Recent content by Shirma Akayaku

  1. Shirma Akayaku

    Amiibo Announcement! Callie, Marie and Original recolours

    I'll get them both. I'll also make sure to update the Splatoon Music thread since they'll have new songs. :)
  2. Shirma Akayaku

    Callie and Marie amiibo confirmed!

    Hey everyone! I'm super excited for Callie and Marie! (I plan on getting them both). Since the Squid Sisters amiibo are gonna have new songs attached to them, they'll be posted on the "All Splatoon Music" thread once they are released for all our ears to enjoy! :D
  3. Shirma Akayaku

    Octolings In The Wild (This Is Bad)

    I know that Nikki (NWPlayer123) plays as the octolings using an entirely different method. The way she does it doesn't crash others games, but unfortunately other hackers don't seem to do this safe method.
  4. Shirma Akayaku

    Splatoon Plushies are coming

    I want the Squid Sisters. If they ever come to Nintendo World, I'm getting at least one of them... (it's Marie. Sorry Callie, you're getting left behind if I don't got enough money). By the way, we also need the Zapfish too. It's such an obvious thing to have, yet they don't.
  5. Shirma Akayaku

    New NA Splatfest and Inkoming Weapon!

    Going with science on this one. I love drawing art and learning science, but since I don't make art anymore, that's why I'm choosing science.
  6. Shirma Akayaku

    Ink or Sink Tournament! v.1.1b Final Version!

    I was expecting the tournament to start as soon as SrbDude got back from his vacation, but it seems like it'll be a while before that happens. I hope future tournaments won't let this kind of stuff happen. It takes too long.
  7. Shirma Akayaku

    @[492:@mario123007] Have you sent me a friend request yet? I don't think I added you.

    @[492:@mario123007] Have you sent me a friend request yet? I don't think I added you.
  8. Shirma Akayaku

    Map Discussion: Flounder Heights

    Expect a tarp to be put over that wall area.
  9. Shirma Akayaku

    IoS Messfest! v1.0 This Saturday!

    I would like this answered too. I wanna see messfest live. EDIT: Looks like someone just answered it right when I posted the question.
  10. Shirma Akayaku

    Let's talk abilites.

    Now as others pointed out, a tier list for abilities wouldn't be useful since it varies heavily in different situations, however, there are few abilities that aren't good simply because they are overshadowed by their counterpart / another ability that does a better job than its supposed to. For...
  11. Shirma Akayaku

    What Patch/Update do you want to see to improve competitive Splatoon?

    I really like most of the stuff you said (I want nearly everything you said to happen), but there are a few quirks I wanna say... I don't think having disconnected players be bots is a good idea. Unless they develop an AI good enough to maneuver around the maps and properly work, I don't see...
  12. Shirma Akayaku

    What Patch/Update do you want to see to improve competitive Splatoon?

    Oh, I get it now. Yeah, I can see what you mean by "Nintendo" custom phrases; predetermined ones. If that's the case, then I feel like they'll just add variants of the existing phrases, like having Boo-yah! / Good Job! / Nice Work!, or Come-on! / To me! / Over here!. I feel like they'd do that...
  13. Shirma Akayaku

    What Patch/Update do you want to see to improve competitive Splatoon?

    You can recovery ink quickly enough to shoot right afterwards, that's what I'm trying to get at, not hiding indefinitely behind a wall and recover ink only.
  14. Shirma Akayaku

    What Patch/Update do you want to see to improve competitive Splatoon?

    Ink Saver Sub is not as efficient as Ink Recovery Up. However, 50% is a bit much. Maybe 25% or 15% would be better, but I'm kinda indifferent to Splash Walls anyways. What I wanna see is the D-Pad command changed from "Come-on" to "To me" like in the EU versions. It makes much more sense to...
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