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I just feel like i can hardly hit even half of my shots, i wanna main squiffer so bad but i just miss sooo much, i do the aim drills and all of that and it just doesnt help
Does anyone else get upset how at minimum we are only gonna have few more seasons left? It seems like the possibility of third kits is low aswell. With the popularity of splatoon im really suprised they dont have atleast 3 years instead of 2. I get they have to work on the next game, but even...
Rock vs Paper vs Scissors
- TEAM Rock ✅
Gear vs Grub vs Fun
- TEAM Gear ✅
Grass vs Fire vs Water
- TEAM Water ✅
Spicy vs Sweet vs Sour
- TEAM Sweet✅
Dark vs Milk vs White Chocolate
- TEAM Milk Chocolate❌
Nessie vs Aliens vs Bigfoot
- TEAM Aliens ❌
Power vs Wisdom vs Courage
- TEAM Wisdom❌...