Your Recommendations



I feel like messing around and using a new weapon, so I'll give you some weapons I like and why and you can help me try something new you might think I'd enjoy.

Octobrush/Inkbrush: This is my main by far, I use it I'd say 75% of the time I play. I love the speed, I love to ambush and I love the power (especially the Octobrush). I also love annoying people with beakons.

Splattershot Pro series: I really enjoy this due to the raw range and power it possess. I typically don't like slow firing weapons, but I can make an exception for this one.

Splattershot series: These guns are just so well rounded it's a joy to use, the right amount of damage, range, and fire rate as well as mobility and ink consumption. Easy to see why this is such a popular weapon.

Tri-Slosher: I originally used the Slosher when it came out and moved to the Tri-Slosher, since that I haven't been able to go back to it. Yes, the Slosher has a greater range (one of the reason I love the Splattershot) but the Tri-Slosher just feels a lot more natural to use now.

Jet Squelcher/Dual Squelcher: If anyone want to share some good abilities to use with these I'd be happy to try them out, I know they outrange the Splattershot Pro while taking a hit on damage, but I can imagine they'd be fun.

Based off what I enjoy, what else do you think I might enjoy using and I'll try all them out tomorrow by playing around with them in Turf War.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Well I'm obviously biased, but the squelchers are fine weapons. If you can aim reliably, you're very difficult to approach when firing since you outrange most everything. Damage up on the Custom Jet is particularly useful, allowing better use of falloff damage and burst bombs.

If you love to ambush, give the sploosh-o-matic a go. They are the premier base rushing weapons, inking swiftly and splatting VERY rapidly if you catch people off guard.


Well I'm obviously biased, but the squelchers are fine weapons. If you can aim reliably, you're very difficult to approach when firing since you outrange most everything. Damage up on the Custom Jet is particularly useful, allowing better use of falloff damage and burst bombs.

If you love to ambush, give the sploosh-o-matic a go. They are the premier base rushing weapons, inking swiftly and splatting VERY rapidly if you catch people off guard.
I'll give the Jet at go tomorrow, and the Sploosh definitely. How much Damage Up do you recommend for the JS? Any other perks for it aside from Swim Speed and possibly Ink Saver (Sub) to get some more shots after throwing a Burst Bomb (or is it even needed)?


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
You want some ink recovery. Between burst bombs and the Jet's measly 11 second tank, refilling quickly is pretty vital. I use 1 main 3 subs of damage, mostly because that's what I have, and that locks the damage at 33.3, you could probably get by with just 1 main's worth.

Special charge and saver can be handy if that's your style - people like to rag on the slow fire rate, but it fills up the gauge pretty quickly since every shot covers the length of a football field. Add in that all squelchers are light depletion weapons, and there's potential for special-based mayhem.


Inkling Cadet
Apr 18, 2016
I have almost the same set as you for the Octobrush, but I would recommend using at least three mains of Damage Up Mains like I do. Reason being that with three Damage Up Mains, you can land two-shot kills with a damage output of 50.2 up close.


You want some ink recovery. Between burst bombs and the Jet's measly 11 second tank, refilling quickly is pretty vital. I use 1 main 3 subs of damage, mostly because that's what I have, and that locks the damage at 33.3, you could probably get by with just 1 main's worth.

Special charge and saver can be handy if that's your style - people like to rag on the slow fire rate, but it fills up the gauge pretty quickly since every shot covers the length of a football field. Add in that all squelchers are light depletion weapons, and there's potential for special-based mayhem.
CJS and CDS both look like beasts with light depletion so I think I'll be having some fun with them. Ink Recovery Up and Damage Up shouldn't be too much of an issue, I might add some Special Charge Up as well. Advice is much appreciated.

I have almost the same set as you for the Octobrush, but I would recommend using at least three mains of Damage Up Mains like I do. Reason being that with three Damage Up Mains, you can land two-shot kills with a damage output of 50.2 up close.
I know many players use 3 Damage Up mains worth, but I love Swim Speed and I don't have a Damage Up/Swim Speed Up clothing or shoes, so my build kinda just ended up like that.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Plum casuals? You could get the brand roll on those easily enough.


Inkling Cadet
Apr 18, 2016
Yeah, I use plum casuals too for this set. It's a natural roll from them. If you haven't aleady used them for another shiny gear, you could try it out and experiment with it. Two shot kills can be really rewarding.


