Advice from an S- Ranked Custom E3 Liter Inkling

Advice from an S- Ranked Custom E3 Liter Inkling

And that’s it from me! Good luck with the Custom E3 Liter – may you reign havoc to all you face! :)
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That tower control section is really not accurate in my opinion. If you have just got the lead then KEEP PUSHING. This will make it much harder for opponents to comeback and where you have already gone with the tower you move twice as fast.
One thing most people dont know is that damage up reduces the amount of time needed to gully charge
Great guide.
an amazing guide. taught me a thing or two, and I'm seriously considering using the Custom E-Litre now.
nice! This is a really in depth guide about the 3L33T . The advice in this article can be used for all playing styles. good read
Great guide, very thorough with the information. Just one thing, the regular E-Liter doesn't need Damage Up, it's just commonly used because it strengthens it's weakness of close range shots.
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