Winning Formula(part 1?)


Inkster Jr.
Jul 31, 2015
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This is a discussion I've wanted to be a part of for a while now. I haven't seen these topics anywhere so I'll share them here. I hesitate since I'm on a phone, which makes formatting complicated. IMPORTANT: This is probably going to be A LONG READ, but my main focus is to have something I can direct my future potential teammates to. Anyway,

From my personal experience and opinion, there are(at least) four major factors that influence a successful match.
-team composition
-objectives> kills
-defensive and aggressive positioning
-map control

Skill is obviously necessary in order to do what you want to win. Keep in mind though that every individual has different skillsets, or strengths and weaknesses. I'm mentioning this because I've spent the last few weeks trying out all the roles. By doing so, I began to understand a little more of how important team composition is. I discovered that I was good at some things, bad with other things.
Is it as simple as a team made up of two gunners, a roller and a charger? Why would this composition be a priority? I've come across teams like these in ranked games, that have lost badly. Nevermind that communication is a part of team play, unfortunately, we have to ignore this for now.
The above mentioned team failed because the roller would be the aggressive one, which would get out-ranged and die. The team failed because the charger would be left to capture the objective instead of being free to hunt for kills. The gunners would stay back, essentially becoming useless.
For this reason, I believe that team composition isn't about the weapons but instead, the roles.
Now obviously, taking on a role isn't simple through randomized matchmaking, and all of this would hopefully be 'fixed' with the anticipated August update.

So roles. I feel like there are more than four, but you're in good position if each of you have a certain role.
Recently I've adapted a play style that I call the infiltration unit. This would be one that is always on the front lines, breaking through enemy defenses or making sure the enemy stay dead. Not very good in random matchmaking, but it works sometimes.

As I mentioned before, there are many roles. Probably the most important however is the one whose main focus is the objective. In splat zones, this is probably the second gunner or the roller, but that's just my opinion.
There have been many cases where an entire team would focus only on kills. So when they lose, they'd leave that game salty and confused as to why.
Getting a kill means you get more time to earn points. Kills are good. But many times, Many times, I see one team who may have killed off the other team but forget to take objective for some reason. Three of them alive with no enemies around, yet no one bothers to take the zone or tower. This is not ok.

Those are some of my thoughts about team composition and objectives, which go hand in hand. I can't accurately tell how long this post is already, so I'll decide to post the second half on a new post. Once again, this is mostly just a place for me to record my thoughts before I lose them

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