Prodigal Squid
Aug 18, 2015
I feel like messing around and using a new weapon, so I'll give you some weapons I like and why and you can help me try something new you might think I'd enjoy.

Octobrush/Inkbrush: This is my main by far, I use it I'd say 75% of the time I play. I love the speed, I love to ambush and I love the power (especially the Octobrush). I also love annoying people with beakons.

Splattershot Pro series: I really enjoy this due to the raw range and power it possess. I typically don't like slow firing weapons, but I can make an exception for this one.

Splattershot series: These guns are just so well rounded it's a joy to use, the right amount of damage, range, and fire rate as well as mobility and ink consumption. Easy to see why this is such a popular weapon.

Tri-Slosher: I originally used the Slosher when it came out and moved to the Tri-Slosher, since that I haven't been able to go back to it. Yes, the Slosher has a greater range (one of the reason I love the Splattershot) but the Tri-Slosher just feels a lot more natural to use now.

Jet Squelcher/Dual Squelcher: If anyone want to share some good abilities to use with these I'd be happy to try them out, I know they outrange the Splattershot Pro while taking a hit on damage, but I can imagine they'd be fun.

Based off what I enjoy, what else do you think I might enjoy using and I'll try all them out tomorrow by playing around with them in Turf War.
EDIT: I didn't read the original post correctly, so disregard...:oops:

WARNING! Long post ahead!

I'll let others respond about the octobrush more indepth, as I don't play them usually. I do know that damage up is vital as it increases your damage at max range to preserve that 3-swish kill.

Splattershot Pro
The pros are awesome but definitely require some ink saver main. Some people argue that you can just get by with ink recovery, but I like to run a bit of both. Something like:
Studio Headphones :head_hdp000: :ability_inksavermain:|:ability_specialduration::ability_specialduration::ability_specialduration:
White Shirt :clothes_shirt003::ability_inkrecovery:|:ability_inksavermain::ability_inksavermain::ability_inksavermain:
Red Hi-Tops :shoes_shi005: :ability_inkresistance:|:ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed:
This could be good for each version. It gives you lots of ink saver, ink recover, and special duration which lengthens inkzooka and bomb rush as well as reduces the end animation for inkstrike. Swim speed is important for this weapon because you really need to be able to reposition quickly to keep your spacing. Other things to consider would be to add some sub saver (the jungle hat would be good), or some more swim speed (possibly the rainy day tee).

The splattershots are my favorites. Each one can be built as a "Sanic" fast-slayer type build, which typically looks something like:
Any run speed hat :ability_runspeed:|:ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed: (with as many run subs as you can roll)
Black Baseball LS :clothes_tel006: :ability_swimspeed:|:ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed:
White Kicks :shoes_lts000::ability_swimspeed:|:ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed:
Which lets you literally run and swim circles around enemies. All splattershots can benefit from some damage up because even one main of defense turns your gun from a 3-shot-splat to a 4-shot-splat. Try the Layered Anchor LS:
For more specific builds, I wrote this up on another thread:
For the tentatek I'd definitely run two mains worth of special saver.

Two Striped Mesh :head_cap010::ability_specialsaver:|:ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed:
Layered Vector LS:clothes_tly008::ability_specialsaver:|:ability_specialcharge::ability_specialcharge::ability_specialcharge:
White Kicks :shoes_lts000::ability_swimspeed:|:ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed:
This gives you lots of movement speed options, helps counteract the death special penalty, and helps you get your special in the first place.

