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  • Maybe im just getting better at explo but I am LOVING custom explosher the weapon feels so crazy at times and the kit doesn't even feel like a meme
    Like seriously why does this kit work as well as it does it was a meme when it was shown off
    most likely the splashdown buff
    What's your build for cExplo?

    I kinda just threw this build together from spare gear
    Im thinking about replacing the SCU main for Swim speed
    and adding more ink recovery instead of as much ISM because I only need 1 main + 1 sub ISM for 4 sloshes after a wall
    Man they really fumbled the Undercover sorella brella im trying to 4 star every brella and this is the most annoying one besides vBrella
    It feels great if the enemy team has a charger but otherwise I would rather be playing vunder cause at least that weapon is just silly
    It's the only one I haven't 4-starred yet, so can relate I guess, it only feels good when bullying backliners
    Considering making a video talking about Recycled brella "stepping on the toes" so to speak of Splat brella
    sounds fun
    knew the name looked familiar... would that happen to have been you?

    yep thats me! thought I recognised your name too couldn't remember from where tho
    good games!
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