What are some buffs/nerfs you want for the 7.0.0 patch?


Feb 10, 2024
Title. I'll go first:

  • Nerf: Bomb spam across the board. An idea I had is something akin to Smash's stale moves mechanics in which using the same action repeatedly results in diminishing returns, so in Splatoon's case, make it so that repeatedly spamming bombs instead of taking other actions increases white ink frames infinitely, & thus forcing people to take fights more.
  • Nerf: Make Tacticooler a breakable HP special. I think it's about time that's the case because what with all the out of bounds bugs all regarding Cooler, being able to shred the enemy Cooler to completely neutralize its effects would be a worthwhile trade-off for how meta-defining the special is. Makes it so that it doesn't lose its identity, but also make it so that bad Cooler positioning gets punished.
  • Buff: Make Special Power Up affect Big Bubbler's beakon jump speed alongside its effect of adding more durability. Self-explanatory. Would enable team mates jumping to it to get into the action faster.
  • Buff: Lower Curling Bomb's ink efficiency cost. Maybe 55%?

These I feel would be a little bit more impactful to the overall health & game balance of the game, but what do you think? And what's your ideas for buffs/nerfs you wanna see?


Pro Squid
Feb 3, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Undercover Brella (please it desperately needs buffs)
  • Increase maximum damage of shots from 40.0 damage to 45.0
  • Increase movement speed while firing by roughly 15%
  • Make it so that the canopy will fully recover HP after using a special (I think that’d be cool)


Senior Squid
Jan 29, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Title. I'll go first:

  • Nerf: Bomb spam across the board. An idea I had is something akin to Smash's stale moves mechanics in which using the same action repeatedly results in diminishing returns, so in Splatoon's case, make it so that repeatedly spamming bombs instead of taking other actions increases white ink frames infinitely, & thus forcing people to take fights more.
  • Nerf: Make Tacticooler a breakable HP special. I think it's about time that's the case because what with all the out of bounds bugs all regarding Cooler, being able to shred the enemy Cooler to completely neutralize its effects would be a worthwhile trade-off for how meta-defining the special is. Makes it so that it doesn't lose its identity, but also make it so that bad Cooler positioning gets punished.
  • Buff: Make Special Power Up affect Big Bubbler's beakon jump speed alongside its effect of adding more durability. Self-explanatory. Would enable team mates jumping to it to get into the action faster.
  • Buff: Lower Curling Bomb's ink efficiency cost. Maybe 55%?

These I feel would be a little bit more impactful to the overall health & game balance of the game, but what do you think? And what's your ideas for buffs/nerfs you wanna see?
destroy squeezer tri slosher shot pencil and 52


Mint Chocto
Jan 30, 2024
  • The speed of Squeezer’s tap fire mode has been reduced by 1 frame.
  • Squeezer now has 0.5 seconds of white ink frames after a tap fire shot.
  • Octobrush and Painbrush now has the same Ink Resistance effect that Inkbrush has.
  • The ink consumption of Curling Bomb has been lowered to 55%.
  • Ultra Stamp now consistently blocks projectiles from the front while in rush mode.
  • When using Reefslider, the enemy team will no longer see the guide rails.
  • Players can now press right on the D-Pad to communicate “Jump Here!” to their teammates.
  • Players can now press left on the D-Pad to communicate a multiplayer mode specific message in Splat Zones and Clam Blitz.
  • In Splat Zones, players can communicate “Painting Zone!”
  • In Clam Blitz, players can communicate “Pass Me Clams!”
  • Implemented new hairstyle options for octolings.

Par / Remora

Feb 12, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I can get behind most of Minty's list, though I'm not a huge fan of the idea of Reefslider becoming less telegraphed in a way that makes it near-unreactable in certain circumstances.

I'm keeping my expectations low, but right now my biggest hopes are something like...
  • Tri-Stringer skill floor reduction, this weapon is way too hard for what it does and has two kind of mediocre kits. Feels wrong for one of the flagship weapons of this game to be so...meh.
  • Dynamo Roller vertical flick rework. Borderline unusable. Dynamo has other issues, but this is the biggest one still remaining.
  • Pencil range nerf or something to address the cooler output it has, as well as a cooler nerf. I'd like to go a single format in this game without someone, somewhere in competitive play, being placed in "jail."
  • Please, just, in general, more low-tier buffs across the board; the high tier weapons are mostly in very good spots and I don't really want to see most of them nerfed.


Full Squid
Feb 3, 2019
Switch Friend Code
Nerfs: Pencil damage reverted back to 60. Shot slight painting nerf maybe.

