Recent content by Captain Ahab

  1. Captain Ahab

    A thread for crying about the kits

    I was holding out for a Flingza that didn't feel really cheap to use, and this feels cheap in the other way - ohhh jeez.
  2. Captain Ahab


    Thank you so much!! As of the moment, I don't think I'm skilled enough yet! I've only recently got into upper S Rank competitively, so I want to try and get to X Rank before I apply - I wouldn't want to bring people down! I'll consider applying though, that's really nice to hear!
  3. Captain Ahab


    Hello, ahoy!! I'm Ahab, I'm a player who joined at the start of Splatoon 3 after having served as well as I could for Team Paper! My mains are Dynamo Roller and Tri-Stringer, but I do everything I can to practice most weapons I think could be useful for certain teams, other than blasters...
  4. Captain Ahab

    Best ways to practice new weapons?

    Hello there! I'm a little curious how more dedicated players, or those who are leaning into that area, practice weapons they're unfamiliar with? It's been a struggle trying to figure out my proper niche, and while I know it's partially because I only play with randos due to some struggle...
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