Recent content by GoldWatson

  1. GoldWatson


  2. GoldWatson


    tfw you get tagged in a thread you never posted in ;~;
  3. GoldWatson

    Bad Splatoon Suggestions

    In Free For All Yes In deathmatch, no. Deathmatch would be played kind of like how csgo is, meaning that there's rounds. Also, another bad suggestion, Planting some kind of "bomb" and having the other team defuse it that sounds like cancer.
  4. GoldWatson

    Trying to learn chargers. Have some questions.

    1. What are the best weapons for a new charger player to use? Personally, I used (and still love) the Kelp Splatterscope. It's quite good and there's not too big of a punishment for missing a shot as opposed to the E-Liters which have a very long charge up time. 2. What should a charger player...
  5. GoldWatson

    Bad Splatoon Suggestions

    Free For All Modes and Death Match as a mode (meaning eliminate the enemy team)
  6. GoldWatson

    The Banned Game

  7. GoldWatson

    Guess the Next person to Post

    Nope woomycheri?
  8. GoldWatson

    Guess The Person Above You's Username Origin

    Nope It's my legit name :P
  9. GoldWatson

    Guess The Person Above You's Username Origin

    Probably just a Metaknight main in smash.
  10. GoldWatson

    Guess the Next person to Post

    Nope! Don't feel bad, though. I've been inactive for like 2 months. You again, because you posted so recently.
  11. GoldWatson

    The character(s) in the above avatar are after you. What do you do?

    Multishine and then claim that my hand hurts.
  12. GoldWatson

    The Game

  13. GoldWatson

    Keep on searching for clues ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)...

    Keep on searching for clues ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 687474703a2f2f7333322e706f7374696d672e6f72672f3776683378666335682f64616e6b5f6d656d65732e706e67
  14. GoldWatson

    The ^ < v Game

    ^Ha nope (I like cake) <Is getting a new harddrive tomorrow (Mine didn't ship at the right time) vIs still in school
  15. GoldWatson

    Team Ørbit looking for players

    Great! I have the same time as you do, so I'd be able to play between those times. What weapon should I use in the private battles?
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