs that help you cover small patches of turf, echo for spotting enemies, and a bit more gear independence, Vanilla is the way for you.

Sorry for this long post, I just have a passion for chargers in general, and I have some great experience with both weapons. Both weapons are clearly extremely good in their own right, but I just prefer the Vanilla version a tiny bit better. I hope this helped your conclusion on which is the better charger. ;)


Full Squid
Sep 3, 2016
I like standard E-litre's kit , IT HAS ECHOLOCATER - which is good for snipers for obvious reasons.Burst Bombs help with the ground coverage side of things and close-range side of the fight. Seriously I get kills with these. But with the custom beakons are good though kraken isn't great. BBs are better for close-range combat.

So #StandardE-litreScope

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