The vanilla is tricky with the burst bomb changes. You really want two mains worth of sub saver, two mains worth of damage up, and two mains worth of bomb range. You can't get this without shiny gear, so the closest thing I've seen that doesn't use sub saver is:
Sun Visor (no picture) :ability_bombrange:|:ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery:
Squidmark Sweat :clothes_swt001::ability_bombrange:|:ability_damage::ability_damage::ability_damage:
Cyan Trainers :shoes_sht004::ability_damage:|:ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery:
Which gives you lots of burst bombs over time. I'm currently trying out different setups with a mix of sub saver and ink recovery to find something not so hard to roll. The playstyle is a bit different without the ability to throw three bombs - bombs become more supplemental than a main pressuring tactic. Nevertheless, a bomb followed by a few quick shots is still an effective way to take people out, and with the buffed radius to burst bombs, bomb rush can be pretty devastating. You could also run between 6 subs and 2 mains of sub saver and throw up to three bombs, which makes this more a support weapon. Try to get some damage on your hat like:
Pilot Goggles :head_eye002::ability_bombrange:|:ability_damage::ability_damage::ability_unknown:
Navy Firefin Sweat :clothes_swt003::ability_bombrange:|:ability_inksaversub::ability_inksaversub::ability_inksaversub:
Blueberry Casuals :shoes_cfs000::ability_inksaversub:|:ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed:
You can also try to get some damage on your shoes as well. Two mains (or 6 subs) of bomb range and sub saver make this work.

For the wasabi, you want to stack special duration because it decreases the end animation for the inkstrike. Something like:
Stealth Goggles :head_met002::ability_swimspeed:|:ability_specialduration::ability_specialduration::ability_specialduration:
White Inky Rider (no picture) :ability_specialduration:|:ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed:
White Kicks :shoes_lts000::ability_swimspeed:|:ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed:
That way you preserve some of the "sonic" build that many people run, but still have your quick inkstrikes.

In general, I find that the splattershot variants want lots of movement speed to strafe or swim strafe around their enemies (so you could build the vanilla with this in mind as well). You might also consider a few damage subs here and there on the tentatek or wasabi to counter defense builds (sometimes the four shots become a problem).

If you want to go all in on the respawn idea, I'd use:
Squid Nordic (no picture) :ability_comeback:|:ability_quickrespawn::ability_quickrespawn::ability_quickrespawn:
Squid-Stitch Tee :clothes_tes017::ability_swimspeed:|:ability_quickrespawn::ability_quickrespawn::ability_quickrespawn:
Moto Boots :shoes_bot000::ability_quickrespawn:|:ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed:
You respawn in no time, have comeback to get you back in the action, and still have some movement buffs for firefights.(note, I saw ThatSrb2DUDE run something similar recently, so apparently this works :) )

I don't know the tri-slosher very well, but you could try something that helps with the disruptor and bubble:
Studio Headphones :head_hdp000::ability_inksavermain:|:ability_specialduration::ability_specialduration::ability_specialduration:
Linen Shirt :clothes_shirt014::ability_bombrange:|:ability_inksavermain::ability_inksavermain::ability_inksavermain:
Soccer Cleats (no picture) :ability_inkresistance:|:ability_specialcharge::ability_specialcharge::ability_specialcharge:
The Navy Firefin sweat could be good here as well, as it reduces the cost of the disruptor.

Jet Squelcher
The jet squelcher is awesome, another one of my favorites, especially the custom variant. I usually run damage up, ink recovery, ink saver main, and swim speed (to help with kraken):
White Headband :head_first: :ability_inkrecovery:|:ability_damage::ability_damage::ability_damage:
Navy Striped LS :clothes_tel003::ability_damage:|:ability_inksavermain::ability_inksavermain::ability_inksavermain:
Red Hi-Tops :shoes_shi005::ability_inkresistance:|:ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed:
One damage main + one sub makes a direct burst bomb + one bullet give you a splat, which can be very helpful. I run a bit more damage because it helps burst bombs generally.

One main of damage gets you 99.9 damage on three hits, which can steal kills with more frequency than you'd expect, and I'd run at least one damage main on the vanilla jet. Spacing is really, really important with this weapon, even with burst bombs, as you have such a long time-to-kill that you need to be really far from your enemies. Getting two hits on them while they approach then burst bombing them is a good strategy (just be careful on ink consumption).

For more discussion, please check out the build compendium in my signature.

Good luck!
Last edited:


WARNING! Long post ahead!

I'll let others respond about the octobrush more indepth, as I don't play them usually. I do know that damage up is vital as it increases your damage at max range to preserve that 3-swish kill.

