The Krak-On Guide

The Krak-On Guide

:wst_roller_normal01:The Krak-On-Splat Roller:wst_roller_normal01:

First off, I'd like to say that this guide and the whole process of Maining the Krak-On Roller was because of Sorapol, who is in Chimera. Check her out on YouTube!

Part One:

While it might seem obvious to you or your friend, it might not seem obvious to other levels.

If you are a lower level, maybe 5 - 20, you might not know what this term is, but by now it would be extremely helpful if you knew, ESPECIALLY at such a young level.

The process of flicking is done when you, well, flick the roller. You know when you start rolling and the roller kind of goes up and then down, and then you hold down the button to roll? Well, that's what flicking is!... Not the roller part, of course.

How important is it? Well, if you flick the roller, it does a K.O as long as you are close to your victim/opponent. If you try to approach someone by rolling, they most likely will splat you, but if you flick at them, it might turn the odds around.

Please make sure you don't flick all of the time.

Part Two:

If you want to be a good Krak-On-Splat Roller, you most likely would care about your gear. If you don't know already, specific gear have specific attributes, better known as abilities.

First off, if you are the aggressive type of roller, it is important that you know how to juke. A big help with this is the swim speed sub/main attribute which obviously helps you swim faster.

I use 4 mains, or better known as 1 main and 9 subs, 3 mains and 3 subs, and so on. Believe it or not, you'll get used to the Swim Speed and it will help quite a lot. Here's an example of my gear:


Whenever I use the Krak-On, in every game mode, I make sure I have 4 mains so I can plan my attacks fast and quick.

As for the missing main ability and three sub abilities, I usually change them depending on the ranked game mode.

For Rainmaker and Splatzones, I use Special Charge Up for the shoes.


( I used the White Arrows because the white Rockenberg shoes that had Special Charge Up weren't there, so... Yea )

I use special charge up because it allows you to quickly get your :kraken: special ready.

As for Tower Control, I use the regular Moto Boots for quick respawn since as a Roller, your expected to die quite a bit.


Here is the end to the gear portion of this guide. :)

Part Three:
:squidbeacon: Sub Weapon(s) :squidbeacon:

As a Krak-On-Splat Roller, your sub weapon, or utility weapon, is a Beakon. If you don't know what a Beakon is, or you're a low level, you might think it's the worst sub weapon in the games since it doesn't explode. But the truth is, it's really useful at times, especially with quick super jump equipped.

I even won a game because of these beacons! They allow quick access, and they're completely safe. By this, I mean that people won't see you jumping to them. Please note that you can only place 3 in one session, but when you try to place a 4th one, the 1st beacon you placed will in fact disappear as @WiseSquid said.

These beacons are vulnerable because they can in fact be destroyed, but only by the other team. You can also use beacons to distract the foe and then jump in and splat them!

The one con about this weapon is that it can be seen on the mini map which is accessible by looking at the game pad.

Thank you all for reading, and I hope that you have found this guide informative!

:kraken: See ya! :kraken:
(⌒▽⌒) | Star | Kai
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A pretty good guide. I main all rollers so I pretty much new all this stuff, but it was nice to brush up on the basics of my favorite roller. Good job!
It's a decent guide. The bit about the beacons implies that you can only place three in one match, That is not the case. You can only place three at any one time but it's the only limitation. When you place the fourth the first one will dissappear. Hurrah for beacon pressure tho!
(⌒▽⌒) | Star | Kai
(⌒▽⌒) | Star | Kai
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It is my first guide and probably my only one, but I won't use that as an excuse. Thank you for telling me about the beacon thing, as I put that in there and credited you for telling me.
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