The guide to becoming a Charger user!

The guide to becoming a Charger user!

Most of the people I encounter in the Splatoon community say that the Charger class is really hard to use. I've come up with a few steps to rank up those splats. I hope this guide helps!

Step 1: Find a Charger
I would recommend starting off with something that is decent in charging speed and has decent range. If your just starting off with the Charger or you used the gun class, I would suggest using the Splatterscope or the Kelp Splatterscope (Splatterscope, bombs and bomb rush and Kelp Splatterscope sprinklers and Killer Wail)

Step 2: Test your weapon!
You might think not using motion controls is easier, but if you chose one of the scope chargers, your pretty limited when it comes to moving around. Always test your weapon and practise a little before going out to battle with it. Sense in the testing room there are test balloons, try shooting them at a different angle and farther away.

Step 3: Go into battle!
If you are used to using the Charger and you think you have a better understand of it, go straight into Turf War! But there are some certain things you need to note while using a Charger
Note 1- NEVER advance in the map without your team!
The charger is meant to be a support weapon, not a weapon you play around with! It can easily be countered by almost every weapon in the game when in close combat. So try to stay low or on a sniper perch where you can get some kills from. ONLY advance when your team does
Note 2- Ink the ground!!!
People always say that the only thing good with Charger users is to get splats, but that's not always true. Like I said in note 1, the charger weapon is a support weapon. You splat the other team, yeah, but you leave pathways and ink enemies turf when it's in the way of your teams progression. It's also good to ink turf so you can charge up your special meter.

Step 4: Practice makes perfect!
I probably sound cliche right now, but practice with the Charger DOES make a difference! If you are willing to spend days, maybe even weeks with trying to use the charger, go for it! The charger is a tricky weapon to use, but once you get the hang of it, it's pretty fun! Splats are one thing, but if your really good with the charger, sometimes you will actually be the one to carry out the team!!!

That does it for the guide. If you have any questions, comment!
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As an experienced Charger player, I could say that this this not a very in-depth guide. It lacks what a true Charger does, which is kill. You CAN'T get good at a charger just by looking at a guide. Besides, different chargers have different uses. The Squiffer is made for Inking in Turf War. The E-Liter is made for Ranked. You didn't really touch upon the Charger's different roles. This is best for learning Squiffer. Just sayin'.
The important stuff is missing.
1. Aim on the ground before you shoot (otherwise the enemy can see where you aim).
2. The Splat bombs are really good for close combats (just throw them on the ground and swim away)
3. Use damage ups (the charge time gets reduced)
4. Play Tower control and Rainmaker (On these modes you have a certain point/target, which you can aim at.)
Really did a good explanation
Practice makes perfect but not if the way you're practicing is incorrect. Not the most helpful guide. It points out the obvious, but nice effort.
Gives basic understanding, like the guy said. Something to focus on would be key positioning in maps and how to use your subs/specials efficiently. Although that is a lot to ask for, considering the wide variety of chargers. Focusing on the most basic charger as a model makes things easier.
It helped with the basic understanding, but I didn't find it helpful for actually getting better with a charger.
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