Splattershot Pro
The pros are awesome but definitely require some ink saver main. Some people argue that you can just get by with ink recovery, but I like to run a bit of both. Something like:
Studio Headphones :head_hdp000: :ability_inksavermain:|:ability_specialduration::ability_specialduration::ability_specialduration:
White Shirt :clothes_shirt003::ability_inkrecovery:|:ability_inksavermain::ability_inksavermain::ability_inksavermain:
Red Hi-Tops :shoes_shi005: :ability_inkresistance:|:ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed:
This could be good for each version. It gives you lots of ink saver, ink recover, and special duration which lengthens inkzooka and bomb rush as well as reduces the end animation for inkstrike. Swim speed is important for this weapon because you really need to be able to reposition quickly to keep your spacing. Other things to consider would be to add some sub saver (the jungle hat would be good), or some more swim speed (possibly the rainy day tee).

The splattershots are my favorites. Each one can be built as a "Sanic" fast-slayer type build, which typically looks something like:
Any run speed hat :ability_runspeed:|:ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed: (with as many run subs as you can roll)
Black Baseball LS :clothes_tel006: :ability_swimspeed:|:ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed:
White Kicks :shoes_lts000::ability_swimspeed:|:ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed:
Which lets you literally run and swim circles around enemies. All splattershots can benefit from some damage up because even one main of defense turns your gun from a 3-shot-splat to a 4-shot-splat. Try the Layered Anchor LS:
For more specific builds, I wrote this up on another thread:
For the tentatek I'd definitely run two mains worth of special saver.

Two Striped Mesh :head_cap010::ability_specialsaver:|:ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed:
Layered Vector LS:clothes_tly008::ability_specialsaver:|:ability_specialcharge::ability_specialcharge::ability_specialcharge:
White Kicks :shoes_lts000::ability_swimspeed:|:ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed:
This gives you lots of movement speed options, helps counteract the death special penalty, and helps you get your special in the first place.

The vanilla is tricky with the burst bomb changes. You really want two mains worth of sub saver, two mains worth of damage up, and two mains worth of bomb range. You can't get this without shiny gear, so the closest thing I've seen that doesn't use sub saver is:
Sun Visor (no picture) :ability_bombrange:|:ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery:
Squidmark Sweat :clothes_swt001::ability_bombrange:|:ability_damage::ability_damage::ability_damage:
Cyan Trainers :shoes_sht004::ability_damage:|:ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery:
Which gives you lots of burst bombs over time. I'm currently trying out different setups with a mix of sub saver and ink recovery to find something not so hard to roll. The playstyle is a bit different without the ability to throw three bombs - bombs become more supplemental than a main pressuring tactic. Nevertheless, a bomb followed by a few quick shots is still an effective way to take people out, and with the buffed radius to burst bombs, bomb rush can be pretty devastating. You could also run between 6 subs and 2 mains of sub saver and throw up to three bombs, which makes this more a support weapon. Try to get some damage on your hat like:
Pilot Goggles :head_eye002::ability_bombrange:|:ability_damage::ability_damage::ability_unknown:
Navy Firefin Sweat :clothes_swt003::ability_bombrange:|:ability_inksaversub::ability_inksaversub::ability_inksaversub:
Blueberry Casuals :shoes_cfs000::ability_inksaversub:|:ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed:
You can also try to get some damage on your shoes as well. Two mains (or 6 subs) of bomb range and sub saver make this work.

For the wasabi, you want to stack special duration because it decreases the end animation for the inkstrike. Something like:
Stealth Goggles :head_met002::ability_swimspeed:|:ability_specialduration::ability_specialduration::ability_specialduration:
White Inky Rider (no picture) :ability_specialduration:|:ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed:
White Kicks :shoes_lts000::ability_swimspeed:|:ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed:
That way you preserve some of the "sonic" build that many people run, but still have your quick inkstrikes.

In general, I find that the splattershot variants want lots of movement speed to strafe or swim strafe around their enemies (so you could build the vanilla with this in mind as well). You might also consider a few damage subs here and there on the tentatek or wasabi to counter defense builds (sometimes the four shots become a problem).

