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  • Tofu_mommy!? I might have played with you haha. you were so cool too~~ loved the vibe and your pfp looks pretty similar
    Holy carp, Sploon 3 looks insane after you get used to Splatoon 1. Switch truly was a generational leap, and the game would look truly stunning on a high end PC where path tracing could crank it up to look like one of the best games ever, especially with the reflective ink, and bright colors that would really pop with proper RTGI.
    Anyone getting kicked offline when playing? It's the 4th time this splatfest my internet goes down and I get hit with a ban. Considering my WHOLE connection goes down, I'm wonering if this is some sort of (D)DoS attack to kick people offline. It's obnoxious at this point and laughable considering I'm paying for NO SERVERS on a game meant to be played on portable devices.
    Having 4 disconnects within 24h where all of them happen when I'm in a splatoon match, some the second it starts, and cutting my internet connection off seems extremely iffy, almost like people trying to boot people offline (and waste their time having to wait for their connection to come back and to try to queue up to start their ban period). Extremely obnoxious if you ask me. Why do I pay Nintendo for this service?
    You have to pay to live
    I'm considering paying for Pretendo to get my access to beta servers, as it's actual effort that results in AGPL code that re-implements services. Nintendo has me pay $20 a year to get the privilege of being able to connect to their NEX matchmaking server to then have P2P netcode with people having the worst connections, and seeing my IP address in a game that should never use such netcode.
    So glad I'm almost done with the catalog, I'll be able to allocate that time into Splatoon 1 instead.
    Is search broken for anyone besides me?
    Nah, it's like that for me as well. I was hoping it'd be fixed by now since it's been like this for around a week.
    I'll go Dm Warchamp
    I wish I could just buy battle pass levels and skip the grind. I don't want to play this game, as I'm sick of it and all the issues it has.
    Also, 3 ranked queues? Why not let me play the mode I want (SZ) at this point?
    Where's a button to match with a team different than the current one, if you end up with bad players?
    I'm finally at the half way mark of S rank. Let's go, I'm almost out of this hell of a rank, and even managed to win a series.
    Anyone else ran into even a single tri-color battle this splatfest? I think Nintendo just blocked them entirely (which is a good thing, since they're a guaranteed loss for the team in lead).
    I had a single battle late into the EU splatfest. Winning it gave me a badge, so I guess it could be a weird thing to brag with if I wanted to.
    Is there any way to report people in splatoon 3? I can't find a way in splatnet 3, and I'm dealing with some of the worst salmon run players of all time.
    you want to report them for being bad at a game? wow.....
    just block them and move on. reporting them for that is kinda petty.
    There's being bad at a game, and then there's throwing games. This is within the latter territory.
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