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hey, I was wondering if you could make my OC Bennet please, I saw how great you did on your PFP using a SFM creation and was wondering if you could do the same for me?
I made this SFM during one of the first Big Runs after Inkopolis Plaza was released, this one depicts General Anemone's Tentacle Troop unit fighting against the invading Salmonids.
You know what? I'm creating that theory anyways, because making the origins of a playable species murky and confusing doesn't sit well with me, some mysteries are meant to be solved and known after all.
I'm tempted to make a new theory about Octoling development (again) only because Nintendo refuses to just be satisfied with one or the other (will include other stuff like the Octo Samurai and the screams in the domes).
Well, the thing I didn't want to happen did happen: A third banner that costs 333 Golden Scales has been added. So to get all three, one would need a total of 999 Golden Scales. Sheesh, 999 Silver Scales was bad enough, now 999 Golden Scales?
Kelp has probably broken the record of longest diary entry she ever wrote. But she did have a lot on her mind, worrying about her boyfriend's wellbeing and all.
A bit of explanation on how Coral and Kelp are perfect for eachother: Coral is the last of his family lineage who can make sure the bloodline continues, so he needs to have at least two Octoling children. Kelp wants to have as many Octoling children as possible, and she isn't shy talking about that.
On Splatoon 1's 10th anniversary, I plan to create an SFM featuring the cast of characters from Splatoon 1 as a celebration of the game that started the series.
Something has got me thinking, once plaza posts won't be tied to Twitter anymore, maybe I could resume on drawing up my OCs on there, and hopefully, they actually show up in-game.