If you want to go all in on the respawn idea, I'd use:
Squid Nordic (no picture) :ability_comeback:|:ability_quickrespawn::ability_quickrespawn::ability_quickrespawn:
Squid-Stitch Tee :clothes_tes017::ability_swimspeed:|:ability_quickrespawn::ability_quickrespawn::ability_quickrespawn:
Moto Boots :shoes_bot000::ability_quickrespawn:|:ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed:
You respawn in no time, have comeback to get you back in the action, and still have some movement buffs for firefights.(note, I saw ThatSrb2DUDE run something similar recently, so apparently this works :) )

I don't know the tri-slosher very well, but you could try something that helps with the disruptor and bubble:
Studio Headphones :head_hdp000::ability_inksavermain:|:ability_specialduration::ability_specialduration::ability_specialduration:
Linen Shirt :clothes_shirt014::ability_bombrange:|:ability_inksavermain::ability_inksavermain::ability_inksavermain:
Soccer Cleats (no picture) :ability_inkresistance:|:ability_specialcharge::ability_specialcharge::ability_specialcharge:
The Navy Firefin sweat could be good here as well, as it reduces the cost of the disruptor.

Jet Squelcher
The jet squelcher is awesome, another one of my favorites, especially the custom variant. I usually run damage up, ink recovery, ink saver main, and swim speed (to help with kraken):
White Headband :head_first: :ability_inkrecovery:|:ability_damage::ability_damage::ability_damage:
Navy Striped LS :clothes_tel003::ability_damage:|:ability_inksavermain::ability_inksavermain::ability_inksavermain:
Red Hi-Tops :shoes_shi005::ability_inkresistance:|:ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed:
One damage main + one sub makes a direct burst bomb + one bullet give you a splat, which can be very helpful. I run a bit more damage because it helps burst bombs generally.

One main of damage gets you 99.9 damage on three hits, which can steal kills with more frequency than you'd expect, and I'd run at least one damage main on the vanilla jet. Spacing is really, really important with this weapon, even with burst bombs, as you have such a long time-to-kill that you need to be really far from your enemies. Getting two hits on them while they approach then burst bombing them is a good strategy (just be careful on ink consumption).

For more discussion, please check out the build compendium in my signature.

Good luck!
Thanks for the post, I just might try some of those builds you posted, but I think you misunderstood my post (the title is very ambiguous). I was looking for new weapons to use based off my current play style, so I posted the weapons I already used to see if anyone could think "this could work for you"


Prodigal Squid
Aug 18, 2015
Thanks for the post, I just might try some of those builds you posted, but I think you misunderstood my post (the title is very ambiguous). I was looking for new weapons to use based off my current play style, so I posted the weapons I already used to see if anyone could think "this could work for you"

Let me think about that...


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
On that note, if you like the Splattershot, have you tried the Splash-O-Matic? For a bit less range and power you get crazy accuracy and fire rate, the sets are fun too.


Prodigal Squid
Aug 18, 2015
Ok... here goes:

I think you'd like the L-3D. The semi-automatic takes a bit to get used to, but it outranges all other mid-range shooters and the burst bombs really help it slay people. With some practice is covers turf really well also and you can get some really high numbers in TW (both K/D and turf inked). Even the vanilla L-3 could be up your alley if you're already adept with disruptors from the tri-slosher. It makes taking out people with the L-3 that much easier. Since you're a slosher, maybe you won't even be bothered my the semi-auto.

The new Nzap might also be good for you. It plays like a splattershot that can go kraken and just take people out.

Finally, the buffs to the Splash-o-Matic make it a really good weapon. Especially the neo-variant. It has a hair shorter range than the splattershots, but makes up for it with burst bombs. And the inkzooka is always good to have around. It is a very mobile weapon, which helps in firefights.


I still want to try the Sploosh-o-Matic because it seems a bit like a brush built in to a gun, but I tried the Jet Squelcher today and I absolutely love it. Here is my build:

I can't seem to pull myself away from Swim Speed Up regardless of the build (which would be why I have a pure piece of Swim Speed Up for each type of clothing) but I really enjoy this build. The range on this is crazy, I was killing Dynamo Flickers from a distance and nobody got near me. I was able to swim extremely fast, the damage up helps, and Ink Recovery Up means I don't need to worry about being out of ink for very long. I'm loving this weapon. This will be my new baby for a while until I get more adept with it then I might try the Sploosh.

@SupaTim I've tried the N-Zap before, but it just seems like a glorified Aerospray, and I'm not a fan of the Aerospray either. For that reason I'm not a big fan of the Splash-o-Matic as well. I don't mind sacrificing Attack for Range (like the Jet Squelcher), or Range for Attack (like the Octobrush, Inkbrush, Tri-Slosher), but one thing you'll notice amongst all my choices is Fire Rate is the least of my priorities. Unfortunately with these fully automatic Fire Rate weapons they miss out of both Range and Attack, and I don't really find that suiting my style. I used the Aerospray like every one else did in the first month the game was out, and I used the N-Zap shortly after, but I'm just burnt out on those types of weapons.