Buffs: Mini and l3 rng or shot velocity, h3 41->48 damage, painbrush ink res when rolling and bumping damage 30->55.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
patch predictions:
random shooter buff (maybe .52 this time)
completely ignore pencil (again)
bare minimum buffs to undercover, H-3, dynamo, etc.
unnecessary nerf to a weapon that is actually in a good spot (slosher maybe)


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
  • The speed of Squeezer’s tap fire mode has been reduced by 1 frame.
  • Squeezer now has 0.5 seconds of white ink frames after a tap fire shot.
  • Octobrush and Painbrush now has the same Ink Resistance effect that Inkbrush has.
  • The ink consumption of Curling Bomb has been lowered to 55%.
  • Ultra Stamp now consistently blocks projectiles from the front while in rush mode.
  • When using Reefslider, the enemy team will no longer see the guide rails.
  • Players can now press right on the D-Pad to communicate “Jump Here!” to their teammates.
  • Players can now press left on the D-Pad to communicate a multiplayer mode specific message in Splat Zones and Clam Blitz.
  • In Splat Zones, players can communicate “Painting Zone!”
  • In Clam Blitz, players can communicate “Pass Me Clams!”
  • Implemented new hairstyle options for octolings.
For the Reefslider buff, what about instead of getting rid of the rails, they just make them visible only for the beginning of it and fade away after? It'll make it so if you're paying attention you'll still know the Reefslider is coming but it'll be easier to catch people off guard if they're not looking around there or are currently too busy in a fight to notice the second the rails show up.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 30, 2024
eastern time
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make fully charged pencil shots paint a thinner line, with slightly better ink efficiency to compensate.
the problem isn't that it's good at anchoring, and not that it's good at getting cooler. the problem is that it does both at the same time.

i would like to see some low tiers be buffed into mid tier as well instead of only buffing weapons that are already mid tier


Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Nerf zooka startup. I should not be able to immediately whip out a long range 1 shot special and blow somebody's face off in the span of a nanosecond before they can even react.


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
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I hold this game's balance in a bit of a more positive light than I think most people do since I feel like most weapons currently hold some kind of purpose in this game, whether it's being strong at a lower-level, competitively, or seeing genuine use in X Battles, so I don't have as much to complain about as others with main weapons. I don't think every weapon needs to be competitively viable as long as people have somewhere to play the weapons they like without feeling like they're playing bad weapons.

For important changes...
  • Give Trizooka the same startup as Inkzooka got in Splatoon 1. No brainer.
  • Give Snipewriter less painting output and increase the vanilla kit's points for special by 10p. Thing is apparently super strong into other backlines and is good enough at guaranteeing chip on people to the point where I doubt this will kill it, just keeps it from having hitting shots as a secondary goal. I'm fine with its painting still being decent but not the way it currently is.
  • Give Splattercolor Screen more accessibility changes. I don't know if it still needs visual changes or how I'd approach that if it does, but I'd change the sound to something more like the one that plays for that one trippy Mario Maker 2 stage effect.
  • IF AND ONLY IF Screen's accessibility issues are fixed, it should absolutely get buffed in some way as well. You can literally squid roll through it to negate the damage. For how I'd approach this though, no idea. Maybe remove the clear spots you can see through on it and make it last longer?
Aaaaaaand that's it lmao. For changes I could do without, but think would be cool...
  • Reduce the Splattershot Nova's shot spread. Thing still sucks everywhere despite the Inkjet kit being really good so it needs something.
  • Let the Luna Blaster go back into squid form sooner after firing. It has really good fire rate when it doesn't mix squid form in between shots but doesn't feel strong enough right now to justify its painting being awful.
  • Reduce H-3's endlag. Thing's just way too slow for this game.
  • Give the Dynamo Roller much, MUCH better painting from its vertical flick. People are saying it should paint better and that its vertical flick sucks. This definitely isn't the prettiest solution because it's very slow for a poke and won't be especially difficult to paint over but I don't like that a whole part of the weapon is almost completely useless as it stands.
  • Remove the Goo Tuber's glow while holding a charge. On the fence about this one since it could end up being really annoying but nobody's complaining about a Range Blaster sharking so I think this is worth testing. It's still a Goo Tuber, thing still isn't really good at much else.
  • Double the Explosher's object damage. This weapon really needs something right now and the second kit it just got isn't doing it any favors. Might as well make it a little better into a few of the specials it's weakest against.
  • Give the Splat Brella better painting. I really think this weapon should be better if it has a kit as insane as this one. The devs seem to want to push this as an exclusively supportive weapon so I think a buff like this would be appropriate.
  • Give Tri Stringer...something, but I really don't know what. Kinda needs some kind of boost though.
  • Drastically increase the distance Reefslider can move. I've said in a few other threads but I think making it more consistent at getting behind people quickly is the best way to buff this without changing too much about how it works casually. It'll be impossible for it to go too far without getting stuck on some geometry on most maps and the rails should make it fine enough to react to.
  • Give Triple Splashdown's superjump a larger blast radius. Such a cool aspect of the special but it sucks so much right now. Come on guys


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Squeezer tap fire rate (2 frames slower)
Snipewriter damage reduced to 65 and range reduced by roughly 1/4 of a line
Splat Bomb starts its detonation timer after 20 frames minimum
Fizzy bomb costs 65% of the ink tank when fully charged
Tri-Zooka startup increased to 1 second
Tacticooler Special Saver reduced to 29 AP

Squeezer spray fire damage increased to 34
Goo Tuber range increased by roughly 1/4 of a line
Tri-Stringer tap fire rate (2 frames faster)
Fizzy bomb costs 55% of the ink tank without any charge
Splash wall trajectory line
Toxic Mist ink cost reduced to 55%
Angle Shooter 45 damage and 7 second tracking duration (realistic changes)
Reefslider rails are now physical objects that block movement
Chumps explode when broken by an enemy and break without exploding at the end of their duration
Your team can see through Screen's opaque parts
Splashdown super jump radius increased back to S2 size

There are more, but I should probably go be productive now.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jul 28, 2014
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  • Get Tacticooler to a place where it isn't considered literally mandatory for every team to have one. I don't have clear ideas on how to accomplish this without just shooting it dead though.
  • Startup nerf on Trizooka.
  • Buff all of the low tier subweapons
    • Point Sensor - Can hit directs, grants extended duration.
    • Toxic Mist - Can hit directs, saps a portion of target's ink tank. I thought of giving it a Disruptor-like effect, but I actually think that might be too much.
    • Curling Bomb - Improve the effect of charging it. Currently it's a gimmick that goes nearly unused, I want to see it as an option that can add alternative utility.
    • Sprinkler - Paints a wider area when placed, increased HP, remove slow mode. I want to consider reworking it into something like a sentry because I just don't think its current design can ever be sufficiently useful, but that's getting into S4 territory so eh we'll just bump up numbers and call it a day.
    • Ink Mine, Angle Shooter - Honestly idk what to do with these, but they need something.
  • Explosher - Increase bullet velocity. I'm tempted to just say ink efficiency, especially after LDE got shot, but tbh that should probably remain an intended weakness. This is a buff aimed at improving the weapon's skill ceiling without making it more brain-dead to play.
  • Intensify Action - Improve the effect on accuracy when attacking out of a Squid Roll/Surges. The ingame description gives the impression that IA is just to improve Rolls and Surges, but that effect is negligibly useless over the real reason people run it. This would add themed utility and possibly even open up build/playstyle options to run less IA and use Rolls to make up the difference.


Full Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
  • The speed of Squeezer’s tap fire mode has been reduced by 1 frame.
  • Squeezer now has 0.5 seconds of white ink frames after a tap fire shot.
  • Octobrush and Painbrush now has the same Ink Resistance effect that Inkbrush has.
  • The ink consumption of Curling Bomb has been lowered to 55%.
  • Ultra Stamp now consistently blocks projectiles from the front while in rush mode.
  • When using Reefslider, the enemy team will no longer see the guide rails.
  • Players can now press right on the D-Pad to communicate “Jump Here!” to their teammates.
  • Players can now press left on the D-Pad to communicate a multiplayer mode specific message in Splat Zones and Clam Blitz.
  • In Splat Zones, players can communicate “Painting Zone!”
  • In Clam Blitz, players can communicate “Pass Me Clams!”
  • Implemented new hairstyle options for octolings.
literal dream patch oh my god. the only thing missing is a curling ink consumption nerf


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
literal dream patch oh my god. the only thing missing is a curling ink consumption nerf
The Curling ink consumption is there. It's the fourth point.

I think This Way! is good enough for encouraging teammates to jump to you. The right button on the D-Pad should be a warning, or a call for Help! since we don't have that and it'd be incredibly useful.
Also the fact that not only Super Smash Bros but also Super Mario Bros Wonder players get more in-game emotes than us is insane.


Jan 30, 2024
I just really want buffs to mist/angle shooter/sprinkler/curling (and maybe ink mine?). I'm so tired of any weapon getting one of these to be considered dead on arrival, for two games straight at this point. It's insane that it still isn't fixed, and it even affects the more casual playerbase, even they can easily understand why bomb > gimmicky sub that does nothing 90% of the time.

Like, seriously, mist is on a bunch of weapons, but does any weapon want mist?? I can't think of a single one that wouldn't rather have another sub.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I just really want buffs to mist/angle shooter/sprinkler/curling (and maybe ink mine?). I'm so tired of any weapon getting one of these to be considered dead on arrival, for two games straight at this point. It's insane that it still isn't fixed, and it even affects the more casual playerbase, even they can easily understand why bomb > gimmicky sub that does nothing 90% of the time.

Like, seriously, mist is on a bunch of weapons, but does any weapon want mist?? I can't think of a single one that wouldn't rather have another sub.
Point Sensor is the only gimmick sub that’s been done correctly, and the way it’s been done correctly is by being cheap. The same solution could probably work for both Mist and Sprinkler, especially Mist since most people think the best way to buff it is to make it stronger on a direct hit only.

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