EDIT: I'm also going to replace a Swim Speed Up or Ink Recovery Up with a Damage Up for the CJS as recommended by you both, but right now I'm just getting used to it in TW so the Ink Strike has more uses for me than the Kraken.
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Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
I'm on a bit of a bender right now with the Heavy Splatlings, and I just posted a lengthy essay on one topic with splatling tips. .... So may I suggest the Heavy Splatlings?

You mentioned that you don't mind giving up a bit of attack power for range buffs, and I initially said that too, but why not have both? I was looking for a weapon that had enough range that I could avoid getting splatted endlessly, as there's nothing that sets me off my game faster than dying over and over. -So I tried the Jet and found that it was hard to kill people with a fire rate so slow. So I tried the Pro and always wound up running out of ink (plus the kits didn't work well with me). I went back to my old main of the .96 gal and found myself hating the mobility and accuracy more and more these days. Then on a whim I pulled out the Heavy and gave it a whirl and I've never had so much fun playing this game. If you can get used to the windup, you'll find yourself mowing down people like you're using a more accurate N-Zap at a Jet Squelcher range. It also affords you the flexibility of deciding between loading up a partial ring for a quick splat, a full ring for maximum range and minimum visible exposure, two full rings for applying maximum pressure, or anything in between. Give that post a look over and lemme know what you think.


I'm on a bit of a bender right now with the Heavy Splatlings, and I just posted a lengthy essay on one topic with splatling tips. .... So may I suggest the Heavy Splatlings?

You mentioned that you don't mind giving up a bit of attack power for range buffs, and I initially said that too, but why not have both? I was looking for a weapon that had enough range that I could avoid getting splatted endlessly, as there's nothing that sets me off my game faster than dying over and over. -So I tried the Jet and found that it was hard to kill people with a fire rate so slow. So I tried the Pro and always wound up running out of ink (plus the kits didn't work well with me). I went back to my old main of the .96 gal and found myself hating the mobility and accuracy more and more these days. Then on a whim I pulled out the Heavy and gave it a whirl and I've never had so much fun playing this game. If you can get used to the windup, you'll find yourself mowing down people like you're using a more accurate N-Zap at a Jet Squelcher range. It also affords you the flexibility of deciding between loading up a partial ring for a quick splat, a full ring for maximum range and minimum visible exposure, two full rings for applying maximum pressure, or anything in between. Give that post a look over and lemme know what you think.
When I have a bit of time I'll check out your post. Right now I'm impartial to Splatlings in general as I've never sunk my teeth in to them, but I didn't mind using them occassionally just for fun.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Hey, glad to hear you're enjoying the Jet Squelcher! :D That looks like a fine build too, swim speed is useful for most every weapon, in the case of squelchers positioning to keep people at range is pretty important.


Prodigal Squid
Aug 18, 2015
@SupaTim I've tried the N-Zap before, but it just seems like a glorified Aerospray, and I'm not a fan of the Aerospray either. For that reason I'm not a big fan of the Splash-o-Matic as well. I don't mind sacrificing Attack for Range (like the Jet Squelcher), or Range for Attack (like the Octobrush, Inkbrush, Tri-Slosher), but one thing you'll notice amongst all my choices is Fire Rate is the least of my priorities. Unfortunately with these fully automatic Fire Rate weapons they miss out of both Range and Attack, and I don't really find that suiting my style. I used the Aerospray like every one else did in the first month the game was out, and I used the N-Zap shortly after, but I'm just burnt out on those types of weapons.
Hrm. The NZaps have the same range as the splattershots and only kill 11 frames slower, which is hardly noticeable. They are actually a little bit more mobile than the splattershots, especially if you use run speed, which seems to suit your playstyle as I understand it (but I could very well be wrong). The new NZap in particular seems good because it has a good kit for slaying people: you can tag enemies and you have the mobility to just go in a take them out, or the kraken if you need it. It is much more accurate and has better range than an aerospray (which I would honestly never suggest using, except as a meme weapon).

I still think the L-3 series would be good